//// chunk included by prefabs to do standard x axis #if bottom in @xaxis #proc xaxis #if @xlbl = "#usefname" label: @x #else #ifspec xlbl label #endif #ifspec xlbldet labeldetails #if @xinc = datematic stubs: datematic #else stubs: inc @xinc #endif #ifspec stubfmt stubformat #ifspec xstubfmt stubformat // // added 5/25/04 scg #ifspec xstubdet stubdetails stubrange: @XMIN #ifspec xstubround stubround #ifspec stubvert #ifspec xgrid grid #ifspec xgridblocks gridblocks #ifspec xgridskip gridskip #ifspec xlbldistance labeldistance // the following added scg 12/16/08... #ifspec firststub #ifspec laststub #endif // added scg 8/4/04... #if top in @xaxis #proc xaxis location: max #if $def(xstubdet) = 1 stubdetails: adjust=0,0.2 @xstubdet #else stubdetails: adjust=0,0.2 #endif ticlen: -0.08 // the rest is replicated from above.. #if @xlbl = "#usefname" label: @x #else #ifspec xlbl label #endif #ifspec xlbldet labeldetails #if @xinc = datematic stubs: datematic #else stubs: inc @xinc #endif #ifspec stubfmt stubformat #ifspec xstubfmt stubformat // // added 5/25/04 scg stubrange: @XMIN #ifspec xstubround stubround #ifspec stubvert #ifspec xgrid grid #ifspec xlbldistance labeldistance // the following added scg 12/16/08... #ifspec firststub #ifspec laststub #endif