/* ======================================================= *
* Copyright 1998-2005 Stephen C. Grubb *
* http://ploticus.sourceforge.net *
* Covered by GPL; see the file ./Copyright for details. *
* ======================================================= */
* Call sinterp_open() or sinterp_openmem() first. Then repeatedly call sinterp().
* Continue while getting a return value of SINTERP_MORE; for any other return value, stop.
* Returns SINTERP_MORE = normal, more results to come
* SINTERP_END = no more results - eof
* 0-19 = user
* 20 & up = error (revised 1/30/03)
* Notes:
* Any programs that use sinterp need a stub for customtextvect()
* data may be passed as NULL (recordid must be "")
#include "tdhkit.h"
extern int TDH_shellresultrow(), TDH_shellclose(), TDH_sqlnames(), TDH_sqlrow(), TDH_dequote(), TDH_function_call();
extern int TDH_function_listsep(), TDH_condex_listsep(), TDH_errmode(), TDH_setshellfdelim();
extern int atoi(); /* sure thing */
#ifndef TDH_NOREC
extern int sqlbuild0(), sqlbuild1(), TDH_sqltabdef();
#ifndef PLOTICUS
extern int customforvect();
#ifndef TDH_DB
#define TDH_DB 0
#if TDH_DB != 0
extern int TDH_sqlrow_nullrep();
static FILE *skiptoendloop();
static char *specialincludedir = "";
/* -------------------------------------- */
TDH_sinterp( line, ss, recordid, data )
char *line; /* should be length of at least SCRIPTLINELEN */
struct sinterpstate *ss;
char *recordid;
char data[][DATAMAXLEN+1];
int i, j;
int stat;
int ix;
char buf[ SCRIPTLINELEN ], tok[ DATAMAXLEN+1];
long linebegin;
char str[ DATAMAXLEN+1 ];
char varname[40];
char list[ SCRIPTLINELEN ];
int len;
char conj[40];
char delimstr[5];
int typ;
TDH_dat = (char *)data;
TDH_recid = recordid;
while( 1 ) {
if( ss->nmemrows > 0 ) goto MEMOPS;
/* if an #shell dump is currently in progress, handle results.. */
if( ss->doingshellresult != 0 ) {
int nshfields;
char *shfields[MAXITEMS];
int delim;
/* get a row.. */
stat = TDH_shellresultrow( buf, shfields, &nshfields, SCRIPTLINELEN );
if( stat != 0 ) {
ss->doingshellresult = 0;
TDH_setshellfdelim( 0 ); /* reset shell delimiter.. added scg 8/3/06 */
delim = ss->doingshellresult;
if( delim == 's' ) continue; /* silent */
/* stream output.. do delimitation processing */
for( i = 0, j = 0; i < nshfields; i++ ) {
if( delim == 'h' ) { strcpy( &line[j], "
" ); j+=4; }
strcpy( &line[j], shfields[i] );
j+= strlen( shfields[i] );
if( delim == 'h' ) { strcpy( &line[j], " | " ); j+=5; }
else if( delim == 't' ) { strcpy( &line[j], "\t" ); j+=1; }
if( delim == 'h' ) { strcpy( &line[j], "" ); j+=5; }
strcpy( &line[j], "\n" );
return( SINTERP_MORE );
/* if an #sql dump is currently in progress, handle results.. */
if( ss->doingsqlresult != 0 ) {
int nsqlfields, nsqlnames;
char *sqlfields[MAXITEMS], *sqlnames[MAXITEMS];
int delim;
