//OpenSCADA module BD.MySQL file: my_sql.cpp /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2021 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "my_sql.h" //************************************************ //* Modul info! * #define MOD_ID "MySQL" #define MOD_NAME _("DB MySQL") #define MOD_TYPE SDB_ID #define VER_TYPE SDB_VER #define MOD_VER "3.5.4" #define AUTHORS _("Roman Savochenko") #define DESCRIPTION _("DB module. Provides support of the DBMS MySQL.") #define MOD_LICENSE "GPL2" //************************************************ #define MYSQL_RECONNECT 0 //!!!! MySQL/MariaDB reconnect some time crashable due to a need of releasing some locks #define SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM 100 BDMySQL::BDMod *BDMySQL::mod; extern "C" { #ifdef MOD_INCL TModule::SAt bd_MySQL_module( int n_mod ) #else TModule::SAt module( int n_mod ) #endif { if(n_mod == 0) return TModule::SAt(MOD_ID, MOD_TYPE, VER_TYPE); return TModule::SAt(""); } #ifdef MOD_INCL TModule *bd_MySQL_attach( const TModule::SAt &AtMod, const string &source ) #else TModule *attach( const TModule::SAt &AtMod, const string &source ) #endif { if(AtMod == TModule::SAt(MOD_ID,MOD_TYPE,VER_TYPE)) return new BDMySQL::BDMod(source); return NULL; } } using namespace BDMySQL; //************************************************ //* BDMySQL::BDMod * //************************************************ BDMod::BDMod( string name ) : TTypeBD(MOD_ID) { mod = this; modInfoMainSet(MOD_NAME, MOD_TYPE, MOD_VER, AUTHORS, DESCRIPTION, MOD_LICENSE, name); } BDMod::~BDMod( ) { } TBD *BDMod::openBD( const string &name ) { return new MBD(name,&owner().openDB_E()); } //************************************************ //* BDMySQL::MBD * //************************************************ MBD::MBD( string iid, TElem *cf_el ) : TBD(iid, cf_el), reqCnt(0), reqCntTm(0), trOpenTm(0), connRes(true) { setAddr("localhost;root;123456;test;;;utf8"); } MBD::~MBD( ) { } void MBD::postDisable( int flag ) { TBD::postDisable(flag); if(flag && owner().fullDeleteDB()) try { MYSQL tcon; MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); if(!mysql_init(&tcon)) throw err_sys(_("Error initializing.")); my_bool reconnect = MYSQL_RECONNECT; mysql_options(&tcon, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect); if(!mysql_real_connect(&tcon,host.c_str(),user.c_str(),pass.c_str(),"",port,(u_sock.size()?u_sock.c_str():NULL),CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS)) throw err_sys(_("Error connecting to the DB: %s"), mysql_error(&tcon)); string req = "DROP DATABASE `" + bd + "`"; if(mysql_real_query(&tcon,req.c_str(),req.size())) throw err_sys(_("Error querying to the DB: %s"), mysql_error(&tcon)); mysql_close(&tcon); } catch(TError&) { } } void MBD::enable( ) { MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); //Reconnecting if(enableStat()) { mysql_close(&connect); mEn = false; //return; } //Address parse int off = 0; host = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";", &off); user = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";", &off); pass = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";", &off); bd = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";", &off); port = s2i(TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";", &off)); u_sock = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";", &off); string sets = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";", &off), stChar = TSYS::strParse(sets, 0, "-"), stColl = TSYS::strParse(sets, 1, "-"), stEngine = TSYS::strParse(sets, 2, "-"); string tms = TSYS::strParse(addr(), 0, ";" , &off); cd_pg = codePage().size() ? codePage() : Mess->charset(); //API init if(!mysql_init(&connect)) throw err_sys(_("Error initializing.")); //Timeouts parse off = 0; unsigned int tTm; if(!