//OpenSCADA file: tsys.h /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2021 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef TSYS_H #define TSYS_H //Program constants #define PACKAGE_LICENSE "GPL v2" #define PACKAGE_DESCR _("Open Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition") #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR _("Roman Savochenko") #define PACKAGE_SITE "http://oscada.org" //Other global constants #define NSTR_BUF_LEN 50 // Length of string buffers for numbers #define DAQ_APER_FRQ 1000000 // Frequency of representing the aperiodic invokes, like to f_start, of the periodic processes in Hz // !!!!(to v1.0) Left for the compatibility #define OBJ_ID_SZ "20" #define OBJ_NM_SZ "100" #define ARCH_ID_SZ "70" #define STD_WAIT_DELAY 100 #define USER_FILE_LIMIT 1048576 #define USER_ITS_LIMIT 1000000 #define STD_CACHE_LIM 100 #define STR_BUF_LEN 10000 #define STD_WAIT_TM 5 #define STD_INTERF_TM 7 #define SERV_TASK_PER 10 #define BUF_ARCH_NM "" #define ALRM_ARCH_NM "" #define ALRM_ARCH_CH_NM "" #define DB_CFG "" #define DB_NULL "" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define __func__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ #define vmin(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define vmax(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "tbds.h" #include "tuis.h" #include "tarchives.h" #include "tdaqs.h" #include "tprotocols.h" #include "ttransports.h" #include "tspecials.h" #include "tmodschedul.h" #include "tsecurity.h" using std::string; using std::vector; namespace OSCADA { //Global configurable Limits extern uint8_t limObjID_SZ; //[20..50] ID size of the OpenSCADA objects. extern uint8_t limObjNm_SZ; //[100...200] NAME size of the OpenSCADA objects. extern uint8_t limArchID_SZ; //[50...90] ID size of the value archive objects, limObjID_SZ + 1.5*limObjID_SZ. extern int limUserFile_SZ; //[1MB...*10MB...1000MB] The files size limit at loading and processing in the userspace // and the part size of the big files transferring. extern int limUserIts_N; //[1000...*1000000...1000000000] The limit on count of creating user items, like to array items. extern unsigned limCacheIts_N; //[*100...100000] The limit on count of the caching items. //Global configurable parameters extern int prmStrBuf_SZ; //[1000...*10000...1000000] Length of string buffers, no string class extern float prmWait_DL; //[0.001...*0.1...1] Quantum of the waiting time cycles, seconds extern uint8_t prmWait_TM; //[*5...10] Standard waiting timeout length, seconds extern uint8_t prmInterf_TM; //[*7...15] Time of waiting for the interface reaction, seconds extern uint8_t prmServTask_PER;//[1...*10...120] Service task period, seconds //************************************************* //* TSYS * //************************************************* class TSYS : public TCntrNode { friend class TMess; public: //Data enum Code { PathEl, HttpURL, Html, JavaSc, SQL, Custom, base64, FormatPrint, oscdID, Bin, Reverse, ShieldSimb, ToLower, Limit }; enum IntView { Dec, Oct, Hex }; // Task structure class STask { public: //Data enum Flgs { Detached = 0x01, FinishTask = 0x02 }; //Methods STask( ) : thr(0), policy(0), phase(0), prior(0), tid(0), flgs(0), tm_beg(0), tm_end(0), tm_per(0), tm_pnt(0), cycleLost(0), lagMax(0), consMax(0) { } STask( pthread_t ithr, char ipolicy, char iprior ) : thr(ithr), policy(ipolicy), phase(0), prior(iprior), tid(0), flgs(0), tm_beg(0), tm_end(0), tm_per(0), tm_pnt(0), cycleLost(0), lagMax(0), consMax(0) { } float consumpt( ) const { return tm_beg ? 1e-9*(tm_end-tm_beg) : 0; } float period( ) const { return tm_beg ? 