if( ss->doingsqlresult == 'l' ) { /* load from 1st retrieved row.. */
TDH_sqlnames( ss->dbc, sqlnames, &nsqlnames );
stat = TDH_sqlrow( ss->dbc, sqlfields, &nsqlfields );
if( stat == 0 ) for( i = 0; i < nsqlfields; i++ ) {
if( stricmp( sqlfields[i], TDH_dbnull )==0 && ss->nullrep ) {
if( ss->nullrep == 1 ) TDH_setvar( sqlnames[i], "" );
else if( ss->nullrep == 2 ) TDH_setvar( sqlnames[i], DBNULL );
else if( ss->nullrep == 3 ) TDH_setvar( sqlnames[i], " " );
else TDH_setvar( sqlnames[i], sqlfields[i] );
else {
for( i = 0; i < nsqlfields; i++ ) TDH_setvar( sqlnames[i], "" );
if( stat > 20 ) {
ss->doingsqlresult = 0;
return( err( stat, "error on sql load", "" ) );
ss->doingsqlresult = 0;
/* get a row.. */
stat = TDH_sqlrow( ss->dbc, sqlfields, &nsqlfields );
if( stat != 0 ) {
ss->doingsqlresult = 0;
if( stat > 20 ) return( err( stat, "error on sql row", "" ));
delim = ss->doingsqlresult;
if( delim == 's' ) continue; /* silent */
/* stream output.. do delimitation processing */
for( i = 0, j = 0; i < nsqlfields; i++ ) {
if( delim == 'h' ) { strcpy( &line[j], "" ); j+=4; }
if( stricmp( sqlfields[i], TDH_dbnull )==0 && ss->nullrep ) {
if( ss->nullrep == 2 ) { strcpy( &line[j], DBNULL ); j+=4; }
else if( ss->nullrep == 3 ) { strcpy( &line[j], " " ); j+= 6; }
else { strcpy( &line[j], sqlfields[i] ); j+= strlen( sqlfields[i] ); }
if( delim == 'h' ) { strcpy( &line[j], " | " ); j+=5; }
else if( delim == 't' ) { strcpy( &line[j], "\t" ); j+=1; }
if( delim == 'h' ) { strcpy( &line[j], "" ); j+=5; }
strcpy( &line[j], "\n" );
return( SINTERP_MORE );
#ifndef TDH_NOREC
/* if a #sqlbuild is currently in progress, handle results.. */
if( ss->sqlbuildi > 0 ) {
stat = sqlbuild1( line, ss );
if( stat != 0 ) {
ss->sqlbuildi = 0;
return( err( stat, "error in sqlbuild", "" ));
return( SINTERP_MORE );
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* otherwise, read next line of script.. */
linebegin = ftell( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] ); /* remember loc before the read.. */
if( fgets( line, SCRIPTLINELEN-1, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] ) == NULL ) {
fclose( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = NULL;
if( ss->incnest > 0 ) {
else return( SINTERP_END );
/* or.. get next in-memory script row.. */
if( ss->nmemrows > 0 ) {
if( ss->mrow >= ss->nmemrows ) return( SINTERP_END );
sprintf( line, "%s\n", *(ss->memrows) );
/* fprintf( stderr, "%s", line ); */
/* get first token.. */
ix = 0;
strcpy( tok, GL_getok( line, &ix ) );
if( strncmp( tok, "//", 2 )==0 ) continue; /* comment */
/* remove trailing newline.. */
/* line[ strlen( line ) -1 ] = '\0'; */
len = strlen( line );
line[ len-1 ] = '\0'; len--;
if( line[ len-1 ] == 13 ) { line[ len-1 ] = '\0'; len--; } /* DOS LF */
/* for conditional expressions and assignments, convert quoted strings.
