
How to download and try this example

Usage: pl -gif td.htm
Source: Steffen R, Epidemiology, Etiology and Impact
of Traveler's Diarrhea in Jamaica, JAMA 3/3/99 p. 815.

// set page-wide attributes appropriate for slides (proc page) #proc page color: white backgroundcolor: darkblue linewidth: 2 pagesize: 6.6 4.4 #if @DEVICE in gif,png scale: 0.7 #endif // specify data (proc getdata) #proc getdata data: // Mild Moderate Classic HA HB 23 18 10 10 35 21 17 9 16 22 28 24 13 24 39 30 25 15 24 38 28 24 14 16 29 // set up plotting area (proc areadef) #proc areadef title: TD (Travelers Diarrhea)\nAttack Rates in Tourists titledetails: align=C size=14 adjust=0,0.3 //rectangle: 1 1 5 2 areaname: slide xrange: 0 6 yrange: 0 40 // do filled pink curve (proc lineplot) #proc lineplot yfield: 1 fill: pink legendlabel: Mild TD // do filled blue curve (proc lineplot) #proc lineplot yfield: 2 fill: powderblue legendlabel: Moderate TD // do filled green curve (proc lineplot) #proc lineplot yfield: 3 fill: green legendlabel: Classic TD // do curve w/ diamond points (proc lineplot) #proc lineplot yfield: 4 pointsymbol: shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=orange linedetails: width=0.5 color=yellow legendlabel: Hotel A // do curve w/ square points (proc lineplot) #proc lineplot yfield: 5 pointsymbol: shape=square style=filled fillcolor=orange linedetails: width=0.5 color=yellow legendlabel: Hotel B // do axes (proc xaxis, proc yaxis) last so they are not obliterated #proc xaxis stubrange: 0 6 stubs: text March\n1996 April\n1996 May\n1996 June\n1996 July\n1996 #proc yaxis stubs: inc 10 // render legend using labels specified above (proc legend) #proc legend location: max-1 max