//OpenSCADA module BD.ODBC file: odbc.cpp /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015-2016,2020 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "odbc.h" //************************************************ //* Modul info! * #define MOD_ID "ODBC" #define MOD_NAME _("DB by ODBC") #define MOD_TYPE SDB_ID #define VER_TYPE SDB_VER #define MOD_VER "0.2.9" #define AUTHORS _("Roman Savochenko") #define DESCRIPTION _("BD module. Provides support of different databases by the ODBC connectors and drivers to the databases.") #define MOD_LICENSE "GPL2" //************************************************ BD_ODBC::BDMod *BD_ODBC::mod; //Pointer for direct access to the module extern "C" { #ifdef MOD_INCL TModule::SAt bd_ODBC_module( int n_mod ) #else TModule::SAt module( int n_mod ) #endif { if(n_mod == 0) return TModule::SAt(MOD_ID, MOD_TYPE, VER_TYPE); return TModule::SAt(""); } #ifdef MOD_INCL TModule *bd_ODBC_attach( const TModule::SAt &AtMod, const string &source ) #else TModule *attach( const TModule::SAt &AtMod, const string &source ) #endif { if(AtMod == TModule::SAt(MOD_ID,MOD_TYPE,VER_TYPE)) return new BD_ODBC::BDMod(source); return NULL; } } using namespace BD_ODBC; //************************************************ //* BD_ODBC::BDMod * //************************************************ BDMod::BDMod(string name) : TTypeBD(MOD_ID) { mod = this; modInfoMainSet(MOD_NAME, MOD_TYPE, MOD_VER, AUTHORS, DESCRIPTION, MOD_LICENSE, name); } BDMod::~BDMod( ) { } TBD *BDMod::openBD( const string &name ) { return new MBD(name, &owner().openDB_E()); } //************************************************ //* BD_ODBC::MBD * //************************************************ MBD::MBD( string iid, TElem *cf_el ) : TBD(iid, cf_el), henv(SQL_NULL_HANDLE), hdbc(SQL_NULL_HANDLE), hstmt(SQL_NULL_HANDLE), reqCnt(0), reqCntTm(0), trOpenTm(0), connRes(true) { } MBD::~MBD( ) { } void MBD::postDisable( int flag ) { TBD::postDisable(flag); if(flag && owner().fullDeleteDB()) { MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); } } string MBD::errors( ) { MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); string rez; SQLTCHAR sqlstate[15]; SQLINTEGER native_error = 0; SQLTCHAR buf[512]; #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) while(hstmt) { if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLError(henv,hdbc,hstmt,sqlstate,&native_error,buf,sizeof(buf),NULL))) break; rez += TSYS::strMess("%s (%ld) SQLSTATE=%s; ", buf, (long)native_error, sqlstate); } while(hdbc) { if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLError(henv,hdbc,SQL_NULL_HSTMT,sqlstate,&native_error,buf,sizeof(buf),NULL))) break; rez += TSYS::strMess("%s (%ld) SQLSTATE=%s; ", buf, (long)native_error, sqlstate); } while(henv) { if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLError(henv,SQL_NULL_HDBC,SQL_NULL_HSTMT,sqlstate,&native_error,buf,sizeof(buf),NULL))) break; rez += TSYS::strMess("%s (%ld) SQLSTATE=%s; ", buf, (long)native_error, sqlstate); } #else for(int i = 0; hstmt && i < 5; ) { if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,hstmt,++i,sqlstate,&native_error,buf,sizeof(buf),NULL))) break; rez += TSYS::strMess("%d = %s (%ld) SQLSTATE=%s; ", i, buf, (long)native_error, sqlstate); } for(int i = 0; hdbc && i < 5; ) { if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,hdbc,++i,sqlstate,&native_error,buf,sizeof(buf),NULL))) break; rez += TSYS::strMess("%d = %s (%ld) SQLSTATE=%s; ", i, buf, (long)native_error, sqlstate); } for(int i = 0; henv && i < 5; ) { if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV,henv,++i,sqlstate,&native_error,buf,sizeof(buf),NULL))) break; rez += TSYS::strMess("%d = %s (%ld) SQLSTATE=%s; ", i, buf, (long)native_error, sqlstate); } #endif return rez; } string MBD::errState( ) { MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); SQLTCHAR sqlstate[15] = ""; #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) if(hstmt && !sqlstate[0]) SQLError(henv, hdbc, hstmt, sqlstate, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); if(hdbc && !sqlstate[0]) SQLError(henv, hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT, sqlstate, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); if(henv && !sqlstate[0]) SQLError(henv, SQL_NULL_HDBC, SQL_NULL_HSTMT, sqlstate, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); #else if(hstmt && !sqlstate[0]) SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, 