/* PostSRSd - Sender Rewriting Scheme daemon for Postfix * Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Timo Röhling * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This program uses the libsrs2 library. The relevant source * files have been added to this distribution. */ #include "srs2.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_WAIT_H # include #endif #include static char *self = NULL; static size_t bind_service(const char *listen_addr, const char *service, int family, int *socks, size_t max_socks) { struct addrinfo *addr, *it; struct addrinfo hints; int err, sock, flags; size_t count = 0; static const int one = 1; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = family; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; err = getaddrinfo(listen_addr, service, &hints, &addr); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bind_service(%s): %s\n", self, service, gai_strerror(err)); return count; } sock = -1; for (it = addr; it; it = it->ai_next) { if (max_socks == 0) break; sock = socket(it->ai_family, it->ai_socktype, it->ai_protocol); if (sock < 0) goto fail; if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one)) < 0) goto fail; if (bind(sock, it->ai_addr, it->ai_addrlen) < 0) goto fail; if (listen(sock, 10) < 0) goto fail; flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags < 0) goto fail; if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) goto fail; *socks++ = sock; ++count; --max_socks; continue; fail: err = errno; if (sock >= 0) close(sock); } freeaddrinfo(addr); if (count == 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: bind_service(%s): %s\n", self, service, strerror(err)); return count; } static int is_hexdigit(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'); } static char hex2num(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10; return 0; } static char num2hex(char c) { if (c < 10) return '0' + c; return 'a' + c - 10; } static char hex2char(const char *s) { return 16 * hex2num(s[0]) + hex2num(s[1]); } static void char2hex(char c, char *buf) { buf[0] = num2hex((c >> 4) & 0xf); buf[1] = num2hex((c)&0xf); } static char *url_decode(char *buf, size_t len, const char *input) { char *output = buf; if (!input || !output || len == 0) return NULL; while (*input && --len) { if (*input == '%') { if (is_hexdigit(input[1]) && is_hexdigit(input[2])) { *output++ = hex2char(++input); input += 2; } else { return 0; } } else { *output++ = *input++; } } *output = 0; return buf; } static char *url_encode(char *buf, size_t len, const char *input) { char *output = buf; if (!input || !output || len == 0) return NULL; while (*input && --len) { if (!isascii(*input) || !isgraph(*input) || *input == '%') { if (len <= 2) break; *output++ = '%'; char2hex(*input++, output); output += 2; len -= 2; } else { *output++ = *input++; } } *output = 0; return buf; } static void handle_forward(srs_t *srs, FILE *fp, const char *address, const char *domain, const char **excludes) { int result; size_t addrlen; char value[1024]; char outputbuf[1024], *output; addrlen = strlen(address); for (; *excludes; excludes++) { size_t len; len = strlen(*excludes); if (len >= addrlen) continue; if (strcasecmp(*excludes, &address[addrlen - len]) == 0 && (**excludes == '.' || address[addrlen - len - 1] == '@')) { syslog(LOG_MAIL | LOG_INFO, "srs_forward: <%s> not rewritten: Domain excluded by policy", address); fputs("500 Domain excluded py policy\n", fp); fflush(fp); return; } } if (srs_reverse(srs, value, sizeof(value), address) == SRS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(fp, "500 Already rewritten\n"); fflush(fp); syslog(LOG_MAIL | LOG_NOTICE, "srs_forward: <%s> not rewritten: Valid SRS address for <%s>", address, value); return; } result = srs_forward(srs, value, sizeof(value), address, domain); if (result == SRS_SUCCESS) { output = url_encode(outputbuf, sizeof(outputbuf), value); fprintf(fp, "200 %s\n", output); if (strcmp(address, value) != 0) syslog(LOG_MAIL | LOG_INFO, "srs_forward: <%s> rewritten as <%s>", address, value); } else { fprintf(fp, "500 %s\n", srs_strerror(result)); if (result != SRS_ENOTREWRITTEN) syslog(LOG_MAIL | LOG_INFO, "srs_forward: <%s> not rewritten: %s", address, srs_strerror(result)); } fflush(fp); } static void handle_reverse(srs_t *srs, FILE *fp, const char *address, const char *domain __attribute__((unused)), const char **excludes __attribute__((unused))) { int result; char value[1024]; char outputbuf[1024], *output; result = srs_reverse(srs, value, sizeof(value), address); if (result == SRS_SUCCESS) { output = url_encode(outputbuf, sizeof(outputbuf), value); fprintf(fp, "200 %s\n", output); syslog(LOG_MAIL | LOG_INFO, "srs_reverse: <%s> rewritten as <%s>", address, value); } else { fprintf(fp, "500 %s\n", srs_strerror(result)); if (result != SRS_ENOTREWRITTEN && result != SRS_ENOTSRSADDRESS) syslog(LOG_MAIL | LOG_INFO, "srs_reverse: <%s> not rewritten: %s", address, srs_strerror(result)); } fflush(fp); } static void show_help() { fprintf( stdout, "Sender Rewriting Scheme implementation for Postfix.