(tTm=s2i(TSYS::strParse(tms,0,",",&off)))) tTm = 10; mysql_options(&connect, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &tTm); if(!(tTm=s2i(TSYS::strParse(tms,0,",",&off)))) tTm = 5; mysql_options(&connect, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, &tTm); if(!(tTm=s2i(TSYS::strParse(tms,0,",",&off)))) tTm = 5; mysql_options(&connect, MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, &tTm); my_bool reconnect = MYSQL_RECONNECT; mysql_options(&connect, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect); if(!mysql_real_connect(&connect,host.c_str(),user.c_str(),pass.c_str(),"",port,(u_sock.size()?u_sock.c_str():NULL),CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS)) throw err_sys(_("Error connecting to the DB: %s"), mysql_error(&connect)); TBD::enable(); try { string tvl, req = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + TSYS::strEncode(bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`"; if(stChar.size()) req += " CHARACTER SET '"+stChar+"'"; if(stColl.size()) req += " COLLATE '"+stColl+"'"; sqlReq(req); } catch(...) { } //Sets prepare and perform // Charcode and collation if(stChar.size()) { string req = "SET NAMES '"+stChar+"'"; if(stColl.size()) req += " COLLATE '"+stColl+"'"; sqlReq(req); } // Other direct if(stEngine.size()) sqlReq("SET storage_engine='"+stEngine+"'"); } void MBD::disable( ) { MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); if(!enableStat()) return; //Last commit if(reqCnt) try{ transCommit(); } catch(...) { } TBD::disable(); mysql_close(&connect); } void MBD::allowList( vector &list ) const { if(!enableStat()) return; list.clear(); vector< vector > tbl; const_cast(this)->sqlReq("SHOW TABLES FROM `"+TSYS::strEncode(bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`", &tbl/*, false*/); for(unsigned iT = 1; iT < tbl.size(); iT++) list.push_back(tbl[iT][0]); } TTable *MBD::openTable( const string &inm, bool create ) { if(!enableStat()) throw err_sys(_("Error opening the table '%s': the DB is disabled."), inm.c_str()); if(create) sqlReq("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `"+TSYS::strEncode(bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`.`"+ TSYS::strEncode(inm, TSYS::SQL)+"` (`<>` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' PRIMARY KEY)"); //Get the table structure description and check it to presence vector< vector > tblStrct; sqlReq("DESCRIBE `" + TSYS::strEncode(bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(inm,TSYS::SQL) + "`", &tblStrct); return new MTable(inm, this, &tblStrct); } void MBD::sqlReq( const string &ireq, vector< vector > *tbl, char intoTrans ) { MYSQL_RES *res = NULL; if(!enableStat()) return; if(tbl) tbl->clear(); string req = Mess->codeConvOut(cd_pg.c_str(), ireq); MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); //!! Moved before the transaction checking for prevent the "BEGIN;" and "COMMIT;" // request's sequence breakage on high concurrency access activity if(intoTrans && intoTrans != EVAL_BOOL) transOpen(); else if(!intoTrans && reqCnt) transCommit(); int irez, eNRez, repCnt = 0; rep: if((irez=mysql_real_query(&connect,req.c_str(),req.size()))) { eNRez = mysql_errno(&connect); if(irez == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR || irez == CR_SERVER_LOST || eNRez == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR || eNRez == CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR || eNRez == CR_SERVER_LOST || eNRez == CR_CONNECTION_ERROR) { #if !MYSQL_RECONNECT //Try to reconnect if((repCnt++) < 3) try { enable(); goto rep; } catch(TError&) { } else mess_warning(nodePath().c_str(), _("Repeated errors of requesting the DB: '%s (%d)'."), mysql_error(&connect), irez); #endif //resource.unlock(); disable(); throw err_sys(_("Error connecting to the DB: '%s (%d)'!"), mysql_error(&connect), irez); } if(irez) { if(mysql_errno(&connect) == ER_NO_DB_ERROR) { //resource.unlock(); sqlReq("USE `"+TSYS::strEncode(bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`"); //resource.lock(); goto rep; } if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug) mess_sys(TMess::Debug, _("Error the query '%s': '%s (%d)'."), ireq.c_str(), mysql_error(&connect), irez); throw err_sys(_("Error querying the DB: '%s (%d)'!"), mysql_error(&connect), irez); } } do { if(!