for all other lines, evaluate items. */
if( ss->evalvars ) {
if( GL_smember( tok, "#if #elseif #set #call #setifnotgiven" )) /* did include #sqlbuild */
TDH_dequote( buf, line, "SL" );
else TDH_value_subst( buf, line, data, recordid, NORMAL, 0 );
strcpy( line, buf );
/* quick return for non-op lines .. */
if( tok[0] != '#' ) {
/* check if-logic display flags .. if any are 0 then don't display */
for( i = 1; i <= ss->ifnest; i++ ) if( ! ss->disp[i] ) break;
if( i != (ss->ifnest)+1 ) continue;
/* add trailing newline unless \c */
len = strlen( line );
if( len >= 2 && line[ len-2 ] == '\\' && line[ len-1 ] == 'c' ) {
line[ len-2 ] = '\0';
return( SINTERP_MORE );
line[ len ] = '\n'; line[ len+1 ] = '\0';
return( SINTERP_MORE );
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* if-logic operators begin here. Each chunk must end with a 'continue' */
if( strcmp( tok, "#if" )==0 ) {
if( (ss->ifnest)+1 >= IFNESTMAX ) return( err( 1220, "#if nest level exceeded", "" ) );
/* if parent disp flag is 0 don't evaluate condex.. */
if( ss->ifnest > 1 && ss->disp[ (ss->ifnest)-1 ] == 0 ) stat = 0;
else stat = TDH_condex( &line[ix], 1 );
ss->condmet[ ss->ifnest ] = ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = stat;
else if( strcmp( tok, "#endif" )==0 ) {
ss->condmet[ ss->ifnest ] = 0;
ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = 1;
if( ss->ifnest > 0 ) (ss->ifnest)--;
else return( err( 1264, "extra #endif", "" ) );
else if( strcmp( tok, "#elseif" )== 0 ) {
/* if parent disp flag is 0 don't evaluate condex.. */
if( ss->ifnest > 1 && ss->disp[ (ss->ifnest)-1 ] == 0 ) ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = 0;
else if( !ss->condmet[ ss->ifnest ] ) {
stat = TDH_condex( &line[ix], 1 );
ss->condmet[ ss->ifnest ] = ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = stat;
else ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = 0;
else if( strcmp( tok, "#else" )==0 ) {
/* if parent disp flag is 0 don't evaluate condex.. */
sscanf( &line[ix], "%s", tok );
if( strcmp( tok, "if" )==0 ) err( 1219, "#else if: invalid syntax. Use #elseif", "" );
if( ss->ifnest > 1 && ss->disp[ (ss->ifnest)-1 ] == 0 ) ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = 0;
else if( !ss->condmet[ ss->ifnest ] ) ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = 1;
else ss->disp[ ss->ifnest ] = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* check if-logic display flags .. if any are 0 then continue.. */
for( i = 1; i <= ss->ifnest; i++ ) if( ! ss->disp[i] ) break;
if( i != (ss->ifnest)+1 ) continue;
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* standard operators other than if-logic ones begin here.
* Each chunk must end with a 'continue' */
if( strcmp( tok, "#+" )==0 || strcmp( tok, "#print" )==0 ) { /* #print is used by ploticus getdata filters (only?) */
strcpy( line, &line[ix+1] );
goto PUT;
if( strcmp( tok, "#set" )==0 || strcmp( tok, "#setifnotgiven" )==0 ) {
strcpy( varname, GL_getok( line, &ix ) );
if( strlen( tok ) > 4 ) { /* setifnotgiven */
stat = TDH_getvar( varname, str );
if( stat != 0 || str[0] == '\0' ) ;
else continue;
/* if( stat == 0 ) continue; */
GL_getok( line, &ix ); /* skip '=' */
while( line[ix] == ' ' ) ix++; /* skip over white space.. */
if( line[ix] == '@' ) { /* variable(s) (as supplied or from "string").. take everything to eol */
TDH_valuesubst_settings( "omitws", 1 );
TDH_value_subst( buf, &line[ix], data, recordid, NORMAL, 0 );
TDH_valuesubst_settings( "omitws", 0 );
stat = TDH_setvalue( varname, buf, data, recordid );
if( stat != 0 ) return( stat );