1e-9*(tm_per-tm_beg) : 0; } //Attributes string path; pthread_t thr; uint8_t policy, phase; int16_t prior; pid_t tid; ResString cpuSet; void *(*task) (void *); void *taskArg; unsigned flgs; int64_t tm_beg, tm_end, tm_per, tm_pnt, cycleLost, lagMax, consMax; }; // Remote station structure class SStat { public: SStat( int8_t ilev, bool iisLive = false, float icnt = 0 ) : lev(ilev), isLive(iisLive), isLivePrev(iisLive), cnt(icnt) { } SStat( ) : lev(-1), isLive(false), isLivePrev(false), cnt(0) { } bool isActive( ) { return (lev >= 0 && isLive); } int8_t lev; bool isLive, isLivePrev; float cnt; }; //Public methods TSYS( int argi, char **argb, char **env ); ~TSYS( ); // Station statuses bool isRunning( ) { return mRunning; } bool isFinalKill( ) { return mFinalKill; } int stopSignal( ) { return mStopSignal; } void unload( ); int start( ); void stop( int sig = SIGUSR1 ); // SIGUSR2 used for reloading from other project // Program options string id( ) { return mId.c_str(); } string name( ) { return mName; } void setName( const string &vl ) { mName = vl; modif(); } string user( ) { return mUser; } //Run user name string host( ); void list( vector &list ) const { chldList(mSubst, list); } bool present( const string &name ) const { return chldPresent(mSubst, name); } void add( TSubSYS *sub ) { chldAdd(mSubst, sub); } void del( const string &name ) { chldDel(mSubst, name); } AutoHD at( const string &name ) const { return chldAt(mSubst, name); } AutoHD ui( ) { return at("UI"); } AutoHD archive( ) { return at("Archive"); } AutoHD db( ) { return at("BD"); } AutoHD daq( ) { return at("DAQ"); } AutoHD protocol( ) { return at("Protocol"); } AutoHD transport( ) { return at("Transport"); } AutoHD special( ) { return at("Special"); } AutoHD modSchedul( ) { return at("ModSched"); } AutoHD security( ) { return at("Security"); } string workDir( ); string modDir( ) { return mModDir; } string icoDir( ) { return mIcoDir; } string docDir( ) { return mDocDir; } void setWorkDir( const string &wdir, bool init = false ); void setModDir( const string &mdir, bool init = false ); void setIcoDir( const string &idir, bool init = false ); void setDocDir( const string &idir, bool init = false ); // Config-file functions string cfgFile( ) { return mConfFile; } XMLNode &cfgRoot( ) { return rootN; } XMLNode *cfgNode( const string &path, bool create = false ); void modifCfg( bool chkPossibleWR = false ); ResRW &cfgRes( ) { return mCfgRes; } string workDB( ) { return mWorkDB; } string mainCPUs( ) { return mMainCPUs; } bool clockRT( ) { return mClockRT; } int taskInvPhs( ) { return mTaskInvPhs; } bool saveAtExit( ) { return mSaveAtExit; } int savePeriod( ) { return mSavePeriod; } bool modifCalc( ) { return mModifCalc; } void setWorkDB( const string &wdb ) { mWorkDB = wdb; modifG(); } void setMainCPUs( const string &vl ); void setClockRT( bool vl ) { mClockRT = vl; modif(); } void setTaskInvPhs( int vl ); void setSaveAtExit( bool vl ) { mSaveAtExit = vl; modif(); } void setSavePeriod( int vl ) { mSavePeriod = vmax(0,vl); modif(); } void setModifCalc( bool vl ) { mModifCalc = vl; modif(); } // Configuration loading string selDB( ) { return mSelDB; } void setSelDB( const string &vl ) { mSelDB = vl; } bool chkSelDB( const string& wDB, bool isStrong = false ); XMLNode *cfgCtx( ) { return mCfgCtx; } void setCfgCtx( XMLNode *vl ) { mCfgCtx = vl; } ResMtx &cfgLoadSaveM( ) { return mCfgLoadSaveM; } static void sighandler( int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context ); // Short time dimensions int nCPU( ) { return mN_CPU; } uint64_t sysClk( ) { return mSysclc; } void clkCalc( ); uint64_t shrtCnt( ) { #if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__) unsigned int cntl, cnth; asm