/// this chunk is included by prefabs to read data.. // #if @data = "" && @inlinedata = "" #write stderr Error: either 'data' or 'inlinedata' must be specified. #endwrite #exit #endif // //// read data file.. #proc getdata #if @inlinedata != "" #set tmpfile = $tmpfilename( inline ) #write stderr #+ tmpfile is @tmpfile #endwrite #write @tmpfile #+ @inlinedata #endwrite pathname: @tmpfile #elseif @data = stdin || @data = - standardinput: yes #else // changed to use pathname - scg 5/24/05 pathname: @data #endif #ifspec delim #ifspec header fieldnameheader #ifspec comment commentchar #ifspec select #ifspec echodata showresults #ifspec nfields #ifspec samplerate #if @context = chron #include $chunk_chronfilter #elseif @context = stack && @stackarea = yes && @y2 != "" #include $chunk_stackareafilter #elseif @context = vdist #include $chunk_vdistfilter #elseif @context = heatmap #include $chunk_heatmapfilter #endif #endproc #if @inlinedata != "" #shell rm -rf @tmpfile #endshell #endif #if @NRECORDS = 0 #exit #endif // #write stderr // Got @NRECORDS records, @NFIELDS fields per record. // #endwrite