//OpenSCADA file: tsys.cpp /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2021 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ieee754.h" #include "terror.h" #include "tmess.h" #include "tsys.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYSCALL_H # include #endif using namespace OSCADA; //Default values of the global limits uint8_t OSCADA::limObjID_SZ = 20; uint8_t OSCADA::limObjNm_SZ = 100; uint8_t OSCADA::limArchID_SZ = 50; int OSCADA::limUserFile_SZ = 10048576; int OSCADA::limUserIts_N = 1000000; unsigned OSCADA::limCacheIts_N = 100; int OSCADA::prmStrBuf_SZ = 10000; float OSCADA::prmWait_DL = 0.1; uint8_t OSCADA::prmWait_TM = 5; uint8_t OSCADA::prmInterf_TM = 7; uint8_t OSCADA::prmServTask_PER = 10; //Continuously access variable TMess *OSCADA::Mess = NULL; TSYS *OSCADA::SYS = NULL; pthread_key_t TSYS::sTaskKey; TSYS::TSYS( int argi, char ** argb, char **env ) : argc(argi), argv((const char **)argb), envp((const char **)env), isLoaded(false), mRunning(false), isServPrc(false), mFinalKill(false), mUser("root"), mConfFile(sysconfdir_full "/oscada.xml"), mId("InitSt"), mModDir(oscd_moddir_full), mIcoDir("icons;" oscd_datadir_full "/icons"), mDocDir("docs;" oscd_datadir_full "/docs"), mWorkDB(dataRes()), mSelDB(dataRes()), mMainCPUs(dataRes()), mTaskInvPhs(10), mSaveAtExit(false), mSavePeriod(0), mModifCalc(false), rootModifCnt(0), sysModifFlgs(0), mStopSignal(0), mN_CPU(1), mainPthr(0), mSysTm(0), mClockRT(false), mPrjCustMode(true), mPrjNm(dataRes()), mCfgCtx(NULL), mRdStLevel(0), mRdRestConnTm(10), mRdTaskPer(1), mRdPrimCmdTr(false) { srand(TSYS::curTime()%1000000); mWorkDB = DB_CFG; Mess = new TMess(); mName = _("Initial Station"); mFinalKill = false; SYS = this; //Init global access value mSubst = grpAdd("sub_", true); nodeEn(); mainPthr = pthread_self(); pthread_key_create(&sTaskKey, NULL); if(getenv("USER")) mUser = getenv("USER"); //Init system clock clkCalc(); #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) //Multi CPU allow check cpu_set_t cpuset; CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); pthread_getaffinity_np(mainPthr, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset); # if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,6) mN_CPU = CPU_COUNT(&cpuset); # endif #endif //Set signal handlers struct sigaction sHdr; memset(&sHdr, 0, sizeof(sHdr)); sHdr.sa_sigaction = sighandler; sHdr.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(SIGINT, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); //sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); //sigaction(SIGFPE, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); //sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); sigaction(SIGABRT, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sHdr, &sigActOrig); //Load commandline options string argCom, argVl; for(int argPos = 0; (argCom=getCmdOpt(argPos,&argVl)).size(); ) mCmdOpts[strEncode(argCom,ToLower)] = argVl; mCmdOpts[""] = argv[0]; //Early starting the service task taskCreate("SYS_Service", 0, TSYS::ServTask, NULL, 10); } TSYS::~TSYS( ) { //Stop for ordinal service task taskDestroy("SYS_Service"); int mLev = Mess->messLevel(); mFinalKill = true; mainThr.free(); //Delete all nodes in the order if(present("BD")) { del("ModSched"); del("UI"); del("Special"); del("Archive"); del("DAQ"); del("Protocol"); del("Transport"); del("Security"); del("BD"); } if(prjNm().size() && prjLockUpdPer()) prjLock("free"); if(mLev == TMess::Debug) { string cntrsStr; dataRes().lock(); for(map::iterator icnt = mCntrs.begin(); icnt != mCntrs.end(); icnt++) cntrsStr += TSYS::strMess("%s: %g\n",icnt->first.c_str(),icnt->second); dataRes().unlock(); printf(_("Program counters at the exit time: %s"), cntrsStr.c_str()); } delete Mess; pthread_key_delete(sTaskKey); //Signal handlers restore sigaction(SIGINT, &sigActOrig, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigActOrig, NULL); //sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sigActOrig, NULL); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sigActOrig, NULL); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigActOrig, NULL); //sigaction(SIGFPE, &sigActOrig, NULL); //sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sigActOrig, NULL); sigaction(SIGABRT, &sigActOrig, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sigActOrig, NULL); //Common locks cleaning for(map::iterator iCL = mCommonLocks.begin(); iCL != mCommonLocks.end(); ++iCL) delete iCL->second; } string TSYS::host( ) { utsname ubuf; uname(&ubuf); return ubuf.nodename; } string TSYS::workDir( ) { char buf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; return getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)); } void TSYS::setWorkDir( const string &wdir, bool init ) { if(wdir.empty() || workDir() == wdir) return; if(chdir(wdir.c_str()) != 0) mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Error changing working directory in '%s': %s. Perhaps the current directory is already correctly set to %s'."), wdir.c_str(), strerror(errno),workDir().c_str()); else if(init) sysModifFlgs &= ~MDF_WorkDir; else { sysModifFlgs |= MDF_WorkDir; modif(); } } void TSYS::setIcoDir( const string &idir, bool init ) { mIcoDir = idir; if(init) sysModifFlgs &= ~MDF_IcoDir; else { sysModifFlgs |= MDF_IcoDir; modif(); } } void TSYS::setDocDir( const string &idir, bool init ) { mDocDir = idir; if(init) sysModifFlgs &= ~MDF_DocDir; else { sysModifFlgs |= MDF_DocDir; modif(); } } void TSYS::setModDir( const string &mdir, bool init ) { mModDir = mdir; if(init) sysModifFlgs &= ~MDF_ModDir; else { sysModifFlgs |= MDF_ModDir; modif(); } } XMLNode *TSYS::cfgNode( const string &path, bool create ) { string s_el, ndNm; XMLNode *t_node = &rootN; if(t_node->name() != "OpenSCADA") { if(!create) return NULL; t_node->setName("OpenSCADA"); } for(int l_off = 0, nLev = 0; true; nLev++) { s_el = TSYS::pathLev(path, 0, true, &l_off); if(s_el.empty()) return t_node; bool ok = false; for(unsigned i_f = 0; !ok && i_f < t_node->childSize(); i_f++) if(strcasecmp(t_node->childGet(i_f)->attr("id").c_str(),s_el.c_str()) == 0) { t_node = t_node->childGet(i_f); ok = true; } if(!ok) { if(!create) return NULL; ndNm = "prm"; switch(nLev) { case 0: ndNm = "station"; break; case 1: if(s_el.compare(0,4,"sub_") == 0) ndNm = "node"; break; case 2: if(s_el.compare(0,4,"mod_") == 0) ndNm = "node"; break; } if(ndNm == "prm") t_node = t_node->childIns(0,ndNm)->setAttr("id",s_el); else t_node = t_node->childAdd(ndNm)->setAttr("id",s_el); } } return t_node; } void TSYS::modifCfg( bool chkPossibleWR ) { if(chkPossibleWR) { //Check config file for readonly if(access(mConfFile.c_str(),F_OK|W_OK) != 0) throw err_sys(_("Read-only access to file '%s'."), mConfFile.c_str()); } else rootModifCnt++; } string TSYS::int2str( int val, TSYS::IntView view ) { char buf[NSTR_BUF_LEN]; switch(view) { case TSYS::Oct: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%o", (unsigned)val); break; case TSYS::Hex: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x", (unsigned)val); break; default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", val); break; } return buf; } string TSYS::uint2str( unsigned val, IntView view ) { char buf[NSTR_BUF_LEN]; switch(view) { case TSYS::Oct: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%o", val); break; case TSYS::Hex: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x", val); break; default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", val); break; } return buf; } string TSYS::ll2str( long long val, IntView view ) { char buf[NSTR_BUF_LEN]; switch(view) { case TSYS::Oct: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llo", (long long unsigned int)val); break; case TSYS::Hex: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llx", (long long unsigned int)val); break; default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long int)val); break; } return buf; } string TSYS::real2str( double val, int prec, char tp ) { char buf[NSTR_BUF_LEN]; prec = vmax(0, prec); switch(tp) { case 'g': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*g", prec, val); break; case 'e': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*e", prec, val); break; default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*f", prec, val); break; } return buf; } string TSYS::atime2str( time_t itm, const string &format, bool gmt ) { struct tm tm_tm; if(gmt) gmtime_r(&itm, &tm_tm); else localtime_r(&itm, &tm_tm); char buf[100]; int ret = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), format.empty()?"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S":format.c_str(), &tm_tm); return (ret > 0) ? string(buf,ret) : string(""); } string TSYS::time2str( double tm ) { if(tm < 1e-12) return "0"; int lev = 0; int days = (int)floor(tm/(24*60*60)); int hours = (int)floor(tm/(60*60))%24; int mins = (int)floor(tm/(60))%60; double usec = 1e6 * (tm - days*24*60*60 - hours*60*60 - mins*60); string rez; if(days) { rez += i2s(days)+_("day"); lev = vmax(lev,6); } if(hours) { rez += (rez.size()?" ":"")+i2s(hours)+_("hour"); lev = vmax(lev,5); } if(mins && lev < 6) { rez += (rez.size()?" ":"")+i2s(mins)+_("min"); lev = vmax(lev,4); } if((1e-6*usec) > 0.5 && lev < 5) { rez += (rez.size()?" ":"")+r2s(1e-6*usec,3)+_("s"); lev = vmax(lev,3); } else if((1e-3*usec) > 0.5 && !lev) { rez += (rez.size()?" ":"")+r2s(1e-3*usec,4)+_("ms"); lev = vmax(lev,2); } else if(usec > 0.5 && !lev) { rez += (rez.size()?" ":"")+r2s(usec,4)+_("us"); lev = vmax(lev,1); } else if(!lev) rez += (rez.size()?" ":"")+r2s(1e3*usec,4)+_("ns"); return rez; } string TSYS::cpct2str( double cnt ) { if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,80)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,80),3,'g')+_("YiB"); if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,70)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,70),3,'g')+_("ZiB"); if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,60)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,60),3,'g')+_("EiB"); if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,50)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,50),3,'g')+_("PiB"); if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,40)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,40),3,'g')+_("TiB"); if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,30)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,30),3,'g')+_("GiB"); if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,20)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,20),3,'g')+_("MiB"); if(cnt > 0.2*pow(2,10)) return r2s(cnt/pow(2,10),3,'g')+_("KiB"); return r2s(cnt,3,'g')+_("B"); } double TSYS::str2real( const string &val ) { const char *chChr = val.c_str(); //Pass spaces before for( ; true; ++chChr) { switch(*chChr) { case ' ': case '\t': continue; } break; } //Check and process the base bool isNeg = false, isExpNeg = false; double tVl = 0; int16_t nAftRdx = 0, tAftRdx = 0; if(*chChr && ((*chChr >= '0' && *chChr <= '9') || *chChr == '-' || *chChr == '+')) { if(*chChr == '+') ++chChr; else if(*chChr == '-') { isNeg = true; ++chChr; } for(bool notFirst = false; *chChr >= '0' && *chChr <= '9'; ++chChr, notFirst = true) { if(notFirst) tVl *= 10; tVl += *chChr - '0'; } } if(*chChr == '.' || *chChr == ',') { for(++chChr; *chChr >= '0' && *chChr <= '9'; ++chChr, ++nAftRdx) tVl = tVl*10 + (*chChr - '0'); } if(isNeg) tVl *= -1; //Read exponent if(*chChr && (*chChr == 'e' || *chChr == 'E')) { ++chChr; if(*chChr == '+') ++chChr; else if(*chChr == '-') { isExpNeg = true; ++chChr; } for(bool notFirst = false; *chChr >= '0' && *chChr <= '9'; ++chChr, notFirst = true) { if(notFirst) tAftRdx *= 10; tAftRdx += *chChr - '0'; } if(isExpNeg) tAftRdx *= -1; } //Combine return tVl * pow(10, tAftRdx-nAftRdx); } time_t TSYS::str2atime( const string &val, const string &format, bool gmt ) { struct tm stm; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if(!strptime(val.c_str(),(format.empty()?"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S":format.c_str()),&stm)) return 0; return gmt ? timegm(&stm) : mktime(&stm); } string TSYS::addr2str( void *addr ) { char buf[sizeof(void*)*2+3]; snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%p",addr); return buf; } void *TSYS::str2addr( const string &str ) { return (void *)strtoul(str.c_str(),NULL,16); } string TSYS::strTrim( const string &val, const string &cfg ) { int beg = -1, end = -1; for(unsigned iS = 0, iC = 0; iS < val.size(); iS++) { for(iC = 0; iC < cfg.size() && val[iS] != cfg[iC]; iC++) ; if(iC < cfg.size()) continue; if(beg < 0) beg = iS; end = iS; } return (beg >= 0) ? val.substr(beg, end-beg+1) : ""; } string TSYS::strMess( const char *fmt, ... ) { char str[prmStrBuf_SZ]; va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, fmt); vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), fmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); return str; } string TSYS::strLabEnum( const string &base ) { //Get number from end unsigned numbDig = base.size(), numbXDig = base.size(); bool noDig = false; for(int i_c = base.size()-1; i_c >= 0; i_c--) { if(!noDig && isdigit(base[i_c])) numbDig = i_c; else noDig = true; if(!(isxdigit(base[i_c]) || (i_c && strncasecmp(base.c_str()+i_c-1,"0x",2) == 0))) break; else if(!isxdigit(base[i_c])) { numbXDig = i_c-1; break; } } //Process number and increment if(numbXDig < numbDig && (base.size()-numbXDig) > 2 && strncasecmp(base.c_str()+numbXDig,"0x",2) == 0) return base.substr(0, numbXDig) + "0x" + i2s(strtol(base.c_str()+numbXDig,NULL,16)+1, TSYS::Hex); if((base.size()-numbDig) > 1 && base[numbDig] == '0') return base.substr(0, numbDig) + "0" + i2s(strtol(base.c_str()+numbDig,NULL,8)+1, TSYS::Oct); return base.substr(0, numbDig) + i2s(strtol(base.c_str()+numbDig,NULL,0)+1); } string TSYS::optDescr( ) { utsname buf; uname(&buf); string rez = TSYS::strMess(_( "***************************************************************************\n" "********** %s v%s (%s-%s). *********\n" "***************************************************************************\n\n" "===========================================================================\n" "==================== Generic options ======================================\n" "===========================================================================\n" "-h, --help This help text about the program command-line options and configuration file parameters.\n" " --projName= OpenSCADA project name to switch it.\n" " For this feature there also uses an environment variable \"OSCADA_ProjName\" and the program binary name \"openscada_{ProjName}\".\n" " --projUserDir={dir} Directory of user projects (writeable) of OpenSCADA, \"~/.openscada\" by default.\n" " --projLock={per} Uses the projects locking by creation the \"lock\" file into the project folder and update it in the period ,\n" " by default it is enabled and the updating period is 60 seconds. To disable set the updating period to zero.\n" " --lang= Station language, in the view \"en_US.UTF-8\".\n" " --config= Station configuration file.\n" " --station= Station identifier.\n" " --statName= Station name.\n" " --modDir= Directories with the modules, separated by ';', they can include a files' template at the end.\n" " --messLev= Level of the processing messages (0-7).\n" " --log= Direct messages to, by the bitfield:\n" " 0x1 - syslogd;\n" " 0x2 - stdout;\n" " 0x4 - stderr;\n" " 0x8 - the messages archive.\n" " --consoleCharSet={CharSet} Forcing to the console for the console messages, by default it is system one.\n" " --demon, --daemon Run in the daemon mode.\n" " --pidFile= File for the program process ID placing here.\n" " --noCoreDump Prevents from the core dump creation at crashes - don't set the limit to the unlimited value.\n" " --permCrtFiles={perm} Permissions of the created OpenSCADA files, by default it is 0755 (RWXRW_RW_).\n" "----------- Station '%s(%s)' settings in the configuration file -----------\n" "StName Station name.\n" "WorkDB Working DB ( and ).