volatile("rdtsc; movl %%eax,%0; movl %%edx,%1;":"=r"(cntl),"=r"(cnth)::"%eax","%edx"); return ((uint64_t)cnth<<32)+cntl; #else return 0; #endif } static long HZ( ); time_t sysTm( ) volatile { return mSysTm ? mSysTm : time(NULL); } //System time fast access, from updated cell static int64_t curTime( clockid_t clc = CLOCK_REALTIME ); //Current system time, microseconds static uint64_t curTimeN( clockid_t clc = CLOCK_REALTIME ); //Current system time, nanoseconds // Projects string prjUserDir( ); bool prjCustMode( ) { return mPrjCustMode; } void setPrjCustMode( bool vl ) { mPrjCustMode = vl; } string prjNm( ) { return mPrjNm; } void setPrjNm( const string &vl ) { mPrjNm = vl; } bool prjSwitch( const string &prj, bool toCreate = false ); int prjLockUpdPer( ); bool prjLock( const char *cmd ); // variants: "hold", "free", "update" // Tasks control void taskCreate( const string &path, int priority, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg, int wtm = 5, pthread_attr_t *pAttr = NULL, bool *startSt = NULL ); void taskDestroy( const string &path, bool *endrunCntr = NULL, int wtm = 5, bool noSignal = false, pthread_cond_t *cv = NULL ); void taskSendSIGALRM( const string &path ); double taskUtilizTm( const string &path, bool max = false ); static bool taskEndRun( ); // Check for the task endrun by signal SIGUSR1 static const STask& taskDescr( ); // Get the current task control structure // Sleep task for period grid on ns or to cron time. static int sysSleep( float tm ); //System sleep in seconds down to nanoseconds (1e-9) static void taskSleep( int64_t per, const string &cron = "", int64_t *lag = NULL ); // in nanoseconds static time_t cron( const string &vl, time_t base = 0 ); // Wait event with timeout support static bool eventWait( bool &m_mess_r_stat, bool exempl, const string &loc, time_t time = 0 ); // Program counters bool cntrEmpty( ); double cntrGet( const string &id ); void cntrSet( const string &id, double vl ); void cntrIter( const string &id, double vl ); // Redundancy bool rdEnable( ); //any external host set bool rdActive( ); //any external host active void rdStList( vector &ls ); SStat rdSt( const string &id ); map rdSts( ); int rdStLevel( ) { return mRdStLevel; } void setRdStLevel( int vl ) { mRdStLevel = vmin(255,vmax(0,vl)); modif(); } float rdTaskPer( ) { return mRdTaskPer; } void setRdTaskPer( float vl ) { mRdTaskPer = vmin(255,vmax(0.1,vl)); modif(); } int rdRestConnTm( ) { return mRdRestConnTm; } void setRdRestConnTm( int vl ) { mRdRestConnTm = vmin(255,vmax(0,vl)); modif(); } bool rdPrimCmdTr( ) { return mRdPrimCmdTr; } void setRdPrimCmdTr( bool vl ) { mRdPrimCmdTr = vl; modif(); } string rdStRequest( XMLNode &req, const string &st = "", bool toScan = false ); //Request to a remote station if is empty or force // Convert value to string static string int2str( int val, IntView view = Dec ); static string uint2str( unsigned val, IntView view = Dec ); static string ll2str( long long val, IntView view = Dec ); static string real2str( double val, int prec = 15, char tp = 'g' ); static double realRound( double val, int dig = 0, bool toint = false ) { double rez = floor(val*pow(10,dig)+0.5)/pow(10,dig); return toint ? floor(rez+0.5) : rez; } static string atime2str( time_t tm, const string &format = "", bool gmt = false ); static string time2str( double tm ); static string cpct2str( double cnt ); // Convert string to value static double str2real( const string &val ); static time_t str2atime( const string &val, const string &format = "", bool gmt = false ); // Adress convertors static string addr2str( void *addr ); static void *str2addr( const string &str ); // Path and string parse static string strTrim( const