else if( line[ix] == '$' ) { /* a standalone function.. */
strcpy( buf, &line[ix] );
stat = TDH_function_call( buf, &typ, 1 );
if( stat != 0 ) err( 1201, "function error", buf );
if( buf[ strlen(buf)-1 ] == ' ' ) buf[ strlen(buf)-1 ] = '\0'; /* forced alpha */
stat = TDH_setvalue( varname, buf, data, recordid );
if( stat != 0 ) return( stat );
else { /* value, e.g. numeric (single token) */
strcpy( tok, "" );
sscanf( line, "%*s %*s %*s %s", tok );
stat = TDH_setvalue( varname, tok, data, recordid );
if( stat != 0 ) return( stat );
if( strcmp( tok, "#call" )==0 ) {
while( line[ix] == ' ' ) ix++; /* skip over white space.. */
strcpy( buf, &line[ix] );
stat = TDH_function_call( buf, &typ, 1 );
if( stat != 0 ) err( 1201, "function error", buf );
if( buf[ strlen(buf)-1 ] == ' ' ) buf[ strlen(buf)-1 ] = '\0'; /* forced alpha */
if( strcmp( tok, "#exit" )==0 ) {
strcpy( tok, "" );
sscanf( line, "%*s %s", tok );
stat = atoi( tok );
/* close all open script files.. */
for( i = 0; i < ss->incnest; i++ ) {
fclose( ss->sfp[ i ] );
ss->sfp[ i ] = NULL;
ss->ifnest = 0;
ss->loopnest = 0;
if( stat >= 0 && stat <= 255 ) return( atoi( tok ) ); /* should be 0 - 255 */
else return( 0 );
if( strcmp( tok, "#declare" )==0 ) continue; /* do nothing */
/* in-memory scripts don't support any other ops.. */
if( ss->nmemrows > 0 ) {
err( 1270, "directive not supported in mem mode", tok );
if( strcmp( tok, "#include" )==0 ) {
char incfile[ MAXPATH ];
sscanf( line, "%*s %s", incfile );
if( incfile[0] == '$' ) {
strcpy( tok, incfile );
sprintf( incfile, "%s%c%s", specialincludedir, PATH_SLASH, &tok[1] );
if( (ss->incnest)-1 < INCNESTMAX ) {
/* first try scriptdir.. */
sprintf( buf, "%s%c%s", TDH_scriptdir, PATH_SLASH, incfile );
ss->incifnest[ ss->incnest ] = ss->ifnest;
ss->incloopnest[ ss->incnest ] = ss->loopnest;
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = fopen( buf, "r" );
if( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] == NULL ) {
/* then try name as is.. */
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = fopen( incfile, "r" );
if( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] == NULL ) {
return( err( 1221, "cannot open #include file", incfile ) );
return( err( 1222, "#include nest level exceeded", "" ) );
if( strcmp( tok, "#for" )==0 ) { /* for var in list */
strcpy( list, "" );
sscanf( line, "%*s %s %s %s", varname, conj, list );
if( (ss->loopnest)+1 >= LOOPNESTMAX ) {
return( err( 1223, "loop nest level exceeded", "" ) ); /* loop nest level exceeded */
if( conj[0] == 'a' ) { /* "across" */
#ifndef PLOTICUS
stat = customforvect( str, list, 1 ); /* up to the application */
if( stat == 1 ) strcpy( list, "" ); /* no results */
else if( stat > 1 ) return( stat );
return( err( 12230, "for .. across not supported", "" ));
if( list[0] == '\0' ) { /* empty list.. skip directly to matching #endloop.. */
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = skiptoendloop( line, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
/* prepare to execute the loop body.. */
ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] = linebegin;
ss->forcount[ ss->loopnest ] = 1;
ss->loopifnest[ ss->loopnest ] = ss->ifnest;
if( conj[0] != 'a' ) {
ss->forlistpos[ ss->loopnest ] = 0;
sprintf( delimstr, "%c", ss->listdelim );
GL_getseg( str, list, &(ss->forlistpos[ss->loopnest]), delimstr );
stat = TDH_setvar( varname, str );
if( stat != 0 ) return( stat );
if( strcmp( tok, "#while" )==0 ) {
if( (ss->loopnest)+1 >= LOOPNESTMAX ) return( err( 1224, "loop nest level exceeded", "" ) );
stat = TDH_condex( &line[ix], 1 );