\n" "WorkDir Working directory.\n" "ModDir Directories with the modules, separated by ';', they can include a files' template at the end.\n" "IcoDir Icons directory.\n" "DocDir Documents directory.\n" "MessLev Level of the processing messages (0-7).\n" "SelDebCats Debug categories list, separated by ';'.\n" "LogTarget Direct messages to, by the bitfield:\n" " 0x1 - syslogd;\n" " 0x2 - stdout;\n" " 0x4 - stderr;\n" " 0x8 - the messages archive.\n" "Lang Station language, in the view \"uk_UA.UTF-8\".\n" "Lang2CodeBase Base language for variable texts translation, in the two symbols code.\n" "MainCPUs Main list of the using CPUs, separated by ':'.\n" "TaskInvPhs Number of phases of the task invoking, 1 to disable the phasing.\n" "ClockRT <0|1> Sets the clock source to use to REALTIME (otherwise MONOTONIC), which is problematic one at the system clock modification.\n" "SaveAtExit <0|1> Save the program at exit.\n" "SavePeriod Period of the program saving, 0 to disable.\n" "ModifCalc <0|1> Set modification for the calculated objects.\n" "RdStLevel Level of the redundancy of the current station.\n" "RdTaskPer Call period of the redundancy task.\n" "RdRestConnTm Time to restore connection to \"dead\" reserve station.\n" "RdStList Redundant stations list, separated symbol ';' (st1;st2).\n" "RdPrimCmdTr <0|1> Enables the transmission of primary commands to the reserve stations.\n" " Global configurable limits:\n" "limObjID_SZ [*20..50] ID size of the OpenSCADA objects.\n" " WARNING! Big size can cause the key limit error on MySQL like DB!\n" " Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type \"char({N})\"!\n" "limObjNm_SZ [*100...200] NAME size of the OpenSCADA objects.\n" " WARNING! Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type \"char({N})\"!\n" "limArchID_SZ [*50...90] ID size of the value archive objects.\n" " WARNING! Increase it only, else you can get problems on Archive.FSArch!\n" " Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type \"char({N})\"!\n" "limUserFile_SZ [1MB...*10MB...1000MB] The files size limit at loading and processing in the userspace\n" " and the part size of the big files transferring.\n" "limUserIts_N [1000...*1000000...1000000000] The limit on count of creating user items, like to array items.\n" "limCacheIts_N [*100...100000] The limit on count of the caching items.\n" " Global configurable parameters:\n" "prmStrBuf_SZ [1000...*10000...1000000] Length of string buffers, no string class.\n" "prmWait_DL [0.001...*0.1...1] Quantum of the waiting time cycles, seconds.\n" "prmWait_TM [*5...10] Standard waiting timeout length, seconds.\n" "prmInterf_TM [*7...15] Time of waiting for the interface reaction, seconds.\n" "prmServTask_PER [1...*10...120] Service task period, seconds.\n\n"), PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION, buf.sysname, buf.release, name().c_str(), id().c_str()); vector ls; list(ls); for(unsigned iM = 0; iM < ls.size(); iM++) rez += at(ls[iM]).at().optDescr(); return rez; } string TSYS::getCmdOpt( int &curPos, string *argVal ) { return getCmdOpt_(curPos, argVal, argc, (char **)argv); } string TSYS::getCmdOpt_( int &curPos, string *argVal, int argc, char **argv ) { size_t fPos; int argI = curPos&0xFF; int argIsh = (curPos>>8)&0xFF; if(argI >= argc) return ""; for(int argLen = 0; argI < argc; argI++, argIsh = 0) { argLen = strlen(argv[argI]); if(argLen < 2 || argv[argI][0] != '-') continue; //Check for long: "--var", "--var=val" or "--var val" if(argv[argI][1] == '-') { curPos = argI+1; string rez = string(argv[argI]+2); if((fPos=rez.find("=")) != string::npos) { if(argVal) *argVal = rez.substr(fPos+1); return rez.substr(0, fPos); } if(argVal) *argVal = ((argI+1) < argc && argv[argI+1][0] != '-') ? argv[argI+1] : ""; return rez; } //Check for short: "-v", "-v val", "-abcv" or "-abcv val" else { if((argIsh+1) >= argLen) continue; curPos = argI+((argIsh+1)<<8); if(argVal) *argVal = ((argIsh+2) == argLen && (argI+1) < argc && argv[argI+1][0] != '-') ? argv[argI+1] : ""; return string(argv[argI]+argIsh+1, 1); } } return ""; } bool TSYS::cmdOptPresent( const string &opt ) { MtxAlloc res(dataRes(), true); return mCmdOpts.find(strEncode(opt,ToLower)) != mCmdOpts.end(); } string TSYS::cmdOpt( const string &opt, const string &setVl ) { MtxAlloc res(dataRes(), true); //Set command option if(setVl.size()) mCmdOpts[strEncode(opt,ToLower)] = setVl; //Get value map::iterator iOpt = mCmdOpts.find(strEncode(opt,ToLower)); if(iOpt == mCmdOpts.end()) return ""; return iOpt->second.size() ? iOpt->second : ""; // "1"; } int TSYS::permCrtFiles( bool exec ) { int rez = 0755; if(cmdOptPresent("permCrtFiles")) rez = strtol(cmdOpt("permCrtFiles").c_str(),NULL,0); return rez & (exec?0777:0666); } ResMtx *TSYS::commonLock( const string &nm ) { MtxAlloc res(dataRes(), true); if(mCommonLocks.find(nm) == mCommonLocks.end()) mCommonLocks[nm] = new ResMtx(true); return mCommonLocks[nm]; } void TSYS::cfgFileLoad( ) { //================ Load parameters from the commandline ========================= string tVl; if((tVl=cmdOpt("config")).size()) mConfFile = tVl; if((tVl=cmdOpt("station")).size()) mId = tVl; if((tVl=cmdOpt("statName")).size()) mName = tVl; if((tVl=cmdOpt("modDir")).size()) setModDir(tVl, true); //Save changes before cfgFileSave(); //Load config-file int hd = open(mConfFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if(hd < 0) mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error the configuration file '%s': %s"), mConfFile.c_str(), strerror(errno)); else { bool fOK = true; string s_buf; int cf_sz = lseek(hd, 0, SEEK_END); if(cf_sz > 0) { lseek(hd, 0, SEEK_SET); char buf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; for(int len = 0; (len=read(hd,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0; ) s_buf.append(buf, len); fOK = s_buf.size(); } close(hd); if(!fOK) mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error loading the configuration file '%s'."), mConfFile.c_str()); try { ResAlloc res(cfgRes(), true); rootN.load(s_buf, XMLNode::LD_Full); if(rootN.name() == "OpenSCADA") { XMLNode *stat_n = NULL; for(int iSt = rootN.childSize()-1; iSt >= 0; iSt--) if(rootN.childGet(iSt)->name() == "station") { stat_n = rootN.childGet(iSt); if(stat_n->attr("id") == mId) break; } if(stat_n && stat_n->attr("id") != mId) { if(mId != "InitSt") mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Station '%s' is not in the configuration file. The configuration of the station '%s' has been used!"), mId.c_str(), stat_n->attr("id").c_str()); mId = stat_n->attr("id"); } if(!stat_n) rootN.clear(); } else rootN.clear(); if(!rootN.childSize()) mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error configuration '%s'!"), mConfFile.c_str()); rootModifCnt = 0; } catch(TError &err) { mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error loading the configuration file '%s'."), err.mess.c_str()); } } } void TSYS::cfgFileSave( ) { ResAlloc res(cfgRes(), true); if(!rootModifCnt) return; int hd = open(mConfFile.c_str(), O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, permCrtFiles()); if(hd < 0) mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error the configuration file '%s': %s"), mConfFile.c_str(), strerror(errno)); else { string rezFile = rootN.save(XMLNode::XMLHeader); int rez = write(hd, rezFile.data(), rezFile.size()); if(rez != (int)rezFile.size()) mess_sys(TMess::Error,_("Error writing the configuration file '%s': %s"), mConfFile.c_str(), ((rez<0)?strerror(errno):"")); rootModifCnt = 0; rootFlTm = time(NULL); close(hd); } } void TSYS::cfgPrmLoad( ) { //Global limits limObjID_SZ = vmax(20, vmin(50,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"limObjID_SZ",i2s(limObjID_SZ),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); limObjNm_SZ = vmax(100, vmin(200,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"limObjNm_SZ",i2s(limObjNm_SZ),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); limArchID_SZ = vmax(50, vmin(90,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"limArchID_SZ",i2s(limArchID_SZ),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); limUserFile_SZ = vmax(1048576, vmin(100048576,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"limUserFile_SZ",i2s(limUserFile_SZ),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); limUserIts_N = vmax(1000, vmin(1000000000,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"limUserIts_N",i2s(limUserIts_N),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); limCacheIts_N = vmax(100, vmin(100000,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"limCacheIts_N",i2s(limCacheIts_N),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); //Global parameters prmStrBuf_SZ = vmax(1000, vmin(1000000,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"prmStrBuf_SZ",i2s(prmStrBuf_SZ),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); prmWait_DL = vmax(0.001, vmin(1,s2r(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"prmWait_DL",r2s(prmWait_DL),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); prmWait_TM = vmax(5, vmin(10,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"prmWait_TM",i2s(prmWait_TM),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); prmInterf_TM = vmax(7, vmin(15,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"prmInterf_TM",i2s(prmInterf_TM),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); prmServTask_PER = vmax(1, vmin(120,s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"prmServTask_PER",i2s(prmServTask_PER),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg)))); //System parameters setClockRT(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"ClockRT",i2s(clockRT()),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg))); mName = TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"StName",name(),"root",TBDS::UseTranslate); mWorkDB = TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"WorkDB",workDB(),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg); setWorkDir(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"Workdir","","root",TBDS::OnlyCfg).c_str(), true); setModDir(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"ModDir",modDir(),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg), true); setIcoDir(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"IcoDir",icoDir(),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg), true); setDocDir(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"DocDir",docDir(),"root",TBDS::OnlyCfg), true); setMainCPUs(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"MainCPUs",mainCPUs())); setTaskInvPhs(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TaskInvPhs",i2s(taskInvPhs())))); setSaveAtExit(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"SaveAtExit",i2s(saveAtExit())))); setSavePeriod(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"SavePeriod",i2s(savePeriod())))); setModifCalc(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"ModifCalc",i2s(modifCalc())))); //Redundancy parameters setRdStLevel(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"RdStLevel",i2s(rdStLevel())))); setRdTaskPer(s2r(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"RdTaskPer",r2s(rdTaskPer())))); setRdRestConnTm(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"RdRestConnTm",i2s(rdRestConnTm())))); setRdPrimCmdTr(s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"RdPrimCmdTr",i2s(rdPrimCmdTr())))); string stLs = TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"RdStList"), stId; mRdRes.lock(true); for(int off = 0; (stId=TSYS::strSepParse(stLs,0,';',&off)).size(); ) if(mSt.find(stId) == mSt.end()) mSt[stId] = SStat(); mRdRes.unlock(); } void TSYS::load_( ) { //Check for a OpenSCADA project selection and switch at need // Get current project name setPrjNm(cmdOpt("statName")); if(!(prjNm().size() && TRegExp("/"+prjNm()+"$").test(workDir()) && TRegExp("/("+prjNm()+"/oscada.xml|oscada_"+prjNm()+".xml)$").test(cmdOpt("config")))) setPrjNm(""); // Get name for the command of project switch if(!prjNm().size()) { setPrjNm(cmdOpt("projName")); if(!prjNm().size()) { TArrayObj *rez = TRegExp("openscada_(.+)$").match(cmdOpt("")); if(rez) { if(rez->size() >= 2) setPrjNm(rez->arGet(1).getS()); delete rez; } } if(!prjNm().size() && getenv("OSCADA_ProjName")) setPrjNm(getenv("OSCADA_ProjName")); if(prjNm().size() && !prjSwitch(prjNm())) setPrjNm(""); } mStopSignal = 0; //Check for the custom (not project) mode setPrjCustMode(!prjNm().size() && cmdOpt("config").size()); //Check for the project lock if(prjNm().size() && prjLockUpdPer() && !prjLock("hold")) { mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Impossible to hold the project lock! Seems the project '%s' already running."), prjNm().c_str()); setPrjNm(""); stop(); return; } bool cmd_help = (SYS->cmdOptPresent("h") || SYS->cmdOptPresent("help")); if(cmd_help) Mess->setMessLevel(7); cfgFileLoad(); mess_sys(TMess::Info, _("Loading.")); cfgPrmLoad(); if(!cmd_help) Mess->load(); //Messages load //Create subsystems if(!present("BD")) { add(new TBDS()); add(new TSecurity()); add(new TTransportS()); add(new TProtocolS()); add(new TDAQS()); add(new TArchiveS()); add(new TSpecialS()); add(new TUIS()); add(new TModSchedul()); } if(!isLoaded) { //Load modules modSchedul().at().load(); if(!modSchedul().at().loadLibS()) { mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("No module has been loaded, your configuration is likely to be broken!")); stop(); } //First DB subsystem load db().at().load(); if(!cmd_help) { modSchedul().at().modifG(); // For try reload from the DB //Second load for load from the generic DB Mess->load(); } cfgPrmLoad(); isLoaded = true; } //Force the main threaded module START update if(!mainThr.freeStat()) mainThr.at().perSYSCall(1); //Direct loading of subsystems and modules vector lst; list(lst); for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < lst.size(); iA++) try { at(lst[iA]).at().load(); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error loading the subsystem '%s'."), lst[iA].c_str()); } if(cmd_help) { string cmdHelp = optDescr(); if(cmdOpt("consoleCharSet").size()) cmdHelp = Mess->codeConvOut(cmdOpt("consoleCharSet"), cmdHelp); fprintf(stdout, "%s", cmdHelp.c_str()); stop(); } } void TSYS::save_( ) { mess_sys(TMess::Info, _("Saving.")); //System parameters TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"StName", mName, "root", TBDS::UseTranslate); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"WorkDB", workDB(), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); if(sysModifFlgs&MDF_WorkDir)TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"Workdir", workDir(), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); if(sysModifFlgs&MDF_ModDir) TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"ModDir", modDir(), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); if(sysModifFlgs&MDF_IcoDir) TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"IcoDir", icoDir(), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); if(sysModifFlgs&MDF_DocDir) TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"DocDir", docDir(), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"MainCPUs", mainCPUs()); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"ClockRT", i2s(clockRT())); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"TaskInvPhs", i2s(taskInvPhs())); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"SaveAtExit", i2s(saveAtExit())); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"SavePeriod", i2s(savePeriod())); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"ModifCalc", i2s(modifCalc())); //Redundancy parameters TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"RdStLevel", i2s(rdStLevel()), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"RdTaskPer", r2s(rdTaskPer()), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"RdRestConnTm", i2s(rdRestConnTm()), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"RdPrimCmdTr", i2s(rdPrimCmdTr()), "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); mRdRes.lock(false); string