string &val, const string &cfg = " \n\t\r" ); static string strSepParse( const string &str, int level, char sep, int *off = NULL ); static string strParse( const string &str, int level, const string &sep, int *off = NULL, bool mergeSepSymb = false ); static string strLine( const string &str, int level, int *off = NULL ); static string pathLev( const string &path, int level, bool decode = true, int *off = NULL ); static string pathLevEnd( const string &path, int level, bool decode = true, int *off = NULL ); static string path2sepstr( const string &path, char sep = '.' ); static string sepstr2path( const string &str, char sep = '.' ); static string strEncode( const string &in, Code tp, const string &opt1 = "" ); static string strDecode( const string &in, Code tp = Custom, const string &opt1 = "" ); static string strMess( const char *fmt, ... ); static string strLabEnum( const string &base ); static string strCompr( const string &in, int lev = -1 ); static string strUncompr( const string &in ); // Unaligned read from memory for some ARM and other static inline uint16_t getUnalign16( const void *p ) { struct su16 { uint16_t x; } __attribute__((packed)); const struct su16 *ptr = (const struct su16 *)p; return ptr->x; } static inline uint32_t getUnalign32( const void *p ) { struct su32 { uint32_t x; } __attribute__((packed)); const struct su32 *ptr = (const struct su32 *)p; return ptr->x; } static inline uint64_t getUnalign64( const void *p ) { struct su64 { uint64_t x; } __attribute__((packed)); const struct su64 *ptr = (const struct su64 *)p; return ptr->x; } static inline int getUnalignInt( const void *p ) { struct suInt { int x; } __attribute__((packed)); const struct suInt *ptr = (const struct suInt *)p; return ptr->x; } static inline float getUnalignFloat( const void *p ) { struct sFloat64 { float x; } __attribute__((packed)); const struct sFloat64 *ptr = (const struct sFloat64 *)p; return ptr->x; } static inline double getUnalignDbl( const void *p ) { struct sDbl { double x; } __attribute__((packed)); const struct sDbl *ptr = (const struct sDbl *)p; return ptr->x; } // Endian convert static uint16_t i16_LE( uint16_t in ); static uint32_t i32_LE( uint32_t in ); static uint64_t i64_LE( uint64_t in ); static uint16_t i16_BE( uint16_t in ); static uint32_t i32_BE( uint32_t in ); static uint64_t i64_BE( uint64_t in ); static float floatLE( float in ); static float floatLErev( float in ); static double doubleLE( double in ); static double doubleLErev( double in ); static float floatBE( float in ); static float floatBErev( float in ); static double doubleBE( double in ); static double doubleBErev( double in ); // Reentrant commandline processing string optDescr( ); //get comand line options string getCmdOpt( int &curPos, string *argVal = NULL ); static string getCmdOpt_( int &curPos, string *argVal, int argc, char **argv ); bool cmdOptPresent( const string &opt ); string cmdOpt( const string &opt, const string &setVl = "" ); int permCrtFiles( bool exec = false ); ResMtx *commonLock( const string &nm ); // Control interface functions static void ctrListFS( XMLNode *nd, const string &fsBase, const string &fileExt = "" ); //Inline file system browsing TVariant objFuncCall( const string &id, vector &prms, const string &user ); //Public attributes AutoHD mainThr; //A module to call into the main thread protected: //Protected methods void load_( ); void save_( ); private: //Data enum MdfSYSFlds { MDF_WorkDir = 0x01, MDF_IcoDir = 0x02, MDF_ModDir = 0x04, MDF_LANG = 0x08, MDF_DocDir = 0x10 }; //Private methods const char *nodeName( ) const { return mId.c_str(); } const char *nodeNameSYSM( ) const { return mName.c_str(); } void