(res=mysql_store_result(&connect)) && mysql_field_count(&connect)) throw err_sys(_("Error storing the result: %s"), mysql_error(&connect)); if(res && tbl && tbl->empty()) { //Process only first statement's result int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res); MYSQL_ROW row; vector fld; //Add head for(int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) fld.push_back(mysql_fetch_field_direct(res,i)->name); tbl->push_back(fld); //Add data while((row=mysql_fetch_row(res))) { fld.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) fld.push_back(row[i]?Mess->codeConvIn(cd_pg.c_str(),row[i]):DB_NULL); tbl->push_back(fld); } } if(res) mysql_free_result(res); if((irez=mysql_next_result(&connect)) > 0) throw err_sys(_("Could not execute statement: %s"), mysql_error(&connect)); } while(irez == 0); } void MBD::transOpen( ) { //Check for limit into one trinsaction if(reqCnt > 1000) transCommit(); connRes.lock(); bool begin = !reqCnt; if(begin) trOpenTm = TSYS::curTime(); reqCnt++; reqCntTm = TSYS::curTime(); connRes.unlock(); if(begin) sqlReq("BEGIN;"); } void MBD::transCommit( ) { connRes.lock(); bool commit = reqCnt; reqCnt = reqCntTm = 0; connRes.unlock(); if(commit) sqlReq("COMMIT;"); } void MBD::transCloseCheck( ) { if(enableStat() && reqCnt && ((TSYS::curTime()-reqCntTm) > 1e6*trTm_ClsOnReq() || (TSYS::curTime()-trOpenTm) > 1e6*trTm_ClsOnOpen())) transCommit(); if(!enableStat() && toEnable()) enable(); } void MBD::cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ) { //Get page info if(opt->name() == "info") { TBD::cntrCmdProc(opt); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/ADDR",EVAL_STR,enableStat()?R_R___:RWRW__,"root",SDB_ID,1,"help", _("MySQL DBMS address must be written as: \"{host};{user};{pass};{db};{port}[;{u_sock}[;{charset-collation-engine}[;{tms}]]]\".\n" "Where:\n" " host - hostname on which the DBMS server MySQL works;\n" " user - user name of the DB;\n" " pass - password of the user for accessing the DB;\n" " db - name of the DB;\n" " port - port, which listening by the DBMS server (default 3306);\n" " u_sock - UNIX-socket name, for local accessing to the DBMS (/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock);\n" " charset-collation-engine - DB charset, collation and storage engine for CREATE DATABASE and SET;\n" " tms - MySQL timeouts in the form \"{connect},{read},{write}\" and in seconds.\n" "For local DBMS: \";user;password;OpenSCADA;;/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock;utf8-utf8_general_ci-MyISAM;5,2,2\".\n" "For remote DBMS: \"server.nm.org;user;password;OpenSCADA;3306\".")); if(reqCnt) ctrMkNode("comm",opt,-1,"/prm/st/end_tr",_("Close opened transaction"),RWRW__,"root",SDB_ID); return; } //Process command to page string a_path = opt->attr("path"); if(a_path == "/prm/st/end_tr" && ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root",SDB_ID,SEC_WR) && reqCnt) transCommit(); else TBD::cntrCmdProc(opt); } //************************************************ //* MBDMySQL::Table * //************************************************ MTable::MTable( string name, MBD *iown, vector< vector > *itblStrct ) : TTable(name) { setNodePrev(iown); try { //Get the table structure description if(itblStrct) tblStrct = *itblStrct; else owner().sqlReq("DESCRIBE `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name,TSYS::SQL) + "`", &tblStrct); //req = "SELECT * FROM `"+TSYS::strEncode(name,TSYS::SQL)+"` LIMIT 0,1"; //owner().sqlReq(req); } catch(...) { } } MTable::~MTable( ) { } bool MTable::isEmpty( ) { return tblStrct.empty() || tblStrct[1][0] == "<>"; } void MTable::postDisable( int flag ) { owner().transCommit(); if(flag) try { owner().sqlReq("DROP TABLE `"+TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`.