1, sqlstate, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); if(hdbc && !sqlstate[0]) SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, 1, sqlstate, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); if(henv && !sqlstate[0]) SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv, 1, sqlstate, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); #endif return (char*)sqlstate; } void MBD::enable( ) { MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); if(enableStat()) return; short buflen; try { #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) if(SQLAllocEnv(&henv) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw err_sys("SQLAllocEnv: %s", errors().c_str()); if(SQLAllocConnect(henv,&hdbc) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw err_sys("SQLAllocConnect: %s", errors().c_str()); #else if(SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV,NULL,&henv) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw err_sys("SQLAllocHandle: %s", errors().c_str()); SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (SQLPOINTER)SQL_OV_ODBC3, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); if(SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,henv,&hdbc) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw err_sys("SQLAllocHandle: %s", errors().c_str()); #endif //Set the application name SQLSetConnectOption(hdbc, SQL_APPLICATION_NAME, (SQLULEN)PACKAGE_NAME ".BD." MOD_ID); //The version number of the driver manager SQLTCHAR driverInfo[255]; if(SQLGetInfo(hdbc,SQL_DM_VER,driverInfo,sizeof(driverInfo),NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) printf("Driver Manager: %s\n", driverInfo); //Real connect if(SQLDriverConnect(hdbc,0,(SQLCHAR*)addr().c_str(),SQL_NTS,(SQLCHAR*)outdsn,sizeof(outdsn)/sizeof(SQLTCHAR),&buflen,SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw err_sys("SQLDriverConnect: %s", errors().c_str()); //The version number and name of the driver if(SQLGetInfo(hdbc,SQL_DRIVER_VER,driverInfo,sizeof(driverInfo),NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) { printf ("Driver: %s", driverInfo); if(SQLGetInfo(hdbc,SQL_DRIVER_NAME,driverInfo,sizeof(driverInfo),NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) printf(" (%s)", driverInfo); printf("\n"); } //Allocate statement handle #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) if(SQLAllocStmt(hdbc,&hstmt) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw err_sys("SQLAllocStmt: %s", errors().c_str()); #else if(SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,hdbc,&hstmt) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw err_sys("SQLAllocHandle: %s", errors().c_str()); #endif TBD::enable(); } catch(TError&) { disable(); throw; } } void MBD::disable( ) { MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); //Last commit if(reqCnt) try{ transCommit(); } catch(...) { } TBD::disable(); #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) if(hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); if(hdbc) { SQLDisconnect(hdbc); SQLFreeConnect(hdbc); } if(henv) SQLFreeEnv(henv); #else if(hstmt) { SQLCloseCursor(hstmt); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); } if(hdbc) { SQLDisconnect(hdbc); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc); } if(henv) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv); #endif hstmt = hdbc = henv = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; } void MBD::allowList( vector &list ) const { if(!enableStat()) return; list.clear(); vector< vector > tbl; const_cast(this)->sqlReq("tables", &tbl, false); for(unsigned i_t = 1; i_t < tbl.size(); i_t++) if(tbl[i_t].size() >= 4 && tbl[i_t][3] == "TABLE") list.push_back(tbl[i_t][2]); } TTable *MBD::openTable( const string &inm, bool create ) { if(!enableStat()) throw err_sys(_("Error open table '%s'. DB is disabled."), inm.c_str()); //if(create) owner().sqlReq("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `"+TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`.