/* ======================================================= * * Copyright 1998-2008 Stephen C. Grubb * * http://ploticus.sourceforge.net * * Covered by GPL; see the file ./Copyright for details. * * ======================================================= */ /* PROC PIE - render a pie graph */ /* 7/12/01 - scg - now renders each entire slice as a single polygon */ #include "pl.h" #define TORAD 0.0174532 #define MAXSLICE 80 #define LEGEND 1 #define LABEL 2 #define LINELABEL 3 int PLP_pie() { char attr[NAMEMAXLEN], *line, *lineval; int lvp, first; char *labels, *outlinedetails, *lablinedetails, *labelmode, *mapurl, *maplabel, *textdetails; char *pctfmt, *labelback, *lblfmtstring, *expandedurl, *expandedlabel, *color1; char buf[256], color[MAXSLICE][40], lbl[256], pctstr[80]; int j, align, df, lblfld, ncolors, nexpl, ibb, colorfield, nlines; int maxlen, irow, ilabmode, labelbackoutline, exactcolorfield, wraplen; double expl[MAXSLICE]; double adjx, adjy, cx, cy, radius, theta, total, ux, uy, stop, starttheta, sin(), cos(); double fval, x, y, stheta, lblfarout, boxwid, boxhi, labx, laby, dval; TDH_errprog( "pl proc pie" ); /* initialize */ labels = ""; outlinedetails = ""; lablinedetails = ""; textdetails = ""; mapurl = ""; maplabel = ""; labelback = ""; lblfmtstring = ""; ncolors = 0; labelbackoutline = 0; wraplen = 0; nexpl = 0; theta = 0.0; cx = cy = -1.0; radius = -1.0; labelmode = "legend"; starttheta = 90.0 * TORAD; total = 0.0; lblfarout = 0.0; pctfmt = "%.1f"; lblfld = -1; colorfield = -1; exactcolorfield = -1; /* get attributes.. */ first = 1; while( 1 ) { line = getnextattr( first, attr, &lvp ); if( line == NULL ) break; first = 0; lineval = &line[lvp]; if( strcmp( attr, "datafield" )==0 ) df = fref( lineval ) -1 ; else if( strcmp( attr, "center" )==0 ) getcoords( "center", lineval, &cx, &cy ); else if( strcmp( attr, "radius" )==0 ) Elenex( lineval, X, &radius ); else if( strcmp( attr, "firstslice" )==0 ) starttheta = ((360-ftokncpy( lineval )) * TORAD ) + 90.0 * TORAD; else if( strcmp( attr, "total" )==0 ) total = ftokncpy( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "clickmapurl" )==0 ) mapurl = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "clickmaplabel" )==0 ) maplabel = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "clickmaplabeltext" )==0 ) maplabel = getmultiline( lineval, "get" ); else if( strcmp( attr, "colors" )==0 ) { int i, ix; for( i = 0, ix = 0; i < MAXSLICE; i++ ) { strcpy( color[i], GL_getok( lineval, &ix ) ); if( color[i][0] == '\0' ) break; } ncolors = i; } else if( strcmp( attr, "labels" )==0 ) labels = getmultiline( lineval, "get" ); else if( strcmp( attr, "labelfield" )==0 ) lblfld = fref( lineval ) - 1; else if( strcmp( attr, "labelfmtstring" )==0 ) lblfmtstring = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "colorfield" )==0 ) colorfield = fref( lineval ) - 1; else if( strcmp( attr, "exactcolorfield" )==0 ) exactcolorfield = fref( lineval ) - 1; else if( strcmp( attr, "outlinedetails" )==0 ) outlinedetails = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "lablinedetails" )==0 ) lablinedetails = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "textdetails" )==0 ) textdetails = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "labelmode" )==0 ) labelmode = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "labelfarout" )==0 ) lblfarout = ftokncpy( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "labelback" )==0 ) labelback = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "labelbackoutline" )==0 ) labelbackoutline = getyn( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "pctformat" )==0 ) pctfmt = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "explode" )==0 ) { int i, ix; for( i = 0, ix = 0; i < MAXSLICE; i++ ) { strcpy( buf, GL_getok( lineval, &ix )); if( buf[0] == '\0' ) break; else expl[i] = atof( buf ); } nexpl = i; } else if( strcmp( attr, "wraplen" )==0 ) wraplen = itokncpy( lineval ); else Eerr( 1, "attribute not recognized", attr ); } /* overrides and degenerate cases */ /* -------------------------- */ if( Nrecords < 1 ) return( Eerr( 17, "No data has been read yet w/ proc getdata", "" ) ); if( df < 0 || df >= Nfields ) return( Eerr( 2840, "invalid datafield", "" ) ); if( cx < 0.0 || cy < 0.0 ) return( Eerr( 2841, "invalid center", "" ) ); if( radius < 0.0 || radius > 5.0 ) return( Eerr( 2842, "invalid radius", "" ) ); if( lblfarout < 0.001 && strncmp( labelmode, "label", 5 )==0 ) lblfarout = 0.67; if( lblfarout < 0.001 && strncmp( labelmode, "line", 4 )==0 ) lblfarout = 1.3; if( labelbackoutline && labelback[0] == '\0' ) labelback = Ecurbkcolor; /* now do the plotting work.. */ /* -------------------------- */ /* compute total.. */ if( total <= 0.0 ) { total = 0.0; for( irow = 0; irow < Nrecords; irow++ ) { total += atof( da( irow, df ) ); } } ibb = 0; if( strncmp( labelmode, "legend", 6 )==0 ) ilabmode = LEGEND; else if( strncmp( labelmode, "labelonly", 5 ) ==0 ) ilabmode = LABEL; else if( strncmp( labelmode, "line+label", 4 ) ==0 ) ilabmode = LINELABEL; else ilabmode = 0; for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { /* first time - colors; 2nd time, lines */ theta = starttheta + 6.28319; if( j == 1 ) { /* set line details for outline.. */ linedet( "outlinedetails", outlinedetails, 0.5 ); } for( irow = 0; irow < Nrecords; irow++ ) { /* take val as % of total and convert to rads */ dval = atof( da( irow, df ) ); if( dval == 0.0 ) continue; /* prevent slice attempt on degenerate case - scg 7/21/03 */ fval = ( dval / total ) * 6.28319; stop = theta - fval; /* find (ux,uy), the point at the wedge of the slice, normalized to 0,0 center.. */ if( nexpl <= 0 ) { /* don't explode any slices */ ux = 0.0; uy = 0.0; } else if( irow >= nexpl ) { /* explode slice according to last explode value */ ux = (expl[nexpl-1]*radius) * cos( theta+(fval/-2.0) ); uy = (expl[nexpl-1]*radius) * sin( theta+(fval/-2.0) ); } else if( irow < nexpl ) { /* explode slice according to explode value [i] */ ux = (expl[irow]*radius) * cos( theta+(fval/-2.0) ); uy = (expl[irow]*radius) * sin( theta+(fval/-2.0) ); } first = 1; stheta = theta; if( j == 1 && strncmp( outlinedetails, "no", 2 )==0 ) /* break; */ goto DOLAB; /* changed again, scg 4/29/05 */ for( ; theta > stop; theta -= 0.03 ) { if( theta - stop < 0.03 ) theta = stop; x = cx + (radius * cos( theta )); y = cy + (radius * sin( theta )); if( j == 0 ) { if( first ) { first = 0; Emov( cx+ux, cy+uy ); Epath( x+ux, y+uy ); continue; } Epath( x+ux, y+uy ); } else if( j == 1 ) { if( first ) { Emov( cx+ux, cy+uy ); Elin( x+ux, y+uy ); first = 0; } Elin( x+ux, y+uy ); } } if( j == 1 ) Elin( cx+ux, cy+uy ); color1 = ""; if( j == 0 ) { Epath( cx+ux, cy+uy ); if( colorfield >=0 ) { color1 = PL_get_legent( da( irow, colorfield ) ); Ecolorfill( color1 ); } else if( exactcolorfield >= 0 ) { color1 = da( irow, exactcolorfield ); Ecolorfill( color1 ); } else if( strcmp( color[0], "auto" )==0 ) { color1 = Eicolor( irow ); Ecolorfill( color1 ); } else if( irow < ncolors ) Ecolorfill( color[irow] ); else if( ncolors > 0 ) Ecolorfill( color[ncolors-1] ); else Ecolorfill( "0.8" ); } /* labeling */ /* if doing legend, handle this during j == 0 because color is available; otherwise do labeling during j == 1 to avoid color fill obliterating labels.. */ DOLAB: if( ( j == 0 && ilabmode == LEGEND ) || ( j == 1 && ilabmode != 0 ) ) { strcpy( lbl, ""); sprintf( pctstr, pctfmt, (atof( da( irow, df ) ) / total)*100.0 ); if( PLS.bignumspacer ) rewritenums( pctstr ); /* added 4/5/03 */ if( lblfld >= 0 ) strcpy( lbl, da( irow, lblfld ) ); else if( labels[0] != '\0' ) GL_getseg( lbl, labels, &ibb, "\n" ); else if( lblfmtstring[0] != '\0' ) { /* added scg 8/20/04 */ strcpy( buf, lblfmtstring ); GL_varsub( buf, "@PCT", pctstr ); /* buf[256] */ do_subst( lbl, buf, irow, NORMAL ); } GL_varsub( lbl, "@PCT", pctstr ); /* lbl[256] */ convertnl( lbl ); /* allow @field substitutions into url */ if( PLS.clickmap && ( mapurl[0] != '\0' || maplabel[0] != '\0' )) { expandedurl = PL_bigbuf; expandedlabel = &PL_bigbuf[2000]; do_subst( expandedurl, mapurl, irow, URL_ENCODED ); do_subst( expandedlabel, maplabel, irow, NORMAL ); } /* if( ilabmode == LEGEND ) */ /* changed 7/14/03 scg */ if( j == 0 && ilabmode == LEGEND ) { if( color1[0] != '\0' ) PL_add_legent( LEGEND_COLOR, lbl, "", color1, "", "" ); else PL_add_legent( LEGEND_COLOR, lbl, "", color[irow], "", "" ); } else if( j == 1 && ilabmode == LABEL ) { double htheta; double x1, y1, x2, y2; int centerit = 0; htheta = stop + ((stheta - stop) / 2.0 ); x = cx + ( (radius * lblfarout) * cos( htheta ) ); y = cy + ( (radius * lblfarout) * sin( htheta ) ); if( wraplen ) GL_wraptext( lbl, wraplen ); /* added scg 8/16/05 */ measuretext( lbl, &nlines, &maxlen ); labx = x+ux; laby = y+uy; boxhi = nlines * Ecurtextheight; boxwid = (maxlen * Ecurtextwidth); if( (htheta >= 7.7 && htheta <= 8.2 ) || (htheta >= 4.5 && htheta <= 5.0 )) centerit = 1; if( centerit ) { x1 = labx-(boxwid/2.0); x2 = labx+(boxwid/2.0); } else if( x < cx ) { x1 = labx - boxwid; x2 = labx; } else { x1 = labx; x2 = labx + boxwid; } y1 = laby-boxhi; y2 = laby; if( labelback[0] != '\0' ) Ecblock( x1-0.1, y1+(Ecurtextheight*0.6), x2+0.1, y2+Ecurtextheight, labelback, labelbackoutline ); textdet( "textdetails", textdetails, &align, &adjx, &adjy, -2,"R", 1.0 ); Emov( labx, laby ); if( !centerit && x < cx ) Erightjust( lbl ); else if( !centerit && x >= cx ) Etext( lbl ); else Ecentext( lbl ); if( PLS.clickmap && ( mapurl[0] != '\0' || maplabel[0] != '\0' )) clickmap_entry( 'r', expandedurl, 0, x1, y1+Ecurtextheight, x2, y2+Ecurtextheight, 1, 0, expandedlabel ); linedet( "linedetails", outlinedetails, 0.5 ); /* restore */ } /* else if( ilabmode == LINELABEL ) */ /* changed 7/14/03 scg */ else if( j == 1 && ilabmode == LINELABEL ) { double htheta, px, py, w, z; if( wraplen ) GL_wraptext( lbl, wraplen ); /* added scg 8/16/05 */ measuretext( lbl, &nlines, &maxlen ); boxwid = maxlen * Ecurtextwidth; boxhi = nlines * Ecurtextheight; w = radius * lblfarout; if( w < (1.1 * radius) ) z = lblfarout; else z = 1.1; htheta = stop + ((stheta - stop) / 2.0 ); px = cx + ( (radius * 0.9 ) * cos( htheta ) ); py = cy + ( (radius * 0.9 ) * sin( htheta ) ); x = cx + ( (radius * z ) * cos( htheta ) ); y = cy + ( (radius * z ) * sin( htheta ) ); linedet( "lablinedetails", lablinedetails, 0.5 ); Emov( px+ux, py+uy ); Elin( x+ux, y+uy ); if( x+ux < cx ) { Elin( (cx+ux)-w, y+uy ); textdet( "textdetails", textdetails, &align, &adjx, &adjy, -2,"R", 1.0 ); labx = ((cx+ux)-w)-0.1; laby = y+uy; if( labelback[0] != '\0' ) Ecblock( labx-boxwid-0.1, laby-boxhi+(Ecurtextheight*0.6), labx+0.1, laby+Ecurtextheight, labelback, labelbackoutline ); Emov( labx, laby ); Erightjust( lbl ); if( PLS.clickmap && ( mapurl[0] != '\0' || maplabel[0] != '\0' )) clickmap_entry( 'r', expandedurl, 0, labx-boxwid, laby-boxhi+Ecurtextheight, labx, laby+Ecurtextheight, 1, 0, expandedlabel ); } else { Elin( (cx+ux)+w, y+uy ); textdet( "textdetails", textdetails, &align, &adjx, &adjy, -2,"R", 1.0 ); labx = cx+ux+w+0.1; laby = y+uy; if( labelback[0] != '\0' ) Ecblock( labx-0.1, laby-boxhi+(Ecurtextheight*0.6), labx+boxwid+0.1, laby+Ecurtextheight, labelback, labelbackoutline ); Emov( labx, laby ); Etext( lbl ); if( PLS.clickmap && ( mapurl[0] != '\0' || maplabel[0] != '\0' )) clickmap_entry( 'r', expandedurl, 0, labx, laby-boxhi+Ecurtextheight, labx+boxwid, laby+Ecurtextheight, 1, 0, expandedlabel ); } linedet( "outlinedetails", outlinedetails, 0.5 ); /* restore */ } } theta = stop; } } return( 0 ); } /* ======================================================= * * Copyright 1998-2008 Stephen C. Grubb * * http://ploticus.sourceforge.net * * Covered by GPL; see the file ./Copyright for details. * * ======================================================= */