cfgFileLoad( ); void cfgFileSave( ); void cfgPrmLoad( ); void cfgFileScan( bool first = false, bool up = false ); void cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ); // Control interface command process static unsigned char getBase64Code( unsigned char asymb ); static void *taskWrap( void *stas ); static void *ServTask( void * ); static void *HPrTask( void * ); static void *RdTask( void * ); //Private attributes const int argc; // Comand line seting counter. const char **argv; // Comand line seting buffer. const char **envp; // System environment. // Station statuses bool isLoaded, mRunning, isServPrc, mFinalKill; // Final object's kill flag. For dead requsted resources // Station properties string mUser, // An owner user name! mConfFile, // Config-file name mId, // Station id mName, // Station name mModDir, // Modules directory mIcoDir, // Icons directory mDocDir, // Icons directory prjLockFile; // Lock file of the project OpenSCADA MtxString mWorkDB, mSelDB,// Work and selected DB mMainCPUs; // Main used processors set int mTaskInvPhs; // Number of phases of the task invoking bool mSaveAtExit; // Save at exit int mSavePeriod; // Save period (s) for periodic system saving to DB bool mModifCalc; // Set modification for the calculated objects XMLNode rootN; // Root of the config-file tree string rootCfgFl; // Root node's config-file name time_t rootFlTm; // Root node's config-file's modify time unsigned rootModifCnt; // Root tree modify counter, used for save tree to file detect unsigned sysModifFlgs; // System fields modif flags int mStopSignal, // Stop station signal mSubst; // Subsystem tree id map mTasks; static pthread_key_t sTaskKey; ResRW taskRes, mCfgRes, mRdRes; int mN_CPU; pthread_t mainPthr; uint64_t mSysclc; volatile time_t mSysTm; bool mClockRT; //Used clock REALTIME, else it is MONOTONIC bool mPrjCustMode; MtxString mPrjNm; map mCmdOpts; //Commandline options map mCntrs; //Counters map mSt; //Remote stations ResMtx mCfgLoadSaveM; XMLNode *mCfgCtx; unsigned char mRdStLevel, //Current station level mRdRestConnTm; //Redundant restore connection to reserve stations timeout in seconds float mRdTaskPer; //Redundant task period in seconds bool mRdPrimCmdTr; //Allow transfer local primary commands to redundant ones map mCommonLocks; struct sigaction sigActOrig; }; //************************************************* //* Global functions for OSCADA namespace * template fVal fmin( fVal a, fVal b ) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } template fVal fmax( fVal a, fVal b ) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } inline string i2s( int val, TSYS::IntView view = TSYS::Dec ) { return TSYS::int2str(val, view); } inline string u2s( unsigned val, TSYS::IntView view = TSYS::Dec ){ return TSYS::uint2str(val, view); } inline string ll2s( long long val, TSYS::IntView view = TSYS::Dec ){ return TSYS::ll2str(val, view); } inline string r2s( double val, int prec = 15, char tp = 'g' ) { return TSYS::real2str(val, prec, tp); } inline double rRnd( double val, int dig = 0, bool toint = false ){ return TSYS::realRound(val, dig, toint); } inline string atm2s( time_t tm, const string &format = "", bool gmt = false ) { return TSYS::atime2str(tm, format, gmt); } inline string tm2s( double tm ) { return TSYS::time2str(tm); } inline int s2i( const string &val ) { return atoi(val.c_str()); } inline long long s2ll( const string &val ) { return atoll(val.c_str()); } inline double s2r( const string &val ) { return /*TSYS::str2real(val); }*/ atof(val.c_str()); } inline string sTrm( const string &val, const string &cfg = " \n\t\r") { return TSYS::strTrim(val, cfg); } extern TSYS *SYS; } #endif // TSYS_H