stLs; for(map::iterator sit = mSt.begin(); sit != mSt.end(); sit++) stLs += sit->first+";"; mRdRes.unlock(); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"RdStList", stLs, "root", TBDS::OnlyCfg); Mess->save(); //Messages load } int TSYS::start( ) { //Start for high priority service and redundancy tasks taskCreate("SYS_HighPriority", 120, TSYS::HPrTask, NULL); taskCreate("SYS_Redundancy", 5, TSYS::RdTask, NULL); //Start for subsystems vector lst; list(lst); mess_sys(TMess::Info, _("Starting.")); for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < lst.size(); iA++) try { at(lst[iA]).at().subStart(); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error starting the subsystem '%s'."), lst[iA].c_str()); } cfgFileScan(true); //Register user API translations into config Mess->translReg("", "uapi:" DB_CFG); mStopSignal = 0; mess_sys(TMess::Info, _("Starting is completed!")); //Call in monopoly for main thread module or wait for a signal. mRunning = true; if(!mainThr.freeStat()) mainThr.at().modStart(); while(!mStopSignal) sysSleep(prmWait_DL); mRunning = false; TSYS::eventWait(isServPrc, false, string("SYS_Service: ")+_("waiting the processing finish ...")); mess_sys(TMess::Info, _("Stopping.")); if(saveAtExit() || savePeriod()) save(); cfgFileSave(); //Stop for the subsystems for(int iA = lst.size()-1; iA >= 0; iA--) try { at(lst[iA]).at().subStop(); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error stopping the subsystem '%s'."), lst[iA].c_str()); } //Stop for high priority service and redundancy tasks taskDestroy("SYS_Redundancy"); taskDestroy("SYS_HighPriority"); return mStopSignal; } void TSYS::stop( int sig ) { if(!mStopSignal) mStopSignal = sig; if(SYS->cmdOptPresent("h") || SYS->cmdOptPresent("help")) { vector lst; list(lst); //Stop for the subsystems for(int iA = lst.size()-1; iA >= 0; iA--) try { at(lst[iA]).at().subStop(); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Error stopping the subsystem '%s'."), lst[iA].c_str()); } } } void TSYS::unload( ) { at("ModSched").at().unload(); at("UI").at().unload(); at("Special").at().unload(); at("Archive").at().unload(); at("DAQ").at().unload(); at("Protocol").at().unload(); at("Transport").at().unload(); at("Security").at().unload(); at("BD").at().unload(); //Clear counters if(Mess->messLevel() == TMess::Debug) { dataRes().lock(); mCntrs.clear(); dataRes().unlock(); } if(prjNm().size() && prjLockUpdPer()) prjLock("free"); Mess->unload(); mRdRes.lock(true); mSt.clear(); mRdStLevel = 0, mRdRestConnTm = 10, mRdTaskPer = 1, mRdPrimCmdTr = false; mRdRes.unlock(); mId = "InitSt", mName = _("Initial Station"), mUser = "root", mMainCPUs = ""; mConfFile = sysconfdir_full "/oscada.xml"; mModDir = oscd_moddir_full; mIcoDir = "icons;" oscd_datadir_full "/icons"; mDocDir = "docs;" oscd_datadir_full "/docs"; mWorkDB = DB_CFG; mSaveAtExit = false, mSavePeriod = 0, isLoaded = false, rootModifCnt = 0, sysModifFlgs = 0, mPrjCustMode = true; modifG(); } bool TSYS::chkSelDB( const string& wDB, bool isStrong ) { return (selDB().empty() && !isStrong) || (selDB().size() && SYS->selDB() == TBDS::realDBName(wDB) && (wDB == DB_CFG || wDB == "*.*" || ((AutoHD)db().at().nodeAt(wDB,0,'.')).at().enableStat())); } void TSYS::setMainCPUs( const string &vl ) { mMainCPUs = vl; #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) if(nCPU() > 1) { cpu_set_t cpuset; CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); string sval; if(!vl.size()) for(int iCPU = 0; iCPU < nCPU(); iCPU++) CPU_SET(iCPU, &cpuset); else { string prcVl; for(int off = 0; (sval=TSYS::strParse(vl,0,":",&off)).size(); ) { if(s2i(sval) < nCPU()) CPU_SET(s2i(sval), &cpuset); prcVl += (prcVl.size()?":":"") + i2s(s2i(sval)); } mMainCPUs = prcVl; } pthread_setaffinity_np(mainPthr, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset); } #endif modif(); } void TSYS::setTaskInvPhs( int vl ) { mTaskInvPhs = (vl <= 0) ? vmax(1, mTasks.size()/(10*nCPU())) * 10 : vmax(1, vmin(100,vl)); modif(); } void TSYS::sighandler( int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context ) { switch(signal) { case SIGINT: SYS->mStopSignal = signal; break; case SIGTERM: SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Termination signal is received. Stopping the program!")); SYS->mStopSignal = signal; break; case SIGFPE: SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Floating point exception is caught!")); exit(1); break; case SIGCHLD: { int status; pid_t pid = wait(&status); if(!WIFEXITED(status) && pid > 0) SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Info, _("Close the process %d of the child!"), pid); break; } case SIGPIPE: //mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Broken PIPE signal!")); break; case SIGSEGV: SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Emerg, _("Segmentation fault signal!")); break; case SIGABRT: SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Emerg, _("Program aborted!")); break; case SIGALRM: case SIGUSR1: break; default: SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Unknown signal %d!"), signal); } } void TSYS::clkCalc( ) { uint64_t st_pnt = shrtCnt(); sysSleep(0.1); mSysclc = 10*(shrtCnt()-st_pnt); if(!mSysclc) { char buf[255]; FILE *fp = NULL; //Try read file cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq for current CPU frequency get if(!mSysclc && ((fp=fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq","r")) || (fp=fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq","r")))) { size_t rez = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf)-1, fp); buf[rez] = 0; mSysclc = uint64_t(s2r(buf)*1e3); fclose(fp); } //Try read file cat /proc/cpuinfo for CPU frequency or BogoMIPS get if(!mSysclc && (fp=fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r"))) { float frq; while(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) != NULL) if(sscanf(buf,"cpu MHz : %f\n",&frq) || sscanf(buf,"bogomips : %f\n",&frq) || sscanf(buf,"BogoMIPS : %f\n",&frq)) { mSysclc = (uint64_t)(frq*1e6); break; } fclose(fp); } } } void TSYS::cfgFileScan( bool first, bool up ) { struct stat f_stat; if(stat(cfgFile().c_str(),&f_stat) != 0) return; if(!up && (rootCfgFl != cfgFile() || rootFlTm != f_stat.st_mtime)) up = true; rootCfgFl = cfgFile(); rootFlTm = f_stat.st_mtime; if(up && !first) { MtxAlloc res(SYS->cfgLoadSaveM(), true); modifG(); setSelDB(DB_CFG); load(); setSelDB(""); } } int64_t TSYS::curTime( clockid_t clc ) { struct timespec tm; clock_gettime(clc, &tm); return 1000000ll*tm.tv_sec + tm.tv_nsec/1000; /*timeval cur_tm; gettimeofday(&cur_tm, NULL); return (int64_t)cur_tm.tv_sec*1000000 + cur_tm.tv_usec;*/ } uint64_t TSYS::curTimeN( clockid_t clc ) { struct timespec tm; clock_gettime(clc, &tm); return 1000000000ll*tm.tv_sec + tm.tv_nsec; } bool TSYS::eventWait( bool &m_mess_r_stat, bool exempl, const string &loc, time_t tm ) { time_t t_tm, s_tm; t_tm = s_tm = time(NULL); while(m_mess_r_stat != exempl) { time_t c_tm = time(NULL); //Check timeout if(tm && (c_tm > s_tm+tm)) { SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Crit, _("Timeouted !!!")); return true; } //Make messages if(c_tm > t_tm+1) { //1sec t_tm = c_tm; SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Crit, _("Waiting for event ...")); } sysSleep(prmWait_DL); } return false; } string TSYS::strSepParse( const string &path, int level, char sep, int *off ) { int an_dir = off ? *off : 0; int t_lev = 0; size_t t_dir; if(an_dir >= (int)path.size()) return ""; while(true) { t_dir = path.find(sep,an_dir); if(t_dir == string::npos) { if(off) *off = path.size(); return (t_lev==level) ? path.substr(an_dir) : ""; } else if(t_lev == level) { if(off) *off = t_dir+1; return path.substr(an_dir, t_dir-an_dir); } an_dir = t_dir+1; t_lev++; } return ""; } string TSYS::strParse( const string &path, int level, const string &sep, int *off, bool mergeSepSymb ) { int an_dir = off ? *off : 0; int t_lev = 0; size_t t_dir; if(an_dir >= (int)path.size() || sep.empty()) return ""; while(true) { t_dir = path.find(sep,an_dir); if(t_dir == string::npos) { if(off) *off = path.size(); return (t_lev==level) ? path.substr(an_dir) : ""; } else if(t_lev == level) { if(off) *off = t_dir+sep.size(); return path.substr(an_dir,t_dir-an_dir); } if(mergeSepSymb && sep.size() == 1) for(an_dir = t_dir; an_dir < (int)path.size() && path[an_dir] == sep[0]; ) an_dir++; else an_dir = t_dir+sep.size(); t_lev++; } return ""; } string TSYS::strLine( const string &str, int level, int *off ) { int an_dir = off ? *off : 0; int t_lev = 0, edLnSmbSz = 1; size_t t_dir; if(an_dir >= (int)str.size()) return ""; while(true) { for(t_dir = an_dir; t_dir < str.size(); t_dir++) if(str[t_dir] == '\x0D' || str[t_dir] == '\x0A') { edLnSmbSz = (str[t_dir] == '\x0D' && ((t_dir+1) < str.size()) && str[t_dir+1] == '\x0A') ? 2 : 1; break; } if(t_dir >= str.size()) { if(off) *off = str.size(); return (t_lev==level) ? str.substr(an_dir) : ""; } else if(t_lev == level) { if(off) *off = t_dir+edLnSmbSz; return str.substr(an_dir,t_dir-an_dir); } an_dir = t_dir+edLnSmbSz; t_lev++; } return ""; } string TSYS::pathLev( const string &path, int level, bool decode, int *off ) { int an_dir = off ? *off : 0; int t_lev = 0; size_t t_dir; //First separators pass while(an_dir < (int)path.size() && path[an_dir] == '/') an_dir++; if(an_dir >= (int)path.size()) return ""; //Path level process while(true) { t_dir = path.find("/",an_dir); if(t_dir == string::npos) { if(off) *off = path.size(); return (t_lev == level) ? (decode ? TSYS::strDecode(path.substr(an_dir),TSYS::PathEl) : path.substr(an_dir)) : ""; } else if(t_lev == level) { if(off) *off = t_dir; return decode ? TSYS::strDecode(path.substr(an_dir,t_dir-an_dir),TSYS::PathEl) : path.substr(an_dir,t_dir-an_dir); } an_dir = t_dir; t_lev++; while(an_dir < (int)path.size() && path[an_dir]=='/') an_dir++; } } string TSYS::pathLevEnd( const string &path, int level, bool decode, int *off ) { int an_dir = (off && *off >= 0) ? *off : path.size()-1; int t_lev = 0; size_t t_dir; //Last separators pass while(an_dir >= 0 && path[an_dir] == '/') an_dir--; if(an_dir < 0) return ""; //Path level process while(true) { t_dir = path.rfind("/", an_dir); if(t_dir == string::npos) { if(off) *off = -1; return (t_lev == level) ? (decode ? TSYS::strDecode(path.substr(0,an_dir),TSYS::PathEl) : path.substr(0,an_dir)) : ""; } else if(t_lev == level) { if(off) *off = t_dir; return decode ? TSYS::strDecode(path.substr(t_dir+1,an_dir-t_dir),TSYS::PathEl) : path.substr(t_dir+1,an_dir-t_dir); } an_dir = t_dir; t_lev++; while(an_dir >= 0 && path[an_dir] == '/') an_dir--; } } string TSYS::path2sepstr( const string &path, char sep ) { string rez, curv; int off = 0; while(!(curv=TSYS::pathLev(path,0,false,&off)).empty()) rez += curv+sep; if(!rez.empty()) rez.resize(rez.size()-1); return rez; } string TSYS::sepstr2path( const string &str, char sep ) { string rez, curv; int off = 0; while(!(curv=TSYS::strSepParse(str,0,sep,&off)).empty()) rez += "/"+curv; return rez; } string TSYS::strEncode( const string &in, TSYS::Code tp, const string &opt1 ) { int iSz; string sout; switch(tp) { case TSYS::PathEl: sout = in; for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)sout.size(); iSz++) switch(sout[iSz]) { case '/': sout.replace(iSz,1,"%2f"); iSz += 2; break; case '%': sout.replace(iSz,1,"%25"); iSz += 2; break; } break; case TSYS::HttpURL: { char buf[4]; sout = in; for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)sout.size(); iSz++) switch(sout[iSz]) { case '%': sout.replace(iSz,1,"%25"); iSz += 2; break; case ' ': sout.replace(iSz,1,"%20"); iSz += 2; break; case '\t': sout.replace(iSz,1,"%09"); iSz += 2; break; default: if(sout[iSz]&0x80) { snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%%%02X",(unsigned char)sout[iSz]); sout.replace(iSz,1,buf); iSz += 2; break; } } break; } case TSYS::Html: sout.reserve(in.size()+10); for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz++) switch(in[iSz]) { case '>': sout += ">"; break; case '<': sout += "<"; break; case '"': sout += """; break; case '&': sout += "&"; break; case '\'': sout += "'"; break; default: sout += in[iSz]; } break; case TSYS::JavaSc: sout.reserve(in.size()+10); for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz++) switch(in[iSz]) { case '\n': sout += "\\n"; break; default: sout += in[iSz]; } break; case TSYS::SQL: if(!opt1.size()) { sout.reserve(in.size()+10); for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz++) switch(in[iSz]) { case '\'': sout += "\\'"; break; case '\"': sout += "\\\""; break; case '`': sout += "\\`"; break; case '\\': sout += "\\\\"; break; default: sout += in[iSz]; } } else { //By doubling method sout = in; for(unsigned iSz = 0; iSz < sout.size(); iSz++) for(unsigned iSmb = 0; iSmb < opt1.size(); iSmb++) if(sout[iSz] == opt1[iSmb]) sout.replace(iSz++, 1, 2, opt1[iSmb]); } break; case TSYS::Custom: { sout.reserve(in.size()+10); char buf[4]; for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz++) { unsigned iSmb; for(iSmb = 0; iSmb < opt1.size(); iSmb++) if(in[iSz] == opt1[iSmb]) { snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%%%02X",(unsigned char)in[iSz]); sout += buf; break; } if(iSmb >= opt1.size()) sout += in[iSz]; } break; } case TSYS::base64: { sout.reserve(in.size()+in.size()/4+in.size()/57+10); const char *base64alph = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz += 3) { //if(iSz && !(iSz%57)) sout.push_back('\n'); if(iSz && !(iSz%57) && opt1.size()) sout += opt1; sout.push_back(base64alph[(unsigned char)in[iSz]>>2]); if((iSz+1) >= (int)in.size()) { sout.push_back(base64alph[((unsigned char)in[iSz]&0x03)<<4]); sout += "=="; } else { sout.push_back(base64alph[(((unsigned char)in[iSz]&0x03)<<4)|((unsigned char)in[iSz+1]>>4)]); if((iSz+2) >= (int)in.size()) { sout.push_back(base64alph[((unsigned char)in[iSz+1]&0x0F)<<2]); sout.push_back('='); } else { sout.push_back(base64alph[(((unsigned char)in[iSz+1]&0x0F)<<2)|((unsigned char)in[iSz+2]>>6)]); sout.push_back(base64alph[(unsigned char)in[iSz+2]&0x3F]); } } } break; } case TSYS::FormatPrint: sout = in; for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)sout.size(); iSz++) if(sout[iSz] == '%') { sout.replace(iSz,1,"%%"); iSz++; } break; case TSYS::oscdID: sout.reserve(in.size()); for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz++) switch(in[iSz]) { case ' ': case '/': case '\\': case '&': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '!': case '~': case '`': case '@': case '%': case '^': case '-': case '+': case '=': case '*': case '{': case '}': case ':': case ';': case '"': case '\'': case '<': case '>': case '?': case '.': case ',': sout+="_"; break; default: sout += in[iSz]; } break; case TSYS::Bin: { string svl, evl; sout.reserve(in.size()/2); for(unsigned iCh = 0; iCh < in.size(); ++iCh) if(isxdigit(in[iCh])) { sout += (char)strtol(in.substr(iCh,2).c_str(),NULL,16); iCh++; } break; } case TSYS::Reverse: for(iSz = in.size()-1; iSz >= 0; iSz--) sout += in[iSz]; break; case TSYS::ShieldSimb: sout.reserve(in.size()); for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz++) if(in[iSz] == '\\' && iSz < ((int)in.size()-1)) { switch(in[iSz+1]) { case 'a': sout += '\a'; break; case 'b': sout += '\b'; break; case 'f': sout += '\f'; break; case 'n': sout += '\n'; break; case 'r': sout += '\r'; break; case 't': sout += '\t'; break; case 'v': sout += '\v'; break; case 'x': case 'X': if((iSz+3) < (int)in.size() && isxdigit(in[iSz+2]) && isxdigit(in[iSz+3])) { sout += (char)strtol(in.substr(iSz+2,2).c_str(),NULL,16); iSz += 2; } else sout += in[iSz+1]; break; default: if((iSz+3) < (int)in.size() && in[iSz+1] >= '0' && in[iSz+1] <= '7' && in[iSz+2] >= '0' && in[iSz+2] <= '7' && in[iSz+3] >= '0' && in[iSz+3] <= '7') { sout += (char)strtol(in.substr(iSz+1,3).c_str(),NULL,8); iSz += 2; } else sout += in[iSz+1]; } iSz++; } else sout += in[iSz]; break; case TSYS::ToLower: sout.reserve(in.size()); for(iSz = 0; iSz < (int)in.size(); iSz++) sout += (char)tolower(in[iSz]); break; case TSYS::Limit: { int lVal = s2i(opt1), off = 0; if(!lVal) sout = in; else { for(int oL = 0, cL = 0; off < (int)in.size() && oL < lVal; oL++) off += (cL=Mess->getUTF8(in,off)) ? cL : 1; sout = in.substr(0, off); } break; } } return sout; } unsigned char TSYS::getBase64Code( unsigned char asymb ) { switch(asymb) { case 'A'...'Z': return asymb-(unsigned char)'A'; case 'a'...'z': return 26+asymb-(unsigned char)'a'; case '0'...'9': return 52+asymb-(unsigned char)'0'; case '+': return 62; case '/': return 63; } return 0; } string TSYS::strDecode( const string &in, TSYS::Code tp, const string &opt1 ) { unsigned iSz; string sout; switch(tp) { case TSYS::PathEl: case TSYS::HttpURL: case TSYS::Custom: sout.reserve(in.size()); for(iSz = 0; iSz < in.size(); iSz++) switch(in[iSz]) { case '%': if(iSz+2 < in.size()) { sout += (char)strtol(in.substr(iSz+1,2).c_str(),NULL,16); iSz += 2; }else sout += in[iSz]; break; default: sout += in[iSz]; } break; case TSYS::base64: sout.reserve(in.size()); for(iSz = 0; iSz < in.size(); ) { //if(in[iSz] == '\n') iSz += sizeof('\n'); if(isspace(in[iSz])) { iSz++; continue; } if((iSz+3) < in.size()) if(in[iSz+1] != '=') { char w_code1 = TSYS::getBase64Code(in[iSz+1]); sout.push_back((TSYS::getBase64Code(in[iSz])<<2)|(w_code1>>4)); if(in[iSz+2] != '=') { char w_code2 = TSYS::getBase64Code(in[iSz+2]); sout.push_back((w_code1<<4)|(w_code2>>2)); if(in[iSz+3] != '=') sout.push_back((w_code2<<6)|TSYS::getBase64Code(in[iSz+3])); } } iSz += 4; } break; //Binary decoding to hex bytes string. Option uses for: // "" - includes the text part in right // "{sep}" - short separator case TSYS::Bin: { sout.reserve(in.size()*2); if(opt1 == "") { char buf[3]; string txt, offForm = TSYS::strMess("%%0%dx: ", vmax(2,(int)ceil(log(in.size())/log(16)))); for(iSz = 0; iSz < in.size() || (iSz%16); ) { if(offForm.size() && (iSz%16) == 0) sout += TSYS::strMess(offForm.c_str(), iSz); if(iSz < in.size()) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02X", (unsigned char)in[iSz]); txt += isprint(in[iSz]) ? in[iSz] : '.'; } else strcpy(buf, " "); if((++iSz)%16) sout = sout + buf + " "; else { sout = sout + buf + " " + txt + ((iSz::iterator icnt = mCntrs.find(id); if(icnt == mCntrs.end()) return 0; return icnt->second; } void TSYS::cntrSet( const string &id, double vl ) { MtxAlloc res(dataRes(), true); mCntrs[id] = vl; } void TSYS::cntrIter( const string &id, double vl ) { MtxAlloc res(dataRes(), true); mCntrs[id] += vl; } bool TSYS::rdEnable( ) { return mSt.size(); } bool TSYS::rdActive( ) { ResAlloc res(mRdRes, false); for(map::iterator sit = mSt.begin(); sit != mSt.end(); sit++) if(sit->second.isLive) return true; return false; } void TSYS::rdStList( vector &ls ) { ResAlloc res(mRdRes, false); ls.clear(); for(map::iterator sti = mSt.begin(); sti != mSt.end(); sti++) ls.push_back(sti->first); } TSYS::SStat TSYS::rdSt( const string &id ) { ResAlloc res(mRdRes, false); TSYS::SStat rez; map::iterator iSt = mSt.find(id); if(iSt != mSt.end()) rez = iSt->second; return rez; } map TSYS::rdSts( ) { ResAlloc res(mRdRes, false); map rez = mSt; return rez; } string TSYS::rdStRequest( XMLNode &req, const string &st, bool toScan ) { bool prevPresent = false; string lcPath = req.attr("path"); ResAlloc res(mRdRes, false); //map::iterator sit = st.size() ? mSt.find(st) : mSt.begin(); //if(sit == mSt.end()) return ""; //Same request for(map::iterator sit = mSt.begin(); sit != mSt.end(); ++sit) { if(!sit->second.isLive) continue; if(toScan && st.size() && !prevPresent) { if(sit->first == st) prevPresent = true; continue; } try { req.setAttr("path", "/"+sit->first+lcPath); SYS->transport().at().cntrIfCmd(req, "redundant"); sit->second.cnt++; return sit->first; } catch(TError &err) { sit->second.isLive = false; sit->second.cnt = rdRestConnTm(); sit->second.lev = 0; } } return ""; } string TSYS::prjUserDir( ) { string userDir = cmdOpt("projUserDir"); if(userDir.empty() && !cmdOptPresent("projUserDir")) userDir = "~/.openscada"; size_t posHome = userDir.find("~/"); if(posHome != string::npos && getenv("HOME")) userDir.replace(posHome, 2, string(getenv("HOME"))+"/"); return userDir; } bool TSYS::prjSwitch( const string &prj, bool toCreate ) { //Check for the project availability into folder of preistalled ones for writibility and next into the user folder struct stat file_stat; //Call the projects manager procedure #if defined(__ANDROID__) if(access(bindir_full "/openscada-proj",F_OK) == 0 && access(bindir_full "/openscada-proj",X_OK) != 0) chmod(bindir_full "/openscada-proj", 0700); //Set openscada-proj to the execution mode #endif if(access(bindir_full "/openscada-proj",F_OK|X_OK) == 0) system((string("dPrj=") + oscd_datadir_full + " dPrjUser=" + prjUserDir() + " dSysCfg=" + sysconfdir_full + " dData=" + datadir_full + " " bindir_full "/openscada-proj" + " " + (toCreate?"create":"proc") + " " + prj).c_str()); //Check for the project folder presence and main items creation at miss or wrong the projects manager procedure //!!!! //Check for the project folder availability and switch to the project string prjDir = prjUserDir() + "/" + prj, prjCfg = prjDir + "/oscada.xml"; if(!(prjUserDir().size() && stat(prjDir.c_str(),&file_stat) == 0 && (file_stat.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR && access(prjDir.c_str(), X_OK|W_OK) == 0 && stat(prjCfg.c_str(),&file_stat) == 0 && (file_stat.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)) { prjDir = string(oscd_datadir_full) + "/" + prj; if(!(stat(prjDir.c_str(),&file_stat) == 0 && (file_stat.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR && access(prjDir.c_str(), X_OK|W_OK) == 0)) return false; prjCfg = prjDir + "/oscada.xml"; if(!(stat(prjCfg.c_str(),&file_stat) == 0 && (file_stat.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)) { prjCfg = string(sysconfdir_full) + "/oscada_" + prj + ".xml"; if(!(stat(prjCfg.c_str(),&file_stat) == 0 && (file_stat.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)) return false; } } // Switch to the found project // Set the project configuration file into "--config", name into "--statName", change the work directory cmdOpt("config", prjCfg); cmdOpt("statName", prj); setWorkDir(prjDir, true); // Set an exit signal for restarting the system, clean prjNm and return true stop(SIGUSR2); return true; } int TSYS::prjLockUpdPer( ) { int rez = 60; if(cmdOpt("projLock").size()) rez = s2i(cmdOpt("projLock")); return vmax(0, rez); } bool TSYS::prjLock( const char *cmd ) { if(strcmp(cmd,"free") == 0 && prjLockFile.size()) return (remove(prjLockFile.c_str()) == 0); int hd = -1; if(strcmp(cmd,"hold") == 0) { prjLockFile = workDir() + "/lock"; //Check for presented file if((hd=open(prjLockFile.c_str(),O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { int bufLn = 35; char buf[bufLn+1]; buf[bufLn] = 0; bool toRemove = (read(hd,buf,bufLn) <= 0); close(hd); if(!toRemove) { int pid = 0, tm = 0; toRemove = ((sscanf(buf,"%d %d",&pid,&tm) < 2) || pid == getpid() || abs(sysTm()-tm) > 2*prjLockUpdPer()); } if(toRemove) remove(prjLockFile.c_str()); } //Hold the lock file if((hd=open(prjLockFile.c_str(),O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY,permCrtFiles())) < 0) return false; } else if(strcmp(cmd,"update") == 0 && (hd=open(prjLockFile.c_str(),O_WRONLY)) < 0) return false; if(hd >= 0) { string lockInfo = TSYS::strMess("%010d %020d", (int)getpid(), (int)sysTm()); write(hd, lockInfo.data(), lockInfo.size()); close(hd); return true; } return false; } void TSYS::taskCreate( const string &path, int priority, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg, int wtm, pthread_attr_t *pAttr, bool *startSt ) { int detachStat = 0; pthread_t procPthr; pthread_attr_t locPAttr, *pthr_attr; map::iterator ti; ResAlloc res(taskRes, true); for(time_t c_tm = time(NULL); (ti=mTasks.find(path)) != mTasks.end(); ) { //Remove created and finished but not destroyed task if(ti->second.flgs&STask::FinishTask && !(ti->second.flgs&STask::Detached)) { pthread_join(ti->second.thr, NULL); mTasks.erase(ti); continue; } res.release(); //Error by this active task presence if(time(NULL) >= (c_tm+wtm)) throw err_sys(_("Task '%s' is already present!"), path.c_str()); sysSleep(0.01); res.request(true); } STask &htsk = mTasks[path]; htsk.path = path; htsk.task = start_routine; htsk.taskArg = arg; htsk.flgs = 0; htsk.thr = 0; htsk.phase = s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(SYS->nodePath()+"TaskPhase:"+path,i2s(mTasks.size()-1))); htsk.prior = priority%100; res.release(); if(pAttr) pthr_attr = pAttr; else { pthr_attr = &locPAttr; pthread_attr_init(pthr_attr); } #if !defined(__ANDROID__) pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthr_attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); #endif struct sched_param prior; prior.sched_priority = 0; int policy = SCHED_OTHER; #if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) if(priority < 0) policy = SCHED_BATCH; #endif if(priority > 0) policy = SCHED_RR; if(priority >= 100) policy = SCHED_FIFO; pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthr_attr, policy); prior.sched_priority = vmax(sched_get_priority_min(policy), vmin(sched_get_priority_max(policy),priority%100)); pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthr_attr, &prior); try { pthread_attr_getdetachstate(pthr_attr, &detachStat); if(detachStat == PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) htsk.flgs |= STask::Detached; int rez = pthread_create(&procPthr, pthr_attr, taskWrap, &htsk); if(rez == EPERM) { mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("There is no access to create a real-time task for '%s'. An ordinal task is created!"), path.c_str()); policy = SCHED_OTHER; pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthr_attr, policy); prior.sched_priority = 0; pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthr_attr, &prior); rez = pthread_create(&procPthr, pthr_attr, taskWrap, &htsk); } if(!pAttr) pthread_attr_destroy(pthr_attr); if(rez) throw err_sys(TError::Core_TaskCrt, _("Error %d creation a task."), rez); //Wait for thread structure initialization finish for not detachable tasks while(!(htsk.flgs&STask::Detached) && !htsk.thr) TSYS::sysSleep(1e-3); //sched_yield(); !!! don't use for hard realtime systems with high priority //Wait for start status for(time_t c_tm = time(NULL); !(htsk.flgs&STask::Detached) && startSt && !(*startSt); ) { if(time(NULL) >= (c_tm+wtm)) throw err_sys(_("Timeout of starting the task '%s'!"), path.c_str()); sysSleep(prmWait_DL); } } catch(TError &err) { if(err.cod) { //Remove info for pthread_create() but left for other by possible start later res.request(true); mTasks.erase(path); res.release(); } throw; } } void TSYS::taskDestroy( const string &path, bool *endrunCntr, int wtm, bool noSignal, pthread_cond_t *cv ) { map::iterator it; ResAlloc res(taskRes, false); if(mTasks.find(path) == mTasks.end()) return; res.release(); if(endrunCntr) *endrunCntr = true; //Wait for task stop and SIGALRM send repeat time_t t_tm, s_tm; t_tm = s_tm = time(NULL); bool first = true; res.request(true); while((it=mTasks.find(path)) != mTasks.end() && !(it->second.flgs&STask::FinishTask)) { if(first) pthread_kill(it->second.thr, SIGUSR1); //User's termination signal, is checked by function taskEndRun() if(!noSignal) pthread_kill(it->second.thr, SIGALRM); //Sleep, select and other system calls termination if(cv) pthread_cond_signal(cv); res.release(); time_t c_tm = time(NULL); //Check timeout if(wtm && (c_tm > (s_tm+wtm))) { mess_sys(TMess::Crit, _("Timeout of the task '%s' !!!"), path.c_str()); throw err_sys(_("Task '%s' is not stopped!"), path.c_str()); } //Make messages if(c_tm > t_tm+1) { //1sec t_tm = c_tm; mess_sys(TMess::Info, _("Waiting for an event of the task '%s' ..."), path.c_str()); } sysSleep(prmWait_DL); first = false; res.request(true); } if(it != mTasks.end()) { if(!(it->second.flgs&STask::Detached)) pthread_join(it->second.thr, NULL); mTasks.erase(it); } } void TSYS::taskSendSIGALRM( const string &path ) { ResAlloc res(taskRes, false); map::iterator it = mTasks.find(path); if(it != mTasks.end()) pthread_kill(it->second.thr, SIGALRM); //Sleep, select and other system calls termination } double TSYS::taskUtilizTm( const string &path, bool max ) { ResAlloc res(taskRes, false); map::iterator it = mTasks.find(path); if(it == mTasks.end()) return 0; if(max) return 1e-9*it->second.consMax; int64_t tm_beg = 0, tm_end = 0, tm_per = 0; for(int iTr = 0; tm_beg == tm_per && iTr < 2; iTr++) { tm_beg = it->second.tm_beg; tm_end = it->second.tm_end; tm_per = it->second.tm_per; } if(tm_beg && tm_beg < tm_per) return 1e-9*(tm_end-tm_beg); return 0; } bool TSYS::taskEndRun( ) { sigset_t sigset; return sigpending(&sigset) == 0 && sigismember(&sigset,SIGUSR1); } const TSYS::STask& TSYS::taskDescr( ) { STask *stsk = (STask*)pthread_getspecific(sTaskKey); if(stsk) return *stsk; throw SYS->err_sys(_("It isn't OpenSCADA task!")); } void *TSYS::taskWrap( void *stas ) { //Get temporary task structure STask *tsk = (STask *)stas; pthread_setspecific(TSYS::sTaskKey, tsk); //Store call parameters void *(*wTask) (void *) = tsk->task; void *wTaskArg = tsk->taskArg; //Get current policy and priority int policy; struct sched_param param; pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, ¶m); tsk->policy = policy; //tsk->prior = param.sched_priority; //!!!! Commented for nice #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) //Load and init CPU set if(SYS->nCPU() > 1 && !(tsk->flgs&STask::Detached)) { tsk->cpuSet = TBDS::genDBGet(SYS->nodePath()+"CpuSet:"+tsk->path); cpu_set_t cpuset; CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); string sval; bool cpuSetOK = false; for(int off = 0; (sval=TSYS::strParse(tsk->cpuSet,0,":",&off)).size(); cpuSetOK = true) if(s2i(sval) < SYS->nCPU()) CPU_SET(s2i(sval), &cpuset); if(cpuSetOK) pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset); } else if(SYS->nCPU() > 1 && (tsk->flgs & STask::Detached)) tsk->cpuSet = "NA"; #endif //Final set for init finish indicate #ifdef HAVE_SYSCALL_H tsk->tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); #endif // Set nice level without realtime if it no permitted if(!(tsk->policy == SCHED_FIFO || tsk->policy == SCHED_RR) && tsk->prior > 0 && setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,tsk->tid,-tsk->prior/5) != 0) tsk->prior = 0; tsk->thr = pthread_self(); //Task creation finish //Signal SIGUSR1 BLOCK for internal checking to endrun by taskEndRun() sigset_t mask; sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL); //Call work task void *rez = NULL; try { rez = wTask(wTaskArg); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Task %u unexpected terminated by an exception."), tsk->thr); } //!!!! The code causes: FATAL: exception not rethrown //catch(...) { mess_sys(TMess::Error, _("Task %u unexpected terminated by an unknown exception."), tsk->thr); } //Mark for task finish tsk->flgs |= STask::FinishTask; //> Remove task object for detached if(tsk->flgs & STask::Detached) SYS->taskDestroy(tsk->path, NULL); return rez; } void *TSYS::ServTask( void * ) { for(unsigned int iCnt = 1; !TSYS::taskEndRun(); iCnt++) { SYS->isServPrc = true; if(SYS->isRunning()) { try { //Lock file update if(SYS->prjNm().size() && SYS->prjLockUpdPer() && !(iCnt%SYS->prjLockUpdPer())) SYS->prjLock("update"); //CPU frequency calculation (per ten seconds) if(!(iCnt%10)) SYS->clkCalc(); //Config-file checking for changes (per ten seconds) if(!(iCnt%10)) SYS->cfgFileScan(); //Checking for shared libraries if(SYS->modSchedul().at().chkPer() && !(iCnt%SYS->modSchedul().at().chkPer())) SYS->modSchedul().at().libLoad(SYS->modDir(), true); //Changes saving if(SYS->savePeriod() && !(iCnt%SYS->savePeriod())) SYS->save(); //Config-file checking for need to save if(!(iCnt%10)) SYS->cfgFileSave(); //Subsystems calling (per 10s) if(!