`"+ // TSYS::strEncode(inm,TSYS::SQL)+"` (`<>` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' PRIMARY KEY)"); //Get the table structure description and check for it presence vector< vector > tblStrct; //sqlReq("DESCRIBE `" + TSYS::strEncode(bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(inm,TSYS::SQL) + "`", &tblStrct); return new MTable(inm, this, &tblStrct); } void MBD::transOpen( ) { //Check for limit into one trinsaction if(reqCnt > 1000) transCommit(); connRes.lock(); bool begin = !reqCnt; if(begin) trOpenTm = SYS->sysTm(); reqCnt++; reqCntTm = SYS->sysTm(); connRes.unlock(); if(begin) sqlReq("BEGIN;"); } void MBD::transCommit( ) { connRes.lock(); bool commit = reqCnt; reqCnt = reqCntTm = 0; connRes.unlock(); if(commit) sqlReq("COMMIT;"); } void MBD::transCloseCheck( ) { if(enableStat() && reqCnt && ((SYS->sysTm()-reqCntTm) > 60 || (SYS->sysTm()-trOpenTm) > 10*60)) transCommit(); if(!enableStat() && toEnable()) enable(); } void MBD::sqlReq( const string &req, vector< vector > *tbl, char intoTrans ) { if(tbl) tbl->clear(); if(!enableStat()) return; if(intoTrans && intoTrans != EVAL_BOOL) transOpen(); else if(!intoTrans && reqCnt) transCommit(); MtxAlloc resource(connRes, true); string err; try { SQLRETURN sts; SQLTCHAR fBuf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; SQLSMALLINT numCols, colType, colScale, colNullable; SQLLEN colIndicator; SQLULEN colPrecision; if(req == "tables") { if(SQLTables(hstmt,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "SQLTables(tables): %s", errors().c_str()); } else if(req == "qualifiers") { if(SQLTables(hstmt,(SQLCHAR*)("%"),SQL_NTS,(SQLCHAR*)(""),0,(SQLCHAR*)(""),0,(SQLCHAR*)(""),0) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "SQLTables(owners): %s", errors().c_str()); } else if(req == "owners") { if(SQLTables(hstmt,(SQLCHAR*)(""),0,(SQLCHAR*)(""),0,(SQLCHAR*)(""),0,(SQLCHAR*)("%"),SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "SQLTables(types): %s", errors().c_str()); } else if(req == "datatypes") { if(SQLGetTypeInfo(hstmt,0) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "SQLGetTypeInfo: %s", errors().c_str()); } else { //Prepare & Execute the statement if(SQLPrepare(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)Mess->codeConvOut(codePage().c_str(),req).c_str(),SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "SQLPrepare: %s", errors().c_str()); if((sts=SQLExecute(hstmt)) != SQL_SUCCESS && sts != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) //!!!! Get details for SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO about RO and other throw TError("", "SQLExecute: %s", errors().c_str()); } //Result processing if(SQLNumResultCols(hstmt,&numCols) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "SQLNumResultCols: %s", errors().c_str()); if(numCols) { // Get the names for the columns vector row; for(short colNum = 0; colNum < numCols; colNum++) { if(SQLDescribeCol(hstmt,colNum+1,(SQLTCHAR*)fBuf,sizeof(fBuf)/sizeof(SQLTCHAR),NULL,&colType,&colPrecision,&colScale,&colNullable) != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "SQLDescribeCol: %s", errors().c_str()); row.push_back((char*)fBuf); } tbl->push_back(row); // Get all the fields while(true) { #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) sts = SQLFetch(hstmt); #else sts = SQLFetchScroll(hstmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1); #endif if(sts == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) break; if(sts != SQL_SUCCESS) throw TError("", "Fetch: %s", errors().c_str()); row.clear(); for(short colNum = 0; colNum < numCols; colNum++) { // Fetch this column as character row.push_back(""); do { sts = SQLGetData(hstmt, colNum+1, SQL_C_CHAR, fBuf, sizeof(fBuf)/sizeof(SQLTCHAR), &colIndicator); if(sts != SQL_SUCCESS && sts != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) throw TError("", "SQLGetData: %s", errors().c_str()); if(colIndicator != SQL_NULL_DATA) row.back() += (char*)fBuf; } while(sts == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO && errState() == "01004"); } tbl->push_back(row); } } //if(sts == SQL_ERROR) throw err_sys("SQLMoreResults: %s", errors().c_str()); //!!!! Only single result support !!!! } catch(TError &ier) { err = ier.mess; } #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE); #else SQLCloseCursor(hstmt); #endif if(err.size()) throw err_sys("%s", err.c_str()); } void MBD::cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ) { //Get page info if(opt->name() == "info") { TBD::cntrCmdProc(opt); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/prm/cfg/ADDR",EVAL_STR,enableStat()?R_R___:RWRW__,"root",SDB_ID,1, "help",_("!!! Type here the help information about the db address of your module")); if(reqCnt) ctrMkNode("comm",opt,-1,"/prm/st/end_tr",_("Close opened transaction"),RWRWRW,"root",SDB_ID); return; } //Process command to page string a_path = opt->attr("path"); if(a_path == "/prm/st/end_tr" && ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWRW,"root",SDB_ID,SEC_WR) && reqCnt) transCommit(); else TBD::cntrCmdProc(opt); } //************************************************ //* BD_ODBC::Table * //************************************************ MTable::MTable( string name, MBD *iown, vector< vector > *itblStrct ) : TTable(name) { setNodePrev(iown); //Get table structure description /*try { if(itblStrct) tblStrct = *itblStrct; else owner().sqlReq("DESCRIBE `" + TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL) + "`.