if( stat == 0 ) { /* condition is false on first try.. skip to #endloop.. */
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = skiptoendloop( line, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] = linebegin;
ss->forcount[ ss->loopnest ] = -1;
ss->loopifnest[ ss->loopnest ] = ss->ifnest;
if( strcmp( tok, "#loop" )==0 ) { /* basic loop */
if( (ss->loopnest)+1 >= LOOPNESTMAX ) return( err( 1224, "loop nest level exceeded", "" ) );
ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] = linebegin;
ss->forcount[ ss->loopnest ] = 0;
ss->loopifnest[ ss->loopnest ] = ss->ifnest;
if( strcmp( tok, "#endloop" )== 0 ) {
if( ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] < 0 ) return( err( 1262, "#endloop: no loop begin", "" ) );
/* resume = ftell( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] ); */
/* seek to #loop (or whatever) statement and read line.. */
fseek( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ], ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ], SEEK_SET );
fgets( line, SCRIPTLINELEN-1, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
if( ss->forcount[ ss->loopnest ] == 0 ) continue; /* #loop */
else if( ss->forcount[ ss->loopnest ] == -1 ) { /* #while */ /* added 4/26/01 */
TDH_value_subst( buf, line, data, recordid, FOR_CONDEX, 0 );
ix = 0;
GL_getok( buf, &ix ); /* skip #while.. */
stat = TDH_condex( &buf[ix], 1 );
if( stat == 0 ) {
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = skiptoendloop( line, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] = -1;
/* #for */
TDH_value_subst( buf, line, data, recordid, NORMAL, 0 ); /* added 4/20/01 */
sscanf( buf, "%*s %s %s %s", varname, conj, list );
ss->forcount[ ss->loopnest ] ++;
if( conj[0] == 'a' ) {
#ifndef PLOTICUS
stat = customforvect( str, list, ss->forcount[ ss->loopnest ] );
else {
sprintf( delimstr, "%c", ss->listdelim );
stat = GL_getseg( str, list, &(ss->forlistpos[ss->loopnest]), delimstr );
if( stat != 0 ) {
/* #for loop is finished */
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = skiptoendloop( line, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] = -1;
else {
stat = TDH_setvar( varname, str );
if( stat != 0 ) return( stat );
if( strcmp( tok, "#break" )==0 ) {
if( ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] < 0 ) return( err( 1260, "#break not within loop", "" ) );
/* seek to top of latest loop.. */
fseek( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ], ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ], SEEK_SET );
/* read the loop top line.. */
fgets( line, SCRIPTLINELEN-1, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
/* skip to matching #endloop.. */
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = skiptoendloop( line, ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
ss->ifnest = ss->loopifnest[ ss->loopnest ]; /* restore */
ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] = -1;
if( strcmp( tok, "#continue" )==0 ) {
if( ss->forloc[ ss->loopnest ] < 0 ) return( err( 1261, "#continue not within loop", "" ) );
ss->ifnest = ss->loopifnest[ ss->loopnest ]; /* restore */
if( strcmp( tok, "#return" )==0 ) {
fclose( ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] );
ss->sfp[ ss->incnest ] = NULL;
ss->ifnest = ss->incifnest[ ss->incnest ]; /* restore */
ss->loopnest = ss->incloopnest[ ss->incnest ]; /* restore */
if( ss->incnest > 0 ) {
else return( 0 ); /* if at top level, same as #exit 0 */
if( strcmp( tok, "#musthave" )==0 ) {
stat = 0;
for( i = 0, len = strlen( line ); i < len; i++ ) if( line[i] == ',' ) line[i] = ' ';
while( 1 ) {