(iCnt%prmServTask_PER)) { vector lst; SYS->list(lst); for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < lst.size(); iA++) try { SYS->at(lst[iA]).at().perSYSCall(iCnt); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); } } } catch(TError&) { } } else if(!SYS->mainThr.freeStat()) SYS->mainThr.at().perSYSCall(0); SYS->isServPrc = false; TSYS::taskSleep(1000000000); } return NULL; } void *TSYS::HPrTask( void * ) { while(!TSYS::taskEndRun()) { SYS->mSysTm = time(NULL); TSYS::taskSleep(1000000000); } return NULL; } void *TSYS::RdTask( void * ) { vector subLs; SYS->list(subLs); while(!TSYS::taskEndRun()) try { //Update wait time for dead stations and process connections to stations ResAlloc res(SYS->mRdRes, false); for(map::iterator sit = SYS->mSt.begin(); sit != SYS->mSt.end(); sit++) { // Live stations and connect to new station process if(sit->second.isLive || (!sit->second.isLive && sit->second.cnt <= 0)) { // Prepare request to a remote station XMLNode req("CntrReqs"); req.setAttr("path", "/"+sit->first); req.childAdd("st")->setAttr("path","/%2fserv%2fredundant"); for(unsigned iSub = 0; iSub < subLs.size(); iSub++) req.childAdd("st")->setAttr("path","/"+subLs[iSub]+"/%2fserv%2fredundant"); try { if(SYS->transport().at().cntrIfCmd(req,"redundant")) continue; sit->second.lev = s2i(req.childGet(0)->attr("StLevel")); sit->second.isLive = true; // State request for(int iL = 0, iReq = 1; iL < (int)subLs.size() && iReq < (int)req.childSize(); iL++, iReq++) { XMLNode *subPrt = req.childGet(iReq); subPrt->setAttr("StId", sit->first); if(!s2i(subPrt->attr("inProc")) || !SYS->at(subLs[iL]).at().rdProcess(subPrt)) subLs.erase(subLs.begin()+(iL--)); } } catch(TError &err) { sit->second.isLive = false; sit->second.lev = 0; sit->second.cnt = SYS->rdRestConnTm(); continue; } } // Reconnect counter process if(!sit->second.isLive && sit->second.cnt > 0) sit->second.cnt -= SYS->rdTaskPer(); if(sit->second.isLive != sit->second.isLivePrev) { if(sit->second.isLive) SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Notice, _("Redundant station '%s' is up."), SYS->transport().at().extHostGet("*",sit->first).name.c_str()); else SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Warning, _("Redundant station '%s' is down."), SYS->transport().at().extHostGet("*",sit->first).name.c_str()); sit->second.isLivePrev = sit->second.isLive; } } res.release(); //Call to main service request for(int iL = 0; iL < (int)subLs.size(); iL++) if(!SYS->at(subLs[iL]).at().rdProcess()) subLs.erase(subLs.begin()+(iL--)); //Wait to next iteration TSYS::taskSleep((int64_t)(SYS->rdTaskPer()*1e9)); } catch(TError &err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); } return NULL; } int TSYS::sysSleep( float tm ) { struct timespec spTm; clockid_t clkId = SYS->clockRT() ? CLOCK_REALTIME : CLOCK_MONOTONIC; if(tm < 300e-6) { //Wait into the direct cycle for(int64_t stTm = 0, cTm, toTm = 1000000000ll*tm; true; ) { clock_gettime(clkId, &spTm); cTm = 1000000000ll*spTm.tv_sec + spTm.tv_nsec; if(!stTm) stTm = cTm; else if((cTm-stTm) >= toTm) break; } return 0; } spTm.tv_sec = (time_t)tm; spTm.tv_nsec = (long)(1e9*(tm-floorf(tm))); return clock_nanosleep(clkId, 0, &spTm, NULL); /*struct timespec spTm; spTm.tv_sec = (time_t)tm; spTm.tv_nsec = (long int)(1e9*(tm-floorf(tm))); return nanosleep(&spTm, NULL);*/ } void TSYS::taskSleep( int64_t per, const string &icron, int64_t *lag ) { struct timespec spTm; STask *stsk = (STask*)pthread_getspecific(sTaskKey); if(icron.empty()) { if(!per) per = 1000000000ll; clockid_t clkId = SYS->clockRT() ? CLOCK_REALTIME : CLOCK_MONOTONIC; clock_gettime(clkId, &spTm); int64_t off = (stsk && SYS->taskInvPhs() > 1) ? per*(stsk->phase%SYS->taskInvPhs())/SYS->taskInvPhs() : 0; //phasing offset int64_t cur_tm = (int64_t)spTm.tv_sec*1000000000ll + spTm.tv_nsec, pnt_tm = ((cur_tm-off)/per + 1)*per, wake_tm = 0; do { spTm.tv_sec = (pnt_tm+off)/1000000000ll; spTm.tv_nsec = (pnt_tm+off)%1000000000ll; if(clock_nanosleep(clkId,TIMER_ABSTIME,&spTm,NULL)) return; clock_gettime(clkId, &spTm); wake_tm = (int64_t)spTm.tv_sec*1000000000ll + spTm.tv_nsec - off; } while(wake_tm < pnt_tm); if(stsk) { if(stsk->tm_pnt) stsk->cycleLost += vmax(0, pnt_tm/per-stsk->tm_pnt/per-1); if(lag) *lag = stsk->tm_pnt ? wake_tm-stsk->tm_pnt-per : 0; stsk->tm_beg = stsk->tm_per; stsk->tm_end = cur_tm - off; stsk->tm_per = wake_tm; stsk->tm_pnt = pnt_tm; stsk->lagMax = vmax(stsk->lagMax, stsk->tm_per - stsk->tm_pnt); if(stsk->tm_beg) stsk->consMax = vmax(stsk->consMax, stsk->tm_end - stsk->tm_beg); } } else { int64_t end_tm = curTime(); time_t cur_tm = end_tm/1000000, cron_tm = cron(icron, cur_tm); while(time(NULL) < cron_tm && sysSleep(1) == 0) { time_t dt = time(NULL) - cur_tm; if(dt/60) { dt = 60*(dt/60); SYS->mess_sys(TMess::Debug, _("System clock changed to '%s'. Correction the cron '%s' target!"), tm2s(dt).c_str(), icron.c_str()); cron_tm += dt; end_tm += 1000000ll*dt; if(stsk) stsk->tm_per += 1000000000ll*dt; } cur_tm = time(NULL); } if(stsk) { stsk->tm_beg = stsk->tm_per; stsk->tm_end = 1000ll*end_tm; stsk->tm_per = 1000ll*curTime(); stsk->tm_pnt = 1000000000ll*cron_tm; stsk->lagMax = vmax(stsk->lagMax, stsk->tm_per - stsk->tm_pnt); if(stsk->tm_beg) stsk->consMax = vmax(stsk->consMax, stsk->tm_end - stsk->tm_beg); } } } time_t TSYS::cron( const string &vl, time_t base ) { string cronEl, tEl; int vbeg, vend, vstep, vm; time_t ctm = base?base:time(NULL); struct tm ttm; localtime_r(&ctm,&ttm); ttm.tm_sec = 0; reload: bool isReload = false; //Minutes check cronEl = TSYS::strSepParse(vl,0,' '); vm = 200; for(int eoff = 0; (tEl=TSYS::strSepParse(cronEl,0,',',&eoff)).size(); ) { vbeg = vend = -1; vstep = 0; sscanf(tEl.c_str(), "%d-%d/%d", &vbeg, &vend, &vstep); if(vbeg < 0) { sscanf(tEl.c_str(), "*/%d", &vstep); vbeg = 0; vend = 59; } if(vend < 0) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+((ttm.tm_min>=vbeg)?60:0)); else if((vbeg=vmax(0,vbeg)) < (vend=vmin(59,vend))) { if(ttm.tm_min < vbeg) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg); else if((vstep>1 && ttm.tm_min >= (vbeg+((vend-vbeg)/vstep)*vstep)) || (vstep <= 0 && ttm.tm_min >= vend)) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+60); else if(vstep>1 ) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg + vstep*(((ttm.tm_min+1)-vbeg)/vstep + ((((ttm.tm_min+1)-vbeg)%vstep)?1:0))); else vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_min+1); } if(vm == ttm.tm_min+1) break; } ttm.tm_min = vm; mktime(&ttm); //Hours check cronEl = TSYS::strSepParse(vl,1,' '); vm = 200; for(int eoff = 0; (tEl=TSYS::strSepParse(cronEl,0,',',&eoff)).size(); ) { vbeg = vend = -1; vstep = 0; sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"%d-%d/%d",&vbeg,&vend,&vstep); if(vbeg < 0) { sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"*/%d",&vstep); vbeg=0; vend=23; } if(vend < 0) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+((ttm.tm_hour>vbeg)?24:0)); else if((vbeg=vmax(0,vbeg)) < (vend=vmin(23,vend))) { if(ttm.tm_hour < vbeg) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg); else if((vstep>1 && ttm.tm_hour > (vbeg+((vend-vbeg)/vstep)*vstep)) || (vstep <= 0 && ttm.tm_hour > vend)) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+24); else if(vstep > 1) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg + vstep*((ttm.tm_hour-vbeg)/vstep + (((ttm.tm_hour-vbeg)%vstep)?1:0))); else vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_hour); } if(vm == ttm.tm_hour) break; } isReload = (vm != 200 && ttm.tm_hour!=vm); ttm.tm_hour = vm; mktime(&ttm); if(isReload) { ttm.tm_min = -1; goto reload; } //Day check cronEl = TSYS::strSepParse(vl,2,' '); string cronElw = TSYS::strSepParse(vl,4,' '); vm = 200; if(cronEl != "*") for(int eoff = 0; (tEl=TSYS::strSepParse(cronEl,0,',',&eoff)).size(); ) { vbeg = vend = -1; vstep = 0; sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"%d-%d/%d",&vbeg,&vend,&vstep); if(vbeg < 0) { sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"*/%d",&vstep); vbeg=1; vend=31; } if(vend < 0) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+((ttm.tm_mday>vbeg)?31:0)); else if((vbeg=vmax(1,vbeg)) < (vend=vmin(31,vend))) { if(ttm.tm_mday < vbeg) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg); else if((vstep>1 && ttm.tm_mday > (vbeg+((vend-vbeg)/vstep)*vstep)) || (vstep <= 0 && ttm.tm_mday > vend)) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+31); else if(vstep > 1) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg + vstep*((ttm.tm_mday-vbeg)/vstep + (((ttm.tm_mday-vbeg)%vstep)?1:0))); else vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_mday); } if(vm == ttm.tm_mday) break; } if(cronEl == "*" || (cronElw != "*" && !cronElw.empty())) for(int eoff = 0; (tEl=TSYS::strSepParse(cronElw,0,',',&eoff)).size(); ) { vbeg = vend = -1; vstep = 0; sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"%d-%d/%d",&vbeg,&vend,&vstep); if(vbeg < 0) { sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"*/%d",&vstep); vbeg=0; vend=6; } if(vend < 0) vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_mday - ttm.tm_wday + vbeg+((ttm.tm_wday>vbeg)?7:0)); else if((vbeg=vmax(0,vbeg)) < (vend=vmin(6,vend))) { if(ttm.tm_wday < vbeg) vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_mday - ttm.tm_wday + vbeg); else if((vstep>1 && ttm.tm_wday > (vbeg+((vend-vbeg)/vstep)*vstep)) || (vstep <= 0 && ttm.tm_wday > vend)) vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_mday - ttm.tm_wday + vbeg+7); else if(vstep>1) vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_mday - ttm.tm_wday + vbeg + vstep*((ttm.tm_wday-vbeg)/vstep + (((ttm.tm_wday-vbeg)%vstep)?1:0))); else vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_mday); } if(vm == ttm.tm_mday) break; } isReload = (vm!=200 && ttm.tm_mday!=vm); if(vm <= 31) ttm.tm_mday = vm; else { ttm.tm_mday = vm-31; ttm.tm_mon++; } mktime(&ttm); if(isReload) { ttm.tm_min = -1; ttm.tm_hour = 0; goto reload; } //Month check cronEl = TSYS::strSepParse(vl,3,' '); vm = 200; for(int eoff = 0; (tEl=TSYS::strSepParse(cronEl,0,',',&eoff)).size(); ) { vbeg = vend = -1; vstep = 0; sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"%d-%d/%d",&vbeg,&vend,&vstep); if(vbeg < 0) { sscanf(tEl.c_str(),"*/%d",&vstep); vbeg=1; vend=12; } if(vend < 0) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+(((ttm.tm_mon+1)>vbeg)?12:0)); else if((vbeg=vmax(1,vbeg)) < (vend=vmin(12,vend))) { if((ttm.tm_mon+1) < vbeg) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg); else if((vstep>1 && (ttm.tm_mon+1) > (vbeg+((vend-vbeg)/vstep)*vstep)) || (vstep <= 0 && (ttm.tm_mon+1) > vend)) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg+12); else if(vstep > 1) vm = vmin(vm, vbeg + vstep*(((ttm.tm_mon+1)-vbeg)/vstep + ((((ttm.tm_mon+1)-vbeg)%vstep)?1:0))); else vm = vmin(vm, ttm.tm_mon+1); } if(vm == (ttm.tm_mon+1)) break; } isReload = (vm!=200 && ttm.tm_mon!=(vm-1)); ttm.tm_mon = vm-1; mktime(&ttm); if(isReload) { ttm.tm_min = -1; ttm.tm_hour = 0; ttm.tm_mday = 1; goto reload; } return mktime(&ttm); } TVariant TSYS::objFuncCall( const string &iid, vector &prms, const string &user ) { bool alt1 = false; // int message(string cat, int level, string mess) - formation of the program message with the category , level // cat - message category // level - message level // mess - message text if(iid == "message" && prms.size() >= 3) { message(prms[0].getS().c_str(), (TMess::Type)prms[1].getI(), "%s", prms[2].getS().c_str()); return 0; } // int mess{Debug,Info,Note,Warning,Err,Crit,Alert,Emerg}(string cat, string mess) - // formation of the program message with the category and the appropriate level // cat - message category // mess - message text if(iid == "messDebug" && prms.size() >= 2) { mess_debug(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } if(iid == "messInfo" && prms.size() >= 2) { mess_info(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } if(iid == "messNote" && prms.size() >= 2) { mess_note(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } if(iid == "messWarning" && prms.size() >= 2){ mess_warning(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } if(iid == "messErr" && prms.size() >= 2) { mess_err(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } if(iid == "messCrit" && prms.size() >= 2) { mess_crit(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } if(iid == "messAlert" && prms.size() >= 2) { mess_alert(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } if(iid == "messEmerg" && prms.size() >= 2) { mess_emerg(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "%s", prms[1].getS().c_str()); return 0; } // {string|int} system(string cmd, bool noPipe = false) - calls the console commands of OS returning the result by the channel // cmd - command text // noPipe - pipe result disable for background call if(iid == "system" && prms.size() >= 1) { if(prms.size() >= 2 && prms[1].getB()) return system(prms[0].getS().c_str()); FILE *fp = popen(prms[0].getS().c_str(), "r"); if(!fp) return string(""); char buf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; string rez; for(int r_cnt = 0; (r_cnt=fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),fp)) || !feof(fp); ) rez.append(buf,r_cnt); pclose(fp); return rez; } // int fileSize( string file ) - Return the size. if(iid == "fileSize" && prms.size() >= 1) { int hd = open(prms[0].getS().c_str(), O_RDONLY); int rez = -1; if(hd >= 0) { rez = lseek(hd, 0, SEEK_END); close(hd); } return rez; } // string fileRead( string file, int off = 0, int sz = -1 ) - Return the content from offset and for the block size . if(iid == "fileRead" && prms.size() >= 1) { char buf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; string rez; int hd = open(prms[0].getS().c_str(), O_RDONLY); if(hd >= 0) { if(prms.size() >= 2) lseek(hd, prms[1].getI(), SEEK_SET); int sz = (prms.size() >= 3) ? prms[2].getI() : -1; if(sz < 0) for(int len = 0; (len=read(hd,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0; ) rez.append(buf, len); else for(int len = 0, rLen = 0; rLen < sz && (len=read(hd,buf,fmin(sz-rLen,(int)sizeof(buf)))) > 0; rLen += len) rez.append(buf, len); close(hd); } return rez; } // int fileWrite( string file, string str, bool append = false ) - Write to , remove presented or . // Return wrote bytes count. if(iid == "fileWrite" && prms.size() >= 2) { int wcnt = 0, wflags = O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC; string val = prms[1].getS(); if(prms.size() >= 3 && prms[2].getB()) wflags = O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND; int hd = open(prms[0].getS().c_str(), wflags, permCrtFiles()); if(hd >= 0) { wcnt = write(hd, val.data(), val.size()); close(hd); } return wcnt; } // int fileRemove( string file ) - Remove . // Return the removing result. if(iid == "fileRemove" && prms.size()) return remove(prms[0].getS().c_str()); // XMLNodeObj XMLNode(string name = "") - creation of the XML node object with the name // name - XML node name if(iid == "XMLNode") return new XMLNodeObj((prms.size()>=1) ? prms[0].getS() : ""); // string cntrReq(XMLNodeObj req, string stat = "") - request of the control interface to the program via XML // req - request's XML node // stat - remote OpenSCADA-station for request if(iid == "cntrReq" && prms.size() >= 1) { XMLNode req; AutoHD xnd = prms[0].getO(); if(xnd.freeStat()) return _("1:Request is not an object!"); xnd.at().toXMLNode(req); string path = req.attr("path"); if(prms.size() < 2 || prms[1].getS().empty()) { req.setAttr("user",user); cntrCmd(&req); } else try { req.setAttr("path", "/"+prms[1].getS()+path); transport().at().cntrIfCmd(req, "cntrReq"); req.setAttr("path", path); } catch(TError &err) { return TSYS::strMess(_("10:Error remote request: %s"), err.mess.c_str()); } xnd.at().fromXMLNode(req); return "0"; } // string lang(string full) - returns the system language in two symbols and the full language in // full - microseconds of time if(iid == "lang") { if(prms.size() >= 1) { prms[0].setS(Mess->lang()); prms[0].setModify(); } return Mess->lang2Code(); } // int sleep(real tm, int ntm = 0) - call for task sleep to seconds and nanoseconds. // tm - wait time in seconds (precised up to nanoseconds), up to prmInterf_TM(7 seconds) // ntm - wait time part in nanoseconds if(iid == "sleep" && prms.size() >= 1) { return sysSleep(fmin(prms[0].getR()+1e-9*((prms.size()>=2)?prms[1].getI():0),(double)prmInterf_TM)); /*struct timespec spTm; spTm.tv_sec = prms[0].getI(); spTm.tv_nsec = 1000000000l*(prms[0].getR()-spTm.tv_sec) + ((prms.size()>=2)?prms[1].getI():0); spTm.tv_sec = vmin(prmInterf_TM, spTm.tv_sec); clockid_t clkId = SYS->clockRT() ? CLOCK_REALTIME : CLOCK_MONOTONIC; return clock_nanosleep(clkId, 0, &spTm, NULL);*/ //return nanosleep(&spTm, NULL); } // int time(int usec) - returns absolute time in seconds from the epoch of 1/1/1970 and in microseconds, if is specified // usec - microseconds of time if(iid == "time") { if(prms.empty()) return (int64_t)time(NULL); int64_t tm = curTime(); prms[0].setI(tm%1000000); prms[0].setModify(); return (int64_t)(tm/1000000); } // int utime(); int mtime(); - return absolute time in microseconds and milliseconds from the epoch of 1/1/1970 if(iid == "utime") return (int64_t)curTime(); if(iid == "mtime") return (int64_t)curTime()/1000; // int {localtime|gmtime}(int fullsec, int sec, int min, int hour, int mday, int month, int year, int wday, int yday, int isdst) // - returns the full date based on the absolute time in seconds from the epoch 1.1.1970 // fullsec - source time ins seconds from the epoch 1.1.1970 // sec - seconds // min - minutes // hour - hours // mday - days of the month // month - months // year - years // wday - days in the week // yday - days in the year // isdst - sign of summer time if((iid == "localtime" || (alt1=(iid=="gmtime"))) && prms.size() >= 2) { time_t tm_t = prms[0].getI(); struct tm tm_tm; if(alt1) gmtime_r(&tm_t, &tm_tm); else localtime_r(&tm_t, &tm_tm); prms[1].setI(tm_tm.tm_sec); prms[1].setModify(); if(prms.size() >= 3) { prms[2].setI(tm_tm.tm_min); prms[2].