`"+TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL)+"`"); } catch(TError &err) { mess_warning(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); } } MBD &MTable::owner( ) const { return (MBD&)TTable::owner(); } void MTable::fieldStruct( TConfig &cfg ) { if(tblStrct.empty()) throw err_sys(_("Table is empty!")); mLstUse = SYS->sysTm(); for(unsigned iFld = 1; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) { int pr1, pr2; string sid = tblStrct[iFld][0]; if(cfg.cfgPresent(sid)) continue; int flg = (tblStrct[iFld][3]=="PRI") ? (int)TCfg::Key : (int)TFld::NoFlag; /*if(tblStrct[iFld][1] == "tinyint(1)") cfg.elem().fldAdd( new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::Boolean,flg,"1") ); else */ if(sscanf(tblStrct[iFld][1].c_str(),"char(%d)",&pr1) || sscanf(tblStrct[iFld][1].c_str(),"varchar(%d)",&pr1)) cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::String,flg,i2s(pr1).c_str())); else if(tblStrct[iFld][1] == "text") cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::String,flg,"65535")); else if(tblStrct[iFld][1] == "mediumtext") cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::String,flg,"16777215")); else if(tblStrct[iFld][1] == "int") cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::Integer,flg)); else if(sscanf(tblStrct[iFld][1].c_str(),"int(%d)",&pr1) || sscanf(tblStrct[iFld][1].c_str(),"tinyint(%d)",&pr1) || sscanf(tblStrct[iFld][1].c_str(),"bigint(%d)",&pr1)) cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::Integer,flg,i2s(pr1).c_str())); else if(tblStrct[iFld][1] == "double") cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::Real,flg)); else if(sscanf(tblStrct[iFld][1].c_str(),"double(%d,%d)",&pr1,&pr2)) cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::Real,flg,(i2s(pr1)+"."+i2s(pr2)).c_str())); else if(tblStrct[iFld][1] == "datetime") cfg.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(sid.c_str(),sid.c_str(),TFld::Integer,flg|TFld::DateTimeDec,"10")); } } bool MTable::fieldSeek( int row, TConfig &cfg, const string &cacheKey ) { if(tblStrct.empty()) throw err_sys(_("Table is empty!")); mLstUse = SYS->sysTm(); cfg.cfgToDefault(); //reset the not key and viewed fields //Check for no present and no empty keys allow if(row == 0) { vector cf_el; cfg.cfgList(cf_el); for(unsigned iC = 0; iC < cf_el.size(); iC++) { TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[iC]); if(!cf.isKey() || !cf.getS().size()) continue; unsigned iFld = 1; for( ; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) if(cf.name() == tblStrct[iFld][0]) break; if(iFld >= tblStrct.size()) return false; } } string sid; //Make SELECT and WHERE string req = "SELECT "; string req_where = "WHERE "; //Add use keys to list bool first_sel = true, next = false, trPresent = false; for(unsigned iFld = 1; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) { sid = tblStrct[iFld][0]; TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true); if(!u_cfg && !Mess->translDyn() && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0) { u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3), true); if(u_cfg && !(u_cfg->fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText)) continue; trPresent = true; } if(!u_cfg) continue; if(u_cfg->isKey() && u_cfg->keyUse()) { req_where += (next?"AND `":"`") + TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL) + "`=" + getVal(*u_cfg) + " "; next = true; } else if(u_cfg->isKey() || u_cfg->view()) { req += (first_sel?"