strcpy( varname, GL_getok( line, &ix ) );
if( varname[0] == '\0' ) break;
stat += TDH_getvar( varname, buf );
if( stat != 0 ) return( 1226 ); /* required variable not set - caller can check 'line' var */
#ifndef TDH_NOREC
if( strcmp( tok, "#sqlbuild" )==0 ) { /* #sqlbuild insert|update table quote|noquote exceptionfield1 .. N */
sqlbuild0( buf, ss );
if( strcmp( tok, "#sqlblankrow" )==0 ) {
char table[MAXPATH], *fnames[MAXITEMS];
/* FILE *dbfp; */
int nitems;
strcpy( table, GL_getok( buf, &ix ) ); /* 1st arg is tablename */
TDH_altfmap( 1 );
stat = TDH_sqltabdef( table, fnames, &nitems ); /* caution - fnames points to info with limited lifespan */
TDH_altfmap( 0 );
if( stat != 0 ) return( err( stat, "sqlblankrow: no such table", table ));
for( i = 0; i < nitems; i++ ) {
stat = TDH_getvar( fnames[i], tok );
if( stat == 0 ) continue;
stat = TDH_setvar( fnames[i], "" );
if( strcmp( tok, "#write" )==0 ) { /* #write outfile [outmode] ... #endwrite */
/* note: calling app must actually fprintf to writefp */
char outfile[ MAXPATH ], outmode[20];
int nt;
strcpy( outmode, "w" );
nt = sscanf( buf, "%*s %s %s", outfile, outmode );
if( nt < 1 ) return( err( 1290, "#write: no file specified", "" ) ); /* no file specified */
if( stricmp( outfile, "stdout" )==0 ) ss->writefp = stdout;
else if( stricmp( outfile, "stderr" )==0 ) ss->writefp = stderr;
else ss->writefp = fopen( outfile, outmode );
if( ss->writefp == NULL ) return( err( 1205, "#write: cannot open file", outfile ) );
if( strcmp( tok, "#endwrite" )==0 ) {
strcpy( tok, "" );
sscanf( buf, "%*s %s", tok );
if( ss->writefp != NULL ) {
if( stricmp( tok, "noclose" )!= 0 && ss->writefp != stdout && ss->writefp != stderr )
{ fclose( ss->writefp ); }
ss->writefp = NULL;
if( strcmp( tok, "#cat" )==0 ) {
FILE *cfp;
int c;
while( 1 ) {
strcpy( tok, GL_getok( buf, &ix ));
if( tok[0] == '\0' ) break;
cfp = fopen( tok, "r" );
if( cfp == NULL ) continue;
while( ( c = getc( cfp ) ) != EOF ) printf( "%c", c );
fclose( cfp );
if( strcmp( tok, "#mode" )==0 || strcmp( tok, "#control" )== 0 ) {
char what[40];
sscanf( line, "%*s %s %s", what, tok );
if( strcmp( tok, "comma" )==0 ) strcpy( tok, "," );
else if( strcmp( tok, "tab" )==0 ) strcpy( tok, "\t" );
else if( strcmp( tok, "space" )==0 ) strcpy( tok, " " );
if( strncmp( what, "listsep", 7 )==0 ) {
TDH_function_listsep( tok[0] ); /* for function args that are lists */
TDH_condex_listsep( tok[0] ); /* for condex list ops e.g. in, inlike, etc. */
ss->listdelim = tok[0]; /* for lists herein */
else if( strcmp( what, "evalvars" ) == 0 ) {
if( tok[0] == 'n' ) ss->evalvars = 0;
else ss->evalvars = 1;
#if TDH_DB != 0
else if( strcmp( what, "nullrep" ) == 0 ) {
if( strcmp( tok, "noconvert" )==0 ) ss->nullrep = 0;
else if( strcmp( tok, "blank" )==0 ) ss->nullrep = 1;
else if( strcmp( tok, "null" )==0 ) ss->nullrep = 2;
else if( strcmp( tok, "nbsp" )==0 ) ss->nullrep = 3;
TDH_sqlrow_nullrep( ss->nullrep ); /* make it available to $functions */
else if( strcmp( what, "errormode" )==0 ) TDH_errmode( tok );
else if( strcmp( what, "shellmetachars" )==0 ) strcpy( TDH_shellmetachars, tok );
else if( GL_smember( what, "allowinlinecodes suppressdll shieldquotedvars dot_in_varnames" )) {
if( tok[0] == 'y' ) TDH_valuesubst_settings( what, 1 );
else TDH_valuesubst_settings( what, 0 );
/* other operators - add trailing newline and return - caller must implement */
len = strlen( line );
line[ len ] = '\n'; line[ len+1 ] = '\0';
return( SINTERP_MORE );
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* SINTERP_OPEN - open a script file and prepare to interpret it.