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 4) { prms[3].setI(tm_tm.tm_hour); prms[3].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 5) { prms[4].setI(tm_tm.tm_mday); prms[4].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 6) { prms[5].setI(tm_tm.tm_mon); prms[5].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 7) { prms[6].setI(1900+tm_tm.tm_year); prms[6].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 8) { prms[7].setI(tm_tm.tm_wday); prms[7].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 9) { prms[8].setI(tm_tm.tm_yday); prms[8].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 10) { prms[9].setI(tm_tm.tm_isdst); prms[9].setModify(); } return 0; } // int mktime(int sec, int min, int hour, int mday, int month, int year, int wday, int yday, int isdst) // - return time since the Epoch 1.1.1970 converted from broken-down time // sec - seconds // min - minutes // hour - hours // mday - days of the month // month - months // year - years // wday - days in the week // yday - days in the year // isdst - sign of summer time if(iid == "mktime" || (alt1=(iid=="timegm"))) { struct tm tm_tm; tm_tm.tm_sec = (prms.size()>=1) ? prms[0].getI() : 0; tm_tm.tm_min = (prms.size()>=2) ? prms[1].getI() : 0; tm_tm.tm_hour = (prms.size()>=3) ? prms[2].getI() : 0; tm_tm.tm_mday = (prms.size()>=4) ? prms[3].getI() : 0; tm_tm.tm_mon = (prms.size()>=5) ? prms[4].getI() : 0; tm_tm.tm_year = (prms.size()>=6) ? prms[5].getI()-1900 : 0; tm_tm.tm_wday = (prms.size()>=7) ? prms[6].getI() : -1; tm_tm.tm_yday = (prms.size()>=8) ? prms[7].getI() : -1; tm_tm.tm_isdst = (prms.size()>=9) ? prms[8].getI() : -1; time_t rez = alt1 ? timegm(&tm_tm) : mktime(&tm_tm); if(prms.size() >= 1) { prms[0].setI(tm_tm.tm_sec); prms[0].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 2) { prms[1].setI(tm_tm.tm_min); prms[1].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 3) { prms[2].setI(tm_tm.tm_hour); prms[2].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 4) { prms[3].setI(tm_tm.tm_mday); prms[3].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 5) { prms[4].setI(tm_tm.tm_mon); prms[4].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 6) { prms[5].setI(1900+tm_tm.tm_year); prms[5].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 7) { prms[6].setI(tm_tm.tm_wday); prms[6].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 8) { prms[7].setI(tm_tm.tm_yday); prms[7].setModify(); } if(prms.size() >= 9) { prms[8].setI(tm_tm.tm_isdst); prms[8].setModify(); } return (int64_t)rez; } // string {strftime|strftimegm}(int sec, string form = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") // - converts an absolute time to the string of the desired format
// sec - time ins seconds from the epoch 1.1.1970 // form - result string format if((iid == "strftime" || (alt1=(iid=="strftimegm"))) && !prms.empty()) { time_t tm_t = prms[0].getI(); struct tm tm_tm; if(alt1) gmtime_r(&tm_t, &tm_tm); else localtime_r(&tm_t, &tm_tm); char buf[1000]; int rez = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), (prms.size()>=2) ? prms[1].getS().c_str() : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm_tm); return (rez>0) ? string(buf,rez) : ""; } // int {strptime|strptimegm}(string str, string form = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - returns the time in seconds from the epoch of 1/1/1970, // based on the string record of time , in accordance with the specified template // str - source time in string // form - string's time template in format POSIX-function "strptime" if((iid == "strptime" || (alt1=(iid=="strptimegm"))) && !prms.empty()) { struct tm stm; stm.tm_isdst = -1; strptime(prms[0].getS().c_str(), (prms.size()>=2) ? prms[1].getS().c_str() : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &stm); return (int64_t)(alt1 ? timegm(&stm) : mktime(&stm)); } // int cron(string cronreq, int base = 0) - returns the time, planned in the format of the standard Cron , // beginning from basic time or from the current, if the basic is not specified // cronreq - shedule in standard Cron format // base - base time if(iid == "cron" && !prms.empty()) return (int64_t)cron(prms[0].getS(), (prms.size()>=2) ? prms[1].getI() : 0); // string strFromCharCode(int char1, int char2, int char3, ...) - string creation from symbol's codes // char1, char2. char3 - symbol's codes if(iid == "strFromCharCode") { string rez; for(unsigned iP = 0; iP < prms.size(); iP++) rez += (unsigned char)prms[iP].getI(); return rez; } // string strFromCharUTF([string type = "UTF-8",] int char1, int char2, int char3, ...) - string creation from UTF codes // type - symbol type, (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE) // char1, char2. char3 - symbol's codes if(iid == "strFromCharUTF") { string rez; int st = 0; string tp = ""; if(prms.size() && prms[0].type() == TVariant::String) st = 1, tp = TSYS::strEncode(prms[0].getS(),TSYS::ToLower); if(tp.find("utf-16") == 0) { uint16_t tvl = 0; for(unsigned iP = st; iP < prms.size(); iP++) { if(tp.find("be") != string::npos) tvl = TSYS::i16_BE(prms[iP].getI()); else tvl = TSYS::i16_LE(prms[iP].getI()); rez += string((const char*)&tvl, 2); } } else if(tp.find("utf-32") == 0) { uint32_t tvl = 0; for(unsigned iP = st; iP < prms.size(); iP++) { if(tp.find("be") != string::npos) tvl = TSYS::i32_BE(prms[iP].getI()); else tvl = TSYS::i32_LE(prms[iP].getI()); rez += string((const char*)&tvl, 4); } } else for(unsigned iP = st; iP < prms.size(); iP++) rez += TMess::setUTF8(prms[iP].getI()); return rez; } // string strCodeConv( string src, string fromCP, string toCP ) - String text encode from codepage to codepage . // src - source text; // fromCP - from codepage, empty for use internal codepage; // toCP - to codepage, empty for use internal codepage. if(iid == "strCodeConv" && prms.size() >= 3) return Mess->codeConv((prms[1].getS().size() ? prms[1].getS() : Mess->charset()), (prms[2].getS().size() ? prms[2].getS() : Mess->charset()), prms[0].getS()); // string strEncode( string src, string tp = "Bin", string opt1 = "" ) - String encode from by and options . // src - source; // tp - encode type: "PathEl", "HttpURL", "HTML", "JavaScript", "SQL", "Custom", "Base64", "FormatPrint", // "OscdID", "Bin", "Reverse", "ShieldSimb" // opt1 - option 1, symbols for "Custom" if(iid == "strEncode" && prms.size() >= 1) { string stp = (prms.size()>1) ? prms[1].getS() : "Bin"; Code tp = (Code)0; if(stp == "PathEl") tp = PathEl; else if(stp == "HttpURL") tp = HttpURL; else if(stp == "HTML") tp = Html; else if(stp == "JavaScript") tp = JavaSc; else if(stp == "SQL") tp = SQL; else if(stp == "Custom") tp = Custom; else if(stp == "Base64") tp = base64; else if(stp == "FormatPrint") tp = FormatPrint; else if(stp == "OscdID") tp = oscdID; else if(stp == "Bin") tp = Bin; else if(stp == "Reverse") tp = Reverse; else if(stp == "ShieldSimb") tp = ShieldSimb; else if(stp == "ToLower") tp = ToLower; else if(stp == "Limit") tp = Limit; else return ""; return strEncode(prms[0].getS(), tp, (prms.size()>2) ? prms[2].getS() : ""); } // string strDecode( string src, string tp = "Bin", string opt1 = "" ) - String decode from by and options . // src - source; // tp - encode type: "PathEl", "HttpURL", "Custom", "Base64", "Bin" // opt1 - option 1, separator for "Bin" if(iid == "strDecode" && prms.size() >= 1) { string stp = (prms.size()>1) ? prms[1].getS() : "Bin"; Code tp = (Code)0; if(stp == "PathEl") tp = PathEl; else if(stp == "HttpURL") tp = HttpURL; else if(stp == "Custom") tp = Custom; else if(stp == "Base64") tp = base64; else if(stp == "Bin") tp = Bin; else return ""; return strDecode(prms[0].getS(), tp, (prms.size()>2) ? prms[2].getS() : ""); } return TCntrNode::objFuncCall(iid,prms,user); } void TSYS::ctrListFS( XMLNode *nd, const string &fsBaseIn, const string &fileExt ) { int pathLev = 0; //Source path check and normalize bool fromRoot = (fsBaseIn.size() && fsBaseIn[0] == '/'); nd->childAdd("el")->setText("/"); if(TSYS::pathLev(fsBaseIn,0) != ".") nd->childAdd("el")->setText("."); string fsBase, tEl; for(int off = 0; (tEl=TSYS::pathLev(fsBaseIn,0,false,&off)).size(); pathLev++) { fsBase += ((pathLev || fromRoot)?"/":"")+tEl; nd->childAdd("el")->setText(fsBase); } if(fromRoot && pathLev == 0) fsBase = "/"; //Previous items set if(!fromRoot) { if(pathLev == 0) nd->childAdd("el")->setText(".."); else if(TSYS::pathLev(fsBase,pathLev-1) == "..") nd->childAdd("el")->setText(fsBase+"/.."); } //From work directory check string fsBaseCor = fsBase; if(!fsBaseCor.size() || (fsBaseCor[0] != '/' && fsBaseCor[0] != '.')) fsBaseCor = "./"+fsBaseCor; //Child items process vector its, fits; DIR *IdDir = opendir(fsBaseCor.c_str()); if(IdDir != NULL) { dirent *sDirRez = NULL, *sDir = (dirent*)malloc(offsetof(dirent,d_name) + NAME_MAX + 1); while(readdir_r(IdDir,sDir,&sDirRez) == 0 && sDirRez) { if(strcmp(sDirRez->d_name,"..") == 0 || strcmp(sDirRez->d_name,".") == 0) continue; if(sDirRez->d_type == DT_DIR || sDirRez->d_type == DT_LNK || ((sDirRez->d_type == DT_CHR || sDirRez->d_type == DT_BLK) && fileExt.find(tEl+";") != string::npos) || (sDirRez->d_type == DT_CHR && fileExt.find(tEl+";") != string::npos)) fits.push_back(sDirRez->d_name); else if(sDirRez->d_type == DT_REG && fileExt.size()) { tEl = sDirRez->d_name; size_t extPos = tEl.rfind("."); tEl = (extPos != string::npos) ? tEl.substr(extPos+1) : ""; if(fileExt == "*" || (tEl.size() && fileExt.find(tEl+";") != string::npos)) fits.push_back(sDirRez->d_name); } } closedir(IdDir); free(sDir); } sort(its.begin(),its.end()); for(unsigned i_it = 0; i_it < its.size(); i_it++) nd->childAdd("el")->setText(fsBase+(pathLev?"/":"")+its[i_it]); sort(fits.begin(),fits.end()); for(unsigned i_it = 0; i_it < fits.size(); i_it++) nd->childAdd("el")->setText(fsBase+(pathLev?"/":"")+fits[i_it]); } void TSYS::cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ) { char buf[prmStrBuf_SZ]; string u = opt->attr("user"), l = opt->attr("lang"); string a_path = opt->attr("path"); //Service commands process if(a_path == "/serv/redundant") { //Redundant service requests if(ctrChkNode(opt,"st",RWRWR_,"root",SDAQ_ID,SEC_RD)) { //State opt->setAttr("StLevel", i2s(rdStLevel())); return; } } //Get page info if(opt->name() == "info") { TCntrNode::cntrCmdProc(opt); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),_("%s station: \"%s\""),PACKAGE_NAME,trLU(name(),l,u).c_str()); ctrMkNode("oscada_cntr",opt,-1,"/",buf,R_R_R_)->setAttr("doc","Program_manual|Documents/Program_manual"); if(ctrMkNode("branches",opt,-1,"/br","",R_R_R_)) ctrMkNode("grp",opt,-1,"/br/sub_",_("Subsystem"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"idm","1"); if(TUIS::icoGet(name(),NULL,true).size() || TUIS::icoGet(id(),NULL,true).size()) ctrMkNode("img",opt,-1,"/ico","",R_R_R_); if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,-1,"/gen",_("Station"),R_R_R_)) { ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/id",_("Identifier"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/stat",_("Station name"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/prog",_("Program"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/ver",_("Version"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/host",_("Host name"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/user",_("System user"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/sys",_("Operation system"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/CPU",_("CPU"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); if(nCPU() > 1) ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/mainCPUs",_("Main CPUs set"),RWRWR_,"root","root",2,"tp","str", "help",_("To set up the processors you use, write a row of numbers separated by a ':' character.\nProcessor numbers start at 0.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/clk",_("Tasks planning clock"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/taskInvPhs",_("Number of phases of the task invoking"),RWRWR_,"root","root",2,"tp","dec", "help",_("To set up phasing of the task invoking in the determined phases number, <= 0 to set optimal, 1 to disable the tasks phasing.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/in_charset",_("Internal charset"),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/config",_("Configuration file"),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/workdir",_("Work directory"),R_R___,"root","root",3,"tp","str","dest","sel_ed","select","/gen/workDirList"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/moddir",_("Modules directory"),R_R___,"root","root",3,"tp","str","dest","sel_ed","select","/gen/modDirList"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/icodir",_("Icons directory"),R_R___,"root","root",4,"tp","str","dest","sel_ed","select","/gen/icoDirList", "help",_("Separate directory paths with icons by symbol ';'.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/docdir",_("Documents directory"),R_R___,"root","root",4,"tp","str","dest","sel_ed","select","/gen/docDirList", "help",_("Separate directory paths with documents by symbol ';'.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/wrk_db",_("Work DB"),RWRWR_,"root","root",4,"tp","str","dest","select","select","/db/list", "help",_("Work DB address in format \"{DB module}.{DB name}\".\nChange this field if you want to save or to reload all the program from other DB.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/saveExit",_("Save the program at exit"),RWRWR_,"root","root",2,"tp","bool", "help",_("Select for the program automatic saving to DB on exit.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/savePeriod",_("Period the program saving"),RWRWR_,"root","root",2,"tp","dec", "help",_("Use not a zero period (seconds) to periodically save program changes to the DB.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/modifCalc",_("Set modification for the calculated objects"),RWRWR_,"root","root",2,"tp","bool", "help",_("Most suitable for the production systems together with the previous configuration properties, for the calculation context saving.