`":",`") + TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL) + "`"; first_sel = false; } } vector< vector > inTbl, *tbl = &inTbl; MtxAlloc res(owner().connRes); if(cacheKey.size()) { res.lock(); tbl = &seekSess[cacheKey]; } //Request if(!cacheKey.size() || !tbl->size() || (row%SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM) == 0) { if(first_sel) return false; req += " FROM `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "` " + ((next)?req_where:""); if(!cacheKey.size()) req += " LIMIT " + i2s(row) + ",1"; else req += " LIMIT " + i2s((row/SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM)*SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM) + "," + i2s(SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM); tbl->clear(); owner().sqlReq(req, tbl, false); } row = cacheKey.size() ? (row%SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM)+1 : 1; if(tbl->size() < 2 || (cacheKey.size() && row >= (int)tbl->size())) { if(cacheKey.size()) seekSess.erase(cacheKey); return false; } //Processing of the query for(unsigned iFld = 0; iFld < (*tbl)[0].size(); iFld++) { sid = (*tbl)[0][iFld]; TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true); if(u_cfg) setVal(*u_cfg, (*tbl)[row][iFld]); else if(trPresent && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0 && (*tbl)[row][iFld].size() && (u_cfg=cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true))) setVal(*u_cfg, (*tbl)[row][iFld], true); } return true; } void MTable::fieldGet( TConfig &cfg ) { vector< vector > tbl; if(tblStrct.empty()) throw err_sys(_("Table is empty!")); mLstUse = SYS->sysTm(); string sid; //Prepare request string req = "SELECT "; string req_where, first_key; // Add fields list to queue bool first_sel = true, next_wr = false, trPresent = false; for(unsigned iFld = 1; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) { sid = tblStrct[iFld][0]; TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true); if(!u_cfg && !Mess->translDyn() && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0) { u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3), true); if(u_cfg && !(u_cfg->fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText)) continue; trPresent = true; } if(!u_cfg) continue; if(u_cfg->isKey()) { req_where += (next_wr?"AND `":"`") + TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL) + "`=" + getVal(*u_cfg) + " "; if(first_key.empty()) first_key = TSYS::strEncode(sid, TSYS::SQL); next_wr = true; } else if(u_cfg->view()) { req += (first_sel?"`":",`") + TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL) + "`"; first_sel = false; } } if(first_sel) req += "`"+first_key+"`"; req += " FROM `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "` WHERE " + req_where; //Query owner().sqlReq(req, &tbl, false); if(tbl.size() < 2) throw err_sys(_("The row \"%s\" is not present. Are you saved the object?"), req_where.c_str()); //Processing of query for(unsigned iFld = 0; iFld < tbl[0].size(); iFld++) { sid = tbl[0][iFld]; TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true); if(u_cfg) setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[1][iFld]); else if(trPresent && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0 && tbl[1][iFld].size() && (u_cfg=cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true))) setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[1][iFld], true); } } void MTable::fieldSet( TConfig &cfg ) { vector< vector > tbl; if(tblStrct.empty()) throw err_sys(_("Table is empty!")); mLstUse = SYS->sysTm(); string sid, sval; //Get config fields list vector cf_el; cfg.cfgList(cf_el); //Check for translation present bool trPresent = Mess->translCfg(), trDblDef = false; for(unsigned iFld = 1; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) { if(trPresent && (!Mess->translCfg() || trDblDef)) break; sid = tblStrct[iFld][0]; if(sid.size() > 3) { if(!trPresent && !Mess->translDyn() && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0) trPresent = true; if(Mess->lang2Code() == Mess->lang2CodeBase() && !trDblDef && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2CodeBase()+"#") == 0) trDblDef = true; } } if(trDblDef && !cfg.reqKeys()) fieldFix(cfg, trPresent); //Get present fields list string req_where = "WHERE "; // Add key list to query bool next = false, noKeyFld = false, isForceUpdt = cfg.reqKeys(); //Force update by ReqKeys or reqKey() present for(unsigned i_el = 0; i_el < cf_el.size(); i_el++) { TCfg &u_cfg = cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_el]); if(!u_cfg.isKey()) continue; req_where += (next?"AND `":"`") + TSYS::strEncode(cf_el[i_el],TSYS::SQL) + "`=" + getVal(u_cfg,TCfg::ExtValTwo) + " "; next = true; if(!isForceUpdt && u_cfg.extVal()) isForceUpdt = true; // Check for no key fields if(noKeyFld) continue; unsigned iFld = 1; for( ; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) if(u_cfg.name() == tblStrct[iFld][0]) break; if(iFld >= tblStrct.size()) noKeyFld = true; } if(noKeyFld) { if(cfg.reqKeys()) return; fieldFix(cfg, trPresent); } //Prepare query // Try for get already present field string req; if(!isForceUpdt) { req = "SELECT 1 FROM `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "` " + req_where; owner().sqlReq(req, &tbl, true); if(tbl.size() < 2) { // Add new record req = "INSERT INTO `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "` "; string ins_name, ins_value; next = false; for(unsigned i_el = 0; i_el < cf_el.size(); i_el++) { TCfg &u_cfg = cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_el]); if(!u_cfg.isKey() && !u_cfg.view()) continue; bool isTransl = (u_cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText && trPresent && !u_cfg.noTransl()); ins_name += (next?",`":"`") + TSYS::strEncode(cf_el[i_el],TSYS::SQL) + "` " + (isTransl ? (",`"+TSYS::strEncode(Mess->lang2Code()+"#"+cf_el[i_el],TSYS::SQL)+"` ") : ""); sval = getVal(u_cfg); ins_value += (next?",":"") + sval + " " + (isTransl?(","+sval+" "):""); next = true; } req += "(" + ins_name + ") VALUES (" + ins_value + ")"; } else isForceUpdt = true; } if(isForceUpdt) { // Update present record req = "UPDATE `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "` SET "; next = false; for(unsigned i_el = 0; i_el < cf_el.size(); i_el++) { TCfg &u_cfg = cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_el]); if((u_cfg.isKey() && !u_cfg.extVal()) || !u_cfg.view()) continue; bool isTransl = (u_cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText && trPresent && !u_cfg.noTransl()); sid = isTransl ? (Mess->lang2Code()+"#"+cf_el[i_el]) : cf_el[i_el]; sval = getVal(u_cfg); req += (next?",`":"`") + TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL) + "`=" + sval + " "; next = true; } req += req_where; } //Query try { owner().sqlReq(req, NULL, true); } catch(TError &err) { fieldFix(cfg, trPresent); owner().sqlReq(req, NULL, true); } } void MTable::fieldDel( TConfig &cfg ) { if(tblStrct.empty()) return; mLstUse = SYS->sysTm(); //Where prepare string req_where = "WHERE "; bool next = false; for(unsigned iFld = 1; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) { string sid = tblStrct[iFld][0]; TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true); if(u_cfg && u_cfg->isKey() && u_cfg->keyUse()) { req_where += (next?"AND `":"`") + TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL) + "`=" + getVal(*u_cfg) + " "; next = true; } } //Main request try { owner().sqlReq("DELETE FROM `"+TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`.`"+ TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL)+"` "+req_where, NULL, true); } catch(TError &err) { //Check for present vector< vector > tbl; owner().sqlReq("SELECT 1 FROM `"+TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`.