* filename may be "-" indicating stdin.
* Example: sinterp_open( "myscript", &ss );
* script may be taken from memory. To do this, pass filename as "",
* and, before calling TDH_sinterp_open(), set ss.nmemrows and ss.memrows.
TDH_sinterp_open( filename, ss )
char *filename;
struct sinterpstate *ss;
int i;
char buf[512]; /* was 256 .. scg 3/16/06 */
ss->incnest = 0;
if( filename[0] != '\0' ) {
/* first try scriptdir.. */
sprintf( buf, "%s%c%s", TDH_scriptdir, PATH_SLASH, filename );
ss->sfp[ 0 ] = fopen( buf, "r" );
if( ss->sfp[ 0 ] == NULL ) {
/* then try the file name as is.. */
ss->sfp[ 0 ] = fopen( filename, "r" );
if( ss->sfp[ 0 ] == NULL ) {
return( 1 );
ss->nmemrows = 0;
else ss->mrow = 0;
/* initialize.. */
for( i = 0; i < IFNESTMAX; i++ ) ss->condmet[ i ] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < IFNESTMAX; i++ ) ss->disp[ i ] = 1;
ss->ifnest = 0;
ss->loopnest = 0;
TDH_valuesubst_settings( "hideund", 0 );
ss->listdelim = ',';
ss->nitems = 0;
ss->evalvars = 1;
ss->doingshellresult = 0;
ss->doingsqlresult = 0;
ss->sqlbuildi = 0;
ss->writefp = NULL;
ss->forloc[0] = -1;
ss->nullrep = 1;
return( 0 );
/* ============================== */
TDH_sinterp_openmem( memrows, nmemrows, ss )
char **memrows;
int nmemrows;
struct sinterpstate *ss;
int stat;
ss->memrows = memrows;
ss->nmemrows = nmemrows;
stat = TDH_sinterp_open( "", ss );
return( stat );
/* ============================== */
static FILE *
skiptoendloop( buf, fp )
char *buf;
FILE *fp;
int nestcount;
char tok[ DATAMAXLEN+1];
nestcount = 1;
while( fgets( buf, SCRIPTLINELEN-1, fp ) != NULL ) {
tok[0] = '\0'; /* scg 5/1/03 */
sscanf( buf, "%s", tok );
if( GL_smember( tok, "#for #while #loop" )) nestcount++;
if( GL_smember( tok, "#endloop" )) nestcount--;
if( nestcount == 0 ) break;
return( fp );
/* =============================== */
/* SETSPECIALINCDIR - set special include directory */
TDH_setspecialincdir( dir )
char *dir;
specialincludedir = dir;
return( 0 );
/* ======================================================= *
* Copyright 1998-2005 Stephen C. Grubb *
* http://ploticus.sourceforge.net *
* Covered by GPL; see the file ./Copyright for details. *
* ======================================================= */