\n" "But it is inconvinient in the development mode, all time reminding for the saving need.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/lang",_("Language"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,-1,"/gen/mess",_("Messages"),R_R_R_)) { ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/mess/lev",_("Least level"),RWRWR_,"root","root",6,"tp","dec","len","1","dest","select", "sel_id","0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7", "sel_list",_("Debug (0);Information (1);Notice (2);Warning (3);Error (4);Critical (5);Alert (6);Emergency (7)"), "help",_("Least messages level which is procesed by the program.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/mess/log_sysl",_("To syslog"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","bool"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/mess/log_stdo",_("To stdout"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","bool"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/mess/log_stde",_("To stderr"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","bool"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/gen/mess/log_arch",_("To archive"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","bool"); } } if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,-1,"/subs",_("Subsystems"))) ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/subs/br",_("Subsystems"),R_R_R_,"root","root",3,"idm","1","tp","br","br_pref","sub_"); if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,-1,"/redund",_("Redundancy"))) { ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/redund/status",_("Status"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/redund/statLev",_("Station level"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","dec"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/redund/tskPer",_("Redundant task period, seconds"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","real"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/redund/restConn",_("Restore connection timeout, seconds"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","dec"); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/redund/primCmdTr",_("Local primary commands transfer"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","bool"); if(ctrMkNode("table",opt,-1,"/redund/sts",_("Stations"),RWRWR_,"root","root",2,"key","st","s_com","add,del")) { ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/st",_("Identifier"),RWRWR_,"root","root",3,"tp","str","dest","select","select","/redund/lsSt"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/name",_("Name"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/live",_("Live"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","bool"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/lev",_("Level"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","dec"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/cnt",_("Counter"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","real"); } ctrMkNode("comm",opt,-1,"/redund/hostLnk",_("Go to the configuration of the list of remote stations"),0660,"root","Transport",1,"tp","lnk"); } if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,-1,"/tr",_("Translations"))) { ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/status",_("Status"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); XMLNode *blNd = ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/baseLang",_("Base language of the text variables"),RWRWR_,"root","root",5, "tp","str","len","2","dest","sel_ed","select","/tr/baseLangLs", "help",_("Enables the multilingual support for text variables in the configuration DBs by selecting the base language.\n" "You can select or type here other language besides English(en), but take in your mind that " "all standard OpenSCADA libraries's formed for the base language English(en), so other base languages " "will break these DBs at change!")); if(Mess->lang2CodeBase().size()) { blNd->setAttr("dscr", blNd->attr("dscr") + ", " + _("dynamic translation")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/dynPlan","",RWRW__,"root","root",2,"tp","bool","help",_("Dynamic translation scheduling for next startup.")); if(!Mess->translDyn()) ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/enMan",_("Enable the manager"),RWRWR_,"root","root",2,"tp","bool", "help",_("Enables the generic translation manager which cause full reloading for all built messages obtain.")); } if(Mess->translEnMan()) { ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/langs",_("Languages of managing"),RWRW__,"root","root",2,"tp","str", "help",_("List of the processing languages, in the two-character representation and separated by the character ';'.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/fltr",_("Source filter, check for mismatch, pass"),RWRW__,"root","root",2,"tp","str", "help",_("Source filter of limiting the manager work in some DBs, the source just must contain such substring.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/chkUnMatch","",RWRW__,"root","root",2,"tp","bool", "help",_("Enable for checking the equal base messages for their translation equality in different sources.")); ctrMkNode("fld",opt,-1,"/tr/pass","",RWRW__,"root","root",3,"tp","dec","min","0", "help",_("Pass the specified number of the table items from the top, " "useful for very big projects which are limited in time of the table complete processing.")); if(ctrMkNode("table",opt,-1,"/tr/mess",_("Messages"),RWRW__,"root","root",1,"key","base")) { ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tr/mess/base",Mess->lang2CodeBase().c_str(),RWRW__,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); string lngEl; for(int off = 0; (lngEl=strParse(Mess->translLangs(),0,";",&off)).size(); ) if(lngEl.size() == 2 && lngEl != Mess->lang2CodeBase()) ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,("/tr/mess/"+lngEl).c_str(),lngEl.c_str(),RWRW__,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tr/mess/src",_("Source"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); } } } if(ctrMkNode("area",opt,-1,"/tasks",_("Tasks"),R_R___)) if(ctrMkNode("table",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks",_("Tasks"),RWRW__,"root","root",1,"key","path")) { ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/path",_("Path"),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/thrd",_("Thread"),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/tid",_("TID"),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","dec"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/stat",_("Status"),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/plc",_("Policy"),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/prior",_("Prior."),R_R___,"root","root",1,"tp","dec"); #if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) if(nCPU() > 1) ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/cpuSet",_("CPU set"),RWRW__,"root","root",2,"tp","str", "help",_("To set up the processors you use, write a row of numbers separated by a ':' character.")); #endif if(taskInvPhs() > 1) ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/taskPh",_("Phase"),RWRW__,"root","root",2,"tp","dec", "help",_("To set up the task invoking phase.")); } if((mess_lev() == TMess::Debug || !cntrEmpty()) && ctrMkNode("area",opt,-1,"/debug",_("Debug"))) { if(!cntrEmpty() && ctrMkNode("table",opt,-1,"/debug/cntr",_("Counters"),R_R_R_,"root","root")) { ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/cntr/id","ID",R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/cntr/vl",_("Value"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","real"); } if(ctrMkNode("table",opt,-1,"/debug/dbgCats",_("Debug categories"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"key","cat")) { ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/dbgCats/cat",_("Category"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","str"); ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/dbgCats/prc",_("Process"),RWRWR_,"root","root",1,"tp","bool"); } ctrMkNode("comm",opt,-1,"/debug/mess",_("See to the messages"),R_R_R_,"root","root",1,"tp","lnk"); } return; } //Process command to page if(a_path == "/ico" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { string itp; opt->setText(TSYS::strEncode(TUIS::icoGet(name(),&itp),TSYS::base64)); if(!itp.size()) opt->setText(TSYS::strEncode(TUIS::icoGet(id(),&itp),TSYS::base64)); opt->setAttr("tp", itp); } else if(a_path == "/gen/host" && ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(host()); else if(a_path == "/gen/sys" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { utsname ubuf; uname(&ubuf); opt->setText(string(ubuf.sysname)+"-"+ubuf.release); } else if(a_path == "/gen/user" && ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(mUser); else if(a_path == "/gen/prog" && ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(PACKAGE_NAME); else if(a_path == "/gen/ver" && ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(VERSION); else if(a_path == "/gen/id" && ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(id()); else if(a_path == "/gen/stat") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(trLU(name(),l,u)); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setName(trSetLU(name(),l,u,opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/gen/CPU" && ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(strMess(_("%dx%0.3gGHz"),nCPU(),(float)sysClk()/1e9)); else if(a_path == "/gen/mainCPUs") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) { string vl = mainCPUs(); #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) cpu_set_t cpuset; CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); pthread_getaffinity_np(mainPthr, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset); vl += "("; for(int iCPU = 0; iCPU < nCPU(); iCPU++) if(CPU_ISSET(iCPU,&cpuset)) vl += string(vl[vl.size()-1]=='('?"":":")+i2s(iCPU); vl += ")"; #endif opt->setText(vl); } if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setMainCPUs(TSYS::strParse(opt->text(),0,"(")); } else if(a_path == "/gen/clk" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { struct timespec tmval; clock_getres(SYS->clockRT()?CLOCK_REALTIME:CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tmval); opt->setText(TSYS::strMess(SYS->clockRT()?_("Real-time %s"):_("Monotonic %s"),tm2s(1e-9*tmval.tv_nsec).c_str())); } else if(a_path == "/gen/taskInvPhs") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(taskInvPhs())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setTaskInvPhs(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/gen/in_charset" && ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(Mess->charset()); else if(a_path == "/gen/config") { if(ctrChkNode(opt)) opt->setText(mConfFile); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"scan",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) cfgFileScan(false, true); } else if(a_path == "/gen/wrk_db") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(workDB()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setWorkDB(opt->text()); } else if(a_path == "/gen/saveExit") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(saveAtExit())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setSaveAtExit(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/gen/savePeriod") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(savePeriod())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setSavePeriod(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/gen/modifCalc") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(modifCalc())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setModifCalc(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/gen/workdir") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(workDir()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setWorkDir(opt->text().c_str()); } else if(a_path == "/gen/workDirList" && ctrChkNode(opt)) ctrListFS(opt, workDir()); else if(a_path == "/gen/moddir") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(modDir()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setModDir(opt->text().c_str()); } else if(a_path == "/gen/modDirList" && ctrChkNode(opt)) ctrListFS(opt, modDir()); else if(a_path == "/gen/icodir") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(icoDir()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setIcoDir(opt->text().c_str()); } else if(a_path == "/gen/icoDirList" && ctrChkNode(opt)) ctrListFS(opt, TSYS::strParse(icoDir(),0,";")); else if(a_path == "/gen/docdir") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(docDir()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setDocDir(opt->text().c_str()); } else if(a_path == "/gen/docDirList" && ctrChkNode(opt)) ctrListFS(opt, TSYS::strParse(docDir(),0,";")); else if(a_path == "/gen/lang") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(Mess->lang()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setLang(opt->text()); } else if(a_path == "/gen/mess/lev") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(Mess->messLevel())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setMessLevel(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/gen/mess/log_sysl") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText((Mess->logDirect()&0x01)?"1":"0"); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setLogDirect(s2i(opt->text())?Mess->logDirect()|0x01:Mess->logDirect()&(~0x01)); } else if(a_path == "/gen/mess/log_stdo") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText((Mess->logDirect()&0x02)?"1":"0"); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setLogDirect(s2i(opt->text())?Mess->logDirect()|0x02:Mess->logDirect()&(~0x02)); } else if(a_path == "/gen/mess/log_stde") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText((Mess->logDirect()&0x04)?"1":"0"); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setLogDirect(s2i(opt->text())?Mess->logDirect()|0x04:Mess->logDirect()&(~0x04)); } else if(a_path == "/gen/mess/log_arch") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText((Mess->logDirect()&0x08)?"1":"0"); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setLogDirect(s2i(opt->text())?Mess->logDirect()|0x08:Mess->logDirect()&(~0x08)); } else if((a_path == "/br/sub_" || a_path == "/subs/br") && ctrChkNode(opt,"get",R_R_R_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) { vector lst; list(lst); for(unsigned iA = 0; iA < lst.size(); iA++) opt->childAdd("el")->setAttr("id",lst[iA])->setText(at(lst[iA]).at().subName()); } else if(a_path == "/redund/status" && ctrChkNode(opt,"get",R_R_R_,"root","root")) opt->setText(TSYS::strMess(_("Spent time: %s[%s]."), tm2s(SYS->taskUtilizTm("SYS_Redundancy")).c_str(), tm2s(SYS->taskUtilizTm("SYS_Redundancy",true)).c_str())); else if(a_path == "/redund/statLev") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(rdStLevel())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setRdStLevel(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/redund/tskPer") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(r2s(rdTaskPer())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setRdTaskPer(s2r(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/redund/restConn") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(rdRestConnTm())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setRdRestConnTm(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/redund/primCmdTr") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(rdPrimCmdTr())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) setRdPrimCmdTr(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/redund/sts") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) { XMLNode *nSt = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/st","",RWRWR_,"root","root"); XMLNode *nName = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/name","",R_R_R_,"root","root"); XMLNode *nLive = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/live","",R_R_R_,"root","root"); XMLNode *nLev = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/lev","",R_R_R_,"root","root"); XMLNode *nCnt = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/redund/sts/cnt","",R_R_R_,"root","root"); ResAlloc res(mRdRes, false); for(map::iterator sit = mSt.begin(); sit != mSt.end(); sit++) { if(nSt) nSt->childAdd("el")->setText(sit->first); if(nName) nName->childAdd("el")->setText(SYS->transport().at().extHostGet("*",sit->first).name); if(nLive) nLive->childAdd("el")->setText(sit->second.isLive?"1":"0"); if(nLev) nLev->childAdd("el")->setText(i2s(sit->second.lev)); if(nCnt) nCnt->childAdd("el")->setText(r2s(sit->second.cnt)); } } else { ResAlloc res(mRdRes, true); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"add",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) { mSt[_("")] = SStat(0); modif(); } else if(ctrChkNode(opt,"del",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) { mSt.erase(opt->attr("key_st")); modif(); } else if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR) && opt->attr("col") == "st") { mSt.erase(opt->attr("key_st")); mSt[opt->text()] = SStat(); modif(); } } } else if(a_path == "/redund/lsSt" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { vector hls; SYS->transport().at().extHostList("*", hls); for(unsigned iH = 0; iH < hls.size(); iH++) opt->childAdd("el")->setText(hls[iH].id); } else if(a_path == "/redund/hostLnk" && ctrChkNode(opt,"get",0660,"root","Transport",SEC_RD)) opt->setText("/Transport"); else if(a_path == "/tasks/tasks") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root")) { XMLNode *n_path = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/path","",R_R___,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_thr = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/thrd","",R_R___,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_tid = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/tid","",R_R___,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_stat = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/stat","",R_R___,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_plc = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/plc","",R_R___,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_prior = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/prior","",R_R___,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_cpuSet = (nCPU() > 1) ? ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/cpuSet","",RWRW__,"root","root") : NULL; XMLNode *n_taskPh = (taskInvPhs() > 1) ? ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tasks/tasks/taskPh","",RWRW__,"root","root") : NULL; ResAlloc res(taskRes, false); for(map::iterator it = mTasks.begin(); it != mTasks.end(); it++) { if(n_path) n_path->childAdd("el")->setText(it->first); if(n_thr) n_thr->childAdd("el")->setText(u2s(it->second.thr)); if(n_tid) n_tid->childAdd("el")->setText(i2s(it->second.tid)); if(n_stat) { int64_t tm_beg = 0, tm_end = 0, tm_per = 0, tm_pnt = 0, lagMax = 0, consMax = 0; for(int iTr = 0; tm_beg == tm_per && iTr < 2; iTr++) { tm_beg = it->second.tm_beg; tm_end = it->second.tm_end; tm_per = it->second.tm_per; tm_pnt = it->second.tm_pnt; lagMax = it->second.lagMax; consMax = it->second.consMax; } XMLNode *cn = n_stat->childAdd("el"); if(it->second.flgs&STask::FinishTask) cn->setText(_("Finished. ")); if(tm_beg && tm_beg < tm_per) cn->setText(cn->text()+TSYS::strMess(_("Last: %s. Consumed: %3.1f[%3.1f]%% (%s from %s). Lag: %s[%s]. Lost cycles: %g."), atm2s((time_t)(1e-9*tm_per),SYS->clockRT()?"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S":"%d-%m %H:%M:%S").c_str(), 100*(double)(tm_end-tm_beg)/(double)(tm_per-tm_beg), 100*(double)consMax/(double)(tm_per-tm_beg), tm2s(1e-9*(tm_end-tm_beg)).c_str(), tm2s(1e-9*(tm_per-tm_beg)).c_str(), tm2s(1e-9*(tm_per-tm_pnt)).c_str(), tm2s(1e-9*lagMax).c_str(), (double)it->second.cycleLost)); } if(n_plc) { string plcVl = _("Standard"); if(it->second.policy == SCHED_FIFO) plcVl = _("RT FIFO"); else if(it->second.policy == SCHED_RR) plcVl = _("RT Round-robin"); #if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) else if(it->second.policy == SCHED_BATCH) plcVl = _("Style \"batch\""); #endif n_plc->childAdd("el")->setText(plcVl); } if(n_prior) n_prior->childAdd("el")->setText(i2s(it->second.prior)); if(n_cpuSet) { string vl = it->second.cpuSet; #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) cpu_set_t cpuset; CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); pthread_getaffinity_np(it->second.thr, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset); vl += "("; for(int iCPU = 0; iCPU < nCPU(); iCPU++) if(CPU_ISSET(iCPU,&cpuset)) vl += string(vl[vl.size()-1]=='('?"":":")+i2s(iCPU); vl += ")"; #endif n_cpuSet->childAdd("el")->setText(vl); } if(n_taskPh) n_taskPh->childAdd("el")->setText(i2s(it->second.phase%taskInvPhs())); } } #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,4) if(nCPU() > 1 && opt->attr("col") == "cpuSet" && ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) { ResAlloc res(taskRes, true); map::iterator it = mTasks.find(opt->attr("key_path")); if(it == mTasks.end()) throw err_sys(_("The task '%s' is missing.")); if(it->second.flgs & STask::Detached) return; it->second.cpuSet = TSYS::strParse(opt->text(),0,"("); cpu_set_t cpuset; CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); string sval; if(!it->second.cpuSet.size()) for(int iCPU = 0; iCPU < nCPU(); iCPU++) CPU_SET(iCPU, &cpuset); else { string prcVl; for(int off = 0; (sval=TSYS::strParse(it->second.cpuSet,0,":",&off)).size(); ) { if(s2i(sval) < nCPU()) CPU_SET(s2i(sval), &cpuset); prcVl += (prcVl.size()?":":"") + i2s(s2i(sval)); } it->second.cpuSet = prcVl; } int rez = pthread_setaffinity_np(it->second.thr, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset); res.release(); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"CpuSet:"+it->first, it->second.cpuSet); if(rez == EINVAL) throw err_sys(_("Attempt to set missing processor.")); if(rez) throw err_sys(_("Error installing processors for the thread.")); } #endif if(taskInvPhs() > 1 && opt->attr("col") == "taskPh" && ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) { ResAlloc res(taskRes, true); map::iterator it = mTasks.find(opt->attr("key_path")); if(it == mTasks.end()) throw err_sys(_("The task '%s' is missing.")); if(it->second.flgs & STask::Detached) return; int tVl = vmax(0, vmin(100,s2i(opt->text()))); it->second.phase = tVl; res.release(); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"TaskPhase:"+it->first, i2s(tVl)); } } else if(a_path == "/tr/status" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { string stV; if(Mess->lang2CodeBase().empty()) stV += _("only use the already multilanguage DBs with their modification"); else { if(Mess->translDyn()) stV += _("dynamic translation"); stV += (Mess->translDyn()?"; ":"") + TSYS::strMess(_("creating or modification the configuration DBs as multilanguage ones with the pointed base language '%s'"), Mess->lang2CodeBase().c_str()); } opt->setText(stV); } else if(a_path == "/tr/baseLang") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(Mess->lang2CodeBase()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setLang2CodeBase(opt->text()); } else if(a_path == "/tr/baseLangLs" && ctrChkNode(opt)) { opt->childAdd("el")->setText(Mess->lang2Code()); if(!Mess->lang2CodeBase().empty() && Mess->lang2CodeBase() != Mess->lang2Code()) opt->childAdd("el")->setText(Mess->lang2CodeBase()); opt->childAdd("el")->setText(""); } else if(a_path == "/tr/dynPlan") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(Mess->translDyn(true))); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setTranslDyn(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/tr/enMan") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(i2s(Mess->translEnMan())); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setTranslEnMan(s2i(opt->text())); } else if(a_path == "/tr/langs") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(Mess->translLangs()); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) Mess->setTranslLangs(opt->text()); } else if(a_path == "/tr/fltr") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TrFltr","",opt->attr("user"))); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) { TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"TrFltr",opt->text(),opt->attr("user")); TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"TrPassN","0",opt->attr("user")); } } else if(a_path == "/tr/chkUnMatch") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TrChkUnMatch","0",opt->attr("user"))); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"TrChkUnMatch",opt->text(),opt->attr("user")); } else if(a_path == "/tr/pass") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) opt->setText(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TrPassN","0",opt->attr("user"))); if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) TBDS::genDBSet(nodePath()+"TrPassN",opt->text(),opt->attr("user")); } else if(a_path == "/tr/mess") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_RD)) { bool chkUnMatch = s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TrChkUnMatch","0",opt->attr("user"))); string tStr, trFltr = TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TrFltr","",opt->attr("user")); unsigned passN = vmax(0, s2i(TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TrPassN","0",opt->attr("user")))); TConfig req; vector ns; // Columns list preparing ns.push_back(ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tr/mess/base","",RWRW__,"root","root")); for(int off = 0; (tStr=strParse(Mess->translLangs(),0,";",&off)).size(); ) if(tStr.size() == 2 && tStr != Mess->lang2CodeBase()) ns.push_back(ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,("/tr/mess/"+tStr).c_str(),tStr.c_str(),RWRW__,"root","root")); ns.push_back(ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/tr/mess/src","",R_R_R_,"root","root")); // Values requesting from the first source MtxAlloc res(Mess->mRes, true); time_t stTm = time(NULL); map >::iterator im = Mess->trMessIdx.begin(); for(unsigned pos = 0; im != Mess->trMessIdx.end() && (time(NULL)-stTm) < prmInterf_TM; ++im) { // Checking for the filter if(trFltr.size()) { map::iterator is; for(is = im->second.begin(); is != im->second.end() && (is->first+"#"+is->second).find(trFltr) == string::npos; ++is) ; if(is == im->second.end()) continue; } // Pass the specified items number if((pos++) < passN) continue; // Rows appending for(unsigned iN = 0; iN < ns.size(); iN++) { if(iN == 0) ns[iN]->childAdd("el")->setText(im->first); else if(iN < (ns.size()-1)) ns[iN]->childAdd("el")->setText(""); //Empty cells at the start else { tStr.clear(); for(map::iterator is = im->second.begin(); is != im->second.end(); ++is) tStr += (tStr.size()?"\n":"")+is->first;// + "#" + is->second; ns[iN]->childAdd("el")->setText(tStr); } } if(ns.size() <= 2) continue; //No any translated languages set // Real translated data obtaining and checking bool firstInst = true; for(map::iterator is = im->second.begin(); is != im->second.end(); ++is) try { // Pass the out filter sources if(trFltr.size() && (is->first+"#"+is->second).find(trFltr) == string::npos) continue; string tMath, trSrc = TSYS::strParse(is->first, 0, "#"), trFld = TSYS::strParse(is->first, 1, "#"); bool isCfg = false, haveMatch = false; // Source is the config file or the included DB if((isCfg=trSrc.compare(0,4,"cfg:")==0) || trSrc.compare(0,3,"db:") == 0) { // Needed for the DB structure preparing req.elem().fldClear(); req.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(trFld.c_str(),trFld.c_str(),TFld::String,0)); for(unsigned iN = 1; iN < ns.size(); iN++) req.elem().fldAdd(new TFld(Mess->translFld(ns[iN]->attr("id"),trFld,isCfg).c_str(), ns[iN]->attr("descr").c_str(),TFld::String,0)); req.cfg(trFld).setReqKey(true); req.cfg(trFld).setS(im->first); // Getting from the config file or the DB source bool seekRez = false; for(int inst = 0; true; inst++) { seekRez = isCfg ? SYS->db().at().dataSeek("", trSrc.substr(4), inst, req, false, true) : SYS->db().at().dataSeek(trSrc.substr(3), "", inst, req, false, true); if(!seekRez) break; for(unsigned iN = 0; iN < ns.size(); iN++) { if(!(iN && iN < (ns.size()-1))) continue; tMath = req.cfg(Mess->translFld(ns[iN]->attr("id"),trFld,isCfg)).getS(); XMLNode *recNd = ns[iN]->childGet(-1); if(firstInst) { recNd->setText(tMath); haveMatch = true; } else { if(!s2i(recNd->attr("unmatch"))) { if(tMath == recNd->text()) haveMatch = true; else { if(recNd->text().empty()) recNd->setText(tMath); recNd->setText(_("<<>>\n")+recNd->text()); recNd->setAttr("unmatch","1"); } } } } firstInst = false; if(!chkUnMatch || !haveMatch) break; } } else haveMatch = true; if(!chkUnMatch || !haveMatch) break; } catch(TError &err) { continue; } } } if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRW__,"root","root",SEC_WR)) { bool needReload = false; Mess->translSet(opt->attr("key_base"), ((opt->attr("col")=="base")?Mess->lang2CodeBase():opt->attr("col")), opt->text(), &needReload, TBDS::genDBGet(nodePath()+"TrFltr","",opt->attr("user"))); if(!needReload) opt->setAttr("noReload","1"); } } else if(!cntrEmpty() && a_path == "/debug/cntr" && ctrChkNode(opt,"get",R_R_R_,"root","root")) { XMLNode *n_id = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/cntr/id","",R_R_R_,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_vl = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/cntr/vl","",R_R_R_,"root","root"); MtxAlloc res(dataRes(), true); for(map::iterator icnt = mCntrs.begin(); icnt != mCntrs.end(); icnt++) { if(n_id) n_id->childAdd("el")->setText(icnt->first); if(n_vl) n_vl->childAdd("el")->setText(r2s(icnt->second)); } } else if(a_path == "/debug/dbgCats") { if(ctrChkNode(opt,"get",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_RD)) { XMLNode *n_cat = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/dbgCats/cat","",RWRWR_,"root","root"); XMLNode *n_prc = ctrMkNode("list",opt,-1,"/debug/dbgCats/prc","",RWRWR_,"root","root"); MtxAlloc res(Mess->mRes, true); for(map::iterator idc = Mess->debugCats.begin(); idc != Mess->debugCats.end(); idc++) { if(n_cat) n_cat->childAdd("el")->setText(idc->first); if(n_prc) n_prc->childAdd("el")->setText(r2s(idc->second)); } } if(ctrChkNode(opt,"set",RWRWR_,"root","root",SEC_WR)) { MtxAlloc res(Mess->mRes, true); //Check for set category if((Mess->debugCats[opt->attr("key_cat")]=s2i(opt->text()))) { for(vector::iterator iDC = Mess->selectDebugCats.begin(); iDC != Mess->selectDebugCats.end(); ) { if(*iDC != opt->attr("key_cat")) { if(iDC->compare(0,opt->attr("key_cat").size(),opt->attr("key_cat")) == 0) { Mess->debugCats[*iDC] = false; iDC = Mess->selectDebugCats.erase(iDC); continue; } else if(opt->attr("key_cat").compare(0,iDC->size(),*iDC) == 0) { Mess->debugCats[opt->attr("key_cat")] = false; break; } } ++iDC; } if(Mess->debugCats[opt->attr("key_cat")]) { Mess->selectDebugCats.push_back(opt->attr("key_cat")); modif(); } } //Check for clear category else for(vector::iterator iDC = Mess->selectDebugCats.begin(); iDC != Mess->selectDebugCats.end(); iDC++) if(*iDC == opt->attr("key_cat")) { Mess->selectDebugCats.erase(iDC); modif(); break; } } } else if(a_path == "/debug/mess" && ctrChkNode(opt,"get")) opt->setText(archive().at().nodePath(0,true)); else TCntrNode::cntrCmdProc(opt); } #if defined(__ANDROID__) int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int rez = 0; #if defined(__ANDROID__) setenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR", "1.5", 1); #endif //Same load and start the core object TSYS SYS = new TSYS(argc, argv, NULL); try { while(true) { SYS->load(); if((rez=SYS->stopSignal()) && rez != SIGUSR2) throw TError(SYS->nodePath().c_str(), "Stop by signal %d on load.", rez); if(!rez) rez = SYS->start(); if(rez != SIGUSR2) break; SYS->unload(); } } catch(TError err) { mess_err(err.cat.c_str(), "%s", err.mess.c_str()); } //Free OpenSCADA root object if(SYS) delete SYS; return rez; } #endif