`" + TSYS::strEncode(name,TSYS::SQL) + "`", &tblStrct); } catch(...) { }*/ } MTable::~MTable( ) { } void MTable::postDisable( int flag ) { owner().transCommit(); /*if(flag) try { owner().sqlReq("DROP TABLE `"+TSYS::strEncode(owner().bd,TSYS::SQL)+"`.`"+TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL)+"`"); } catch(TError err) { mess_warning(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); }*/ } MBD &MTable::owner( ) const { return (MBD&)TTable::owner(); } /*void MTable::getStructDB( string name, vector< vector > &tblStrct ) { //Get generic data structure owner().transCommit(); // Calculate the display width for the column switch(colType) { case SQL_VARCHAR: case SQL_CHAR: case SQL_WVARCHAR: case SQL_WCHAR: case SQL_GUID: dispWdts[colNum] = colPrecision; break; case SQL_BINARY: dispWdts[colNum] = colPrecision * 2; break; case SQL_LONGVARCHAR: case SQL_WLONGVARCHAR: case SQL_LONGVARBINARY: dispWdts[colNum] = 30; break; // show only first 30 case SQL_BIT: dispWdts[colNum] = 1; break; case SQL_TINYINT: case SQL_SMALLINT: case SQL_INTEGER: case SQL_BIGINT: dispWdts[colNum] = colPrecision + 1; break; // sign case SQL_DOUBLE: case SQL_DECIMAL: case SQL_NUMERIC: case SQL_FLOAT: case SQL_REAL: dispWdts[colNum] = colPrecision + 2; break; // sign, comma #ifdef SQL_TYPE_DATE case SQL_TYPE_DATE: #endif case SQL_DATE: dispWdts[colNum] = 10; break; #ifdef SQL_TYPE_TIME case SQL_TYPE_TIME: #endif case SQL_TIME: dispWdts[colNum] = 8; break; #ifdef SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP case SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: #endif case SQL_TIMESTAMP: dispWdts[colNum] = 19 + (colScale > 0) ? colScale + 1 : 0; break; default: dispWdts[colNum] = 0; continue; // skip other data types } } void MTable::fieldStruct( TConfig &cfg ) { if(tblStrct.empty()) throw err_sys(_("Table is empty!")); mLstUse = time(NULL); for(int i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++) { } } bool MTable::fieldSeek( int row, TConfig &cfg, const string &cacheKey ) { } void MTable::fieldGet( TConfig &cfg ) { } void MTable::fieldSet( TConfig &cfg ) { } void MTable::fieldDel( TConfig &cfg ) { } void MTable::fieldFix( TConfig &cfg ) { owner().transCommit(); //!!! Process the code here for the fields' fixing(change its type if it doesn't match to the necessary one) owner().transOpen(); } string MTable::getVal( TCfg &cfg, uint8_t RqFlg ) { string rez; switch(cfg.fld().type()) { //!! Different types for correct EVAL represent case TFld::Boolean: rez = i2s(cfg.getB()); break; case TFld::Integer: rez = i2s(cfg.getI()); break; case TFld::Real: rez = r2s(cfg.getR()); break; default: rez = (cfg.fld().len() > 0) ? cfg.getS(RqFlg).substr(0,cfg.fld().len()) : cfg.getS(RqFlg); } return rez; //string rez = cfg.getS(RqFlg); //if(cfg.fld().flg()&TFld::DateTimeDec) return UTCtoSQL(s2i(rez)); //return rez; } void MTable::setVal( TCfg &cf, const string &val, bool tr ) { switch(cf.fld().type()) { case TFld::Integer: if(cf.fld().flg()&TFld::DateTimeDec) cf.setI(SQLtoUTC(val)); else cf.setS(val); break; case TFld::String: if(!cf.extVal()) { if(!tr || (cf.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText && !cf.noTransl())) cf.setS(val); if(!tr && cf.fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText && !cf.noTransl()) Mess->translReg(val, "db:"+fullDBName()+"#"+cf.name()); } else { cf.setS(val, (tr?TCfg::ExtValTwo:TCfg::ExtValOne)); if(!tr) cf.setS("db:"+fullDBName()+"#"+cf.name(), TCfg::ExtValThree); } break; default: cf.setS(val); break; } } string MTable::UTCtoSQL( time_t val ) { char buf[255]; struct tm tm_tm; gmtime_r(&val, &tm_tm); int rez = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm_tm); return (rez>0) ? string(buf,rez) : ""; } time_t MTable::SQLtoUTC( const string &val ) { struct tm stm; strptime(val.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &stm); //return mktime(&stm); return timegm(&stm); }*/