`"+ TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL)+"` "+req_where, &tbl, true); if(tbl.size() < 2) return; } } void MTable::fieldFix( TConfig &cfg, bool trPresent ) { bool next = false, next_key = false; if(tblStrct.empty()) throw err_sys(_("Table is empty!")); bool appMode = cfg.reqKeys() || (cfg.incomplTblStruct() && !isEmpty()), //Only for append no present fields isVarTextTransl = trPresent || Mess->translCfg(); //Get config fields list vector cf_el; cfg.cfgList(cf_el); //Prepare request for fix structure string req = "ALTER TABLE `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "` "; if(!appMode) req += "DROP PRIMARY KEY, "; string pr_keys; int keyCnt = 0; for(unsigned iCf = 0, iFld; iCf < cf_el.size(); iCf++) { TCfg &u_cfg = cfg.cfg(cf_el[iCf]); // Check primary key if(u_cfg.fld().flg()&TCfg::Key && !appMode) { pr_keys += (next_key?",`":"`") + TSYS::strEncode(u_cfg.name(),TSYS::SQL) + "`"; next_key = true; keyCnt++; } for(iFld = 1; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) if(cf_el[iCf] == tblStrct[iFld][0]) break; // Change field string f_tp; if(iFld < tblStrct.size() && !appMode) { switch(u_cfg.fld().type()) { case TFld::String: if(u_cfg.fld().len() < 256 || u_cfg.fld().flg()&TCfg::Key) f_tp = "varchar(" + i2s(vmax(1,vmin(/*(u_cfg.fld().flg()&TCfg::Key)?(333/(2*keyCnt)):*/255,u_cfg.fld().len()))) + ")"; else if(u_cfg.fld().len() < 65536) f_tp = "text"; else f_tp = "mediumtext"; break; case TFld::Integer: if(u_cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::DateTimeDec) f_tp = "datetime"; else if(!u_cfg.fld().len()) f_tp = "bigint"; else f_tp = "int(" + i2s(vmax(1,u_cfg.fld().len())) + ")"; break; case TFld::Real: if(!u_cfg.fld().len()) f_tp = "double"; else f_tp = "double(" + i2s(vmax(3,u_cfg.fld().len())) + "," + i2s(vmax(2,u_cfg.fld().dec())) + ")"; break; case TFld::Boolean: f_tp = "tinyint(1)"; break; default: break; } if(tblStrct[iFld][1] != f_tp) { req += (next?",CHANGE `":"CHANGE `") + TSYS::strEncode(cf_el[iCf],TSYS::SQL) + "` `" + TSYS::strEncode(cf_el[iCf],TSYS::SQL) + "` "; next = true; fieldPrmSet(u_cfg, (iCf>0)?cf_el[iCf-1]:"", req, keyCnt); } } // Add field else if(iFld >= tblStrct.size()) { req += (next?",ADD `":"ADD `") + TSYS::strEncode(cf_el[iCf],TSYS::SQL) + "` "; next = true; fieldPrmSet(u_cfg, (iCf>0)?cf_el[iCf-1]:"", req, keyCnt); } //Check other languages if((u_cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText) && !u_cfg.noTransl()) { bool col_cur = false; for(unsigned iC = iFld; iC < tblStrct.size(); iC++) if(tblStrct[iC][0].size() > 3 && tblStrct[iC][0].substr(2) == ("#"+cf_el[iCf])) { if(tblStrct[iC][1] != f_tp && !appMode) { req += (next?",CHANGE `":"CHANGE `") + TSYS::strEncode(tblStrct[iC][0],TSYS::SQL) + "` `" + TSYS::strEncode(tblStrct[iC][0],TSYS::SQL) + "` "; next = true; fieldPrmSet(u_cfg, (iCf>0)?cf_el[iCf-1]:"", req, keyCnt); } if(tblStrct[iC][0].compare(0,2,Mess->lang2Code()) == 0) col_cur = true; } if(!col_cur && isVarTextTransl) { req += (next?",ADD `":"ADD `") + TSYS::strEncode(Mess->lang2Code()+"#"+cf_el[iCf],TSYS::SQL) + "` "; next = true; fieldPrmSet(u_cfg, (iCf>0)?cf_el[iCf-1]:"", req, keyCnt); } } } //DROP fields for(unsigned iFld = 1, iCf; iFld < tblStrct.size() && !appMode; iFld++) { for(iCf = 0; iCf < cf_el.size(); iCf++) if(cf_el[iCf] == tblStrct[iFld][0] || ((cfg.cfg(cf_el[iCf]).fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText) && !cfg.cfg(cf_el[iCf]).noTransl() && tblStrct[iFld][0].size() > 3 && tblStrct[iFld][0].substr(2) == ("#"+cf_el[iCf]) && tblStrct[iFld][0].compare(0,2,Mess->lang2CodeBase()) != 0)) break; if(iCf >= cf_el.size()) { req += (next?",DROP `":"DROP `") + TSYS::strEncode(tblStrct[iFld][0],TSYS::SQL) + "` "; next = true; } } if(pr_keys.size()) req += ",ADD PRIMARY KEY (" + pr_keys + ") "; if(next) { try { owner().sqlReq(req, NULL, false); } catch(TError&) { //An error possible at creating already presented columns, so try to update the table structure information before owner().sqlReq("DESCRIBE `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "`", &tblStrct, false); owner().sqlReq(req, NULL, false); } //Updating structure information of the table owner().sqlReq("DESCRIBE `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL) + "`", &tblStrct, false); } } void MTable::fieldPrmSet( TCfg &cfg, const string &last, string &req, int keyCnt ) { //Type param switch(cfg.fld().type()) { case TFld::String: if((cfg.fld().len() && cfg.fld().len() < 256) || cfg.fld().flg()&TCfg::Key) req += "varchar(" + i2s(vmax(1,vmin(/*(cfg.fld().flg()&TCfg::Key)?(333/(2*keyCnt)):*/255,cfg.fld().len()))) + ") " + ((cfg.fld().flg()&TCfg::Key)?"BINARY ":" ") + ((cfg.fld().def() == EVAL_STR) ? "DEFAULT NULL " : "NOT NULL DEFAULT '"+TSYS::strEncode(cfg.fld().def(),TSYS::SQL)+"' "); // Due to "BLOB/TEXT can't have a default value (1)" else if(cfg.fld().len() < 65536) req += string("text "); //+ ((cfg.fld().def() == EVAL_STR) ? "DEFAULT NULL " : "NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); else req += string("mediumtext ");// + ((cfg.fld().def() == EVAL_STR) ? "DEFAULT NULL " : "NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); break; case TFld::Integer: if(cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::DateTimeDec) req += "datetime " + ((s2ll(cfg.fld().def())==EVAL_INT)?"DEFAULT NULL ":"NOT NULL DEFAULT '"+UTCtoSQL(s2ll(cfg.fld().def()))+"' "); else if(!cfg.fld().len()) req += "bigint " + ((s2ll(cfg.fld().def())==EVAL_INT)?"DEFAULT NULL ":"NOT NULL DEFAULT '"+ll2s(s2ll(cfg.fld().def()))+"' "); else req += "int(" + i2s(vmax(1,cfg.fld().len())) + ") " + ((s2ll(cfg.fld().def())==EVAL_INT)?"DEFAULT NULL ":"NOT NULL DEFAULT '"+ll2s(s2ll(cfg.fld().def()))+"' "); break; case TFld::Real: if(!cfg.fld().len()) req += "double "; else req += "double(" + i2s(vmax(3,cfg.fld().len())) + "," + i2s(vmax(2,cfg.fld().dec())) + ") "; req += ((s2r(cfg.fld().def())==EVAL_REAL)?"DEFAULT NULL ":"NOT NULL DEFAULT '"+r2s(s2r(cfg.fld().def()))+"' "); break; case TFld::Boolean: req += "tinyint(1) " + ((s2i(cfg.fld().def())==EVAL_BOOL)?"DEFAULT NULL ":"NOT NULL DEFAULT '"+i2s(s2i(cfg.fld().def()))+"' "); break; default: break; } //Position param //if(last.size()) req += "AFTER `"+last+"` "; } string MTable::getVal( TCfg &cfg, uint8_t RqFlg ) { string rez = cfg.getS(RqFlg); if(rez == EVAL_STR) return "NULL"; if(cfg.fld().type() == TFld::String) { if(Mess->translDyn() && (cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText)) rez = trL(rez, Mess->lang2Code()); rez = "'" + TSYS::strEncode(rez /*((cfg.fld().len()>0)?rez.substr(0,cfg.fld().len()):rez)*/, TSYS::SQL) + "'"; } else if(cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::DateTimeDec) rez = "'" + UTCtoSQL(s2i(rez)) + "'"; return rez; } void MTable::setVal( TCfg &cf, const string &ival, bool tr ) { string val = (ival==DB_NULL) ? EVAL_STR : ival; switch(cf.fld().type()) { case TFld::Integer: if(cf.fld().flg()&TFld::DateTimeDec) cf.setI(SQLtoUTC(val)); else cf.setS(val); break; case TFld::String: if(!cf.extVal()) { if(!tr || (cf.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText && !cf.noTransl())) cf.setS(val); if(!tr && cf.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText && !cf.noTransl()) Mess->translReg(val, "db:"+fullDBName()+"#"+cf.name()); } else { if(!tr) { cf.setS(val, TCfg::ExtValOne); cf.setS("", TCfg::ExtValTwo); //!! Sets for clean up from previous Two value cf.setS("db:"+fullDBName()+"#"+cf.name(), TCfg::ExtValThree); } else cf.setS(val, TCfg::ExtValTwo); } break; default: cf.setS(val); break; } } string MTable::UTCtoSQL( time_t val ) { char buf[255]; struct tm tm_tm; //localtime_r(&val,&tm_tm); gmtime_r(&val, &tm_tm); int rez = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm_tm); return (rez>0) ? string(buf,rez) : ""; } time_t MTable::SQLtoUTC( const string &val ) { struct tm stm; strptime(val.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &stm); //return mktime(&stm); return timegm(&stm); }