\n\n" "Implements two TCP lookup tables to rewrite mail addresses\n" "as needed. The forward SRS is for sender envelope addresses\n" "to prevent SPF-related bounces. The reverse SRS is for\n" "recipient envelope addresses so that bounced mails can be\n" "routed back to their original sender.\n" "\n" "Usage: %s -s -d [other options]\n" "Options:\n" " -s read secrets from file (required)\n" " -d set domain name for rewrite (required)\n" " -a set first separator character which can be one of: " "-=+ (default: =)\n" " -n length of hash to be used in rewritten addresses " "(default: 4)\n" " -N minimum length of hash to accept for validation " "(default: 4)\n" " -l set socket listen address (default:\n" " -f set port for the forward SRS lookup (default: " "10001)\n" " -r set port for the reverse SRS lookup (default: " "10002)\n" " -p write process ID to pidfile (default: none)\n" " -c chroot to (default: none)\n" " -u switch user id after port bind (default: none)\n" " -t timeout for idle client connections (default: " "1800)\n" " -X exclude additional domain from address rewriting\n" " -A always rewrite addresses\n" " -e attempt to read above parameters from environment\n" " -D fork into background\n" " -4 force IPv4 socket (default: any)\n" " -6 force IPv6 socket (default: any)\n" " -h show this help\n" " -v show version\n" "\n", self); } typedef void (*handle_t)(srs_t *, FILE *, const char *, const char *, const char **); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt, timeout = 1800, family = AF_UNSPEC, hashlength = 0, hashmin = 0; int daemonize = FALSE, always_rewrite = FALSE; char *listen_addr = NULL, *forward_service = NULL, *reverse_service = NULL, *user = NULL, *domain = NULL, *chroot_dir = NULL; char separator = '='; char *secret_file = NULL, *pid_file = NULL; FILE *pf = NULL, *sf = NULL; struct passwd *pwd = NULL; char secretbuf[1024], *secret = NULL; char *tmp; time_t now; srs_t *srs; const char **excludes; size_t s1 = 0, s2 = 1; struct pollfd fds[4]; size_t socket_count = 0, sc; int sockets[4] = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; handle_t handler[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int fd, maxfd; excludes = (const char **)calloc(1, sizeof(char *)); tmp = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (tmp) self = strdup(tmp + 1); else self = strdup(argv[0]); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "46d:a:l:f:r:s:n:N:u:t:p:c:X::ADhev")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case '?': return EXIT_FAILURE; case '4': family = AF_INET; break; case '6': family = AF_INET6; break; case 'd': domain = strdup(optarg); break; case 'a': separator = *optarg; break; case 'l': listen_addr = strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': forward_service = strdup(optarg); break; case 'r': reverse_service = strdup(optarg); break; case 't': timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': secret_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'n': hashlength = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': hashmin = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': pid_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'u': user = strdup(optarg); break; case 'c': chroot_dir = strdup(optarg); break; case 'D': daemonize = TRUE; break; case 'A': always_rewrite = TRUE; break; case 'h': show_help(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'X': if (optarg != NULL) { tmp = strtok(optarg, ",; \t\r\n"); while (tmp) { if (s1 + 1 >= s2) { s2 *= 2; excludes = (const char **)realloc( excludes, s2 * sizeof(char *)); if (excludes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Out of memory\n\n", self); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } excludes[s1++] = strdup(tmp); tmp = strtok(NULL, ",; \t\r\n"); } excludes[s1] = NULL; } break; case 'e': if (getenv("SRS_DOMAIN") != NULL) domain = strdup(getenv("SRS_DOMAIN")); if (getenv("SRS_SEPARATOR") != NULL) separator = *getenv("SRS_SEPARATOR"); if (getenv("SRS_HASHLENGTH") != NULL) hashlength = atoi(getenv("SRS_HASHLENGTH")); if (getenv("SRS_HASHMIN") != NULL) hashmin = atoi(getenv("SRS_HASHMIN")); if (getenv("SRS_FORWARD_PORT") != NULL) forward_service = strdup(getenv("SRS_FORWARD_PORT")); if (getenv("SRS_REVERSE_PORT") != NULL) reverse_service = strdup(getenv("SRS_REVERSE_PORT")); if (getenv("SRS_TIMEOUT") != NULL) timeout = atoi(getenv("SRS_TIMEOUT")); if (getenv("SRS_SECRET") != NULL) secret_file = strdup(getenv("SRS_SECRET")); if (getenv("SRS_PID_FILE") != NULL) pid_file = strdup(getenv("SRS_PID_FILE")); if (getenv("RUN_AS") != NULL) user = strdup(getenv("RUN_AS")); if (getenv("CHROOT") != NULL) chroot_dir = strdup(getenv("CHROOT")); if (getenv("SRS_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS") != NULL) { tmp = strtok(getenv("SRS_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS"), ",; \t\r\n"); while (tmp) { if (s1 + 1 >= s2) { s2 *= 2; excludes = (const char **)realloc( excludes, s2 * sizeof(char *)); if (excludes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Out of memory\n\n", self); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } excludes[s1++] = strdup(tmp); tmp = strtok(NULL, ",; \t\r\n"); } excludes[s1] = NULL; } break; case 'v': fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", POSTSRSD_VERSION); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: extra argument on command line: %s\n", self, argv[optind]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (domain == NULL || *domain == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: You must set a home domain (-d)\n", self); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (separator != '=' && separator != '+' && separator != '-') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: SRS separator character must be one of '=+-'\n", self); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (forward_service == NULL) forward_service = strdup("10001"); if (reverse_service == NULL) reverse_service = strdup("10002"); /* Close all file descriptors (std ones will be closed later). */ maxfd = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); for (fd = 3; fd < maxfd; fd++) close(fd); /* The stuff we do first may not be possible from within chroot or without * privileges */ /* Open pid file for writing (the actual process ID is filled in later) */ if (pid_file) { pf = fopen(pid_file, "w"); if (pf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot write PID: %s\n\n", self, pid_file); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Read secret. The default installation makes this root accessible only. */ if (secret_file != NULL) { sf = fopen(secret_file, "rb"); if (sf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot open file with secret: %s\n", self, secret_file); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: You must set a secret (-s)\n", self); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Bind ports. May require privileges if the config specifies ports below * 1024 */ sc = bind_service(listen_addr, forward_service, family, &sockets[socket_count], 4 - socket_count); if (sc == 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; while (sc-- > 0) handler[socket_count++] = handle_forward; free(forward_service); sc = bind_service(listen_addr, reverse_service, family, &sockets[socket_count], 4 - socket_count); if (sc == 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; while (sc-- > 0) handler[socket_count++] = handle_reverse; free(reverse_service); /* Open syslog now (NDELAY), because it may no longer be reachable from * chroot */ openlog(self, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_MAIL); /* Force loading of timezone info (suggested by patrickdk77) */ now = time(NULL); localtime(&now); /* We also have to lookup the uid of the unprivileged user before the * chroot. */ if (user) { errno = 0; pwd = getpwnam(user); if (pwd == NULL) { if (errno != 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to lookup user: %s\n", self, strerror(errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such user: %s\n", self, user); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Now we can chroot, which again requires root privileges */ if (chroot_dir) { if (chdir(chroot_dir) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot change to chroot: %s\n", self, strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (chroot(chroot_dir) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to enable chroot: %s\n", self, strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Finally, we revert to the unprivileged user */ if (pwd) { if (setgid(pwd->pw_gid) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to switch group id: %s\n", self, strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (setuid(pwd->pw_uid) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to switch user id: %s\n", self, strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Standard double fork technique to disavow all knowledge about the * controlling terminal */ if (daemonize) { close(0); close(1); close(2); if (fork() != 0) return EXIT_SUCCESS; setsid(); if (fork() != 0) return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* Make note of our actual process ID */ if (pf) { fprintf(pf, "%d", (int)getpid()); fclose(pf); } srs = srs_new(); while ((secret = fgets(secretbuf, sizeof(secretbuf), sf))) { secret = strtok(secret, "\r\n"); if (secret) srs_add_secret(srs, secret); } fclose(sf); srs_set_alwaysrewrite(srs, always_rewrite); srs_set_separator(srs, separator); if (hashlength) srs_set_hashlength(srs, hashlength); if (hashmin) srs_set_hashmin(srs, hashmin); for (sc = 0; sc < socket_count; ++sc) { fds[sc].fd = sockets[sc]; fds[sc].events = POLLIN; } while (TRUE) { int conn; FILE *fp_read, *fp_write; char linebuf[1024], *line; char keybuf[1024], *key; if (poll(fds, socket_count, 1000) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; if (daemonize) syslog(LOG_MAIL | LOG_ERR, "Poll failure: %s", strerror(errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: Poll failure: %s\n", self, strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (sc = 0; sc < socket_count; ++sc) { if (fds[sc].revents) { conn = accept(fds[sc].fd, NULL, NULL); if (conn < 0) continue; if (fork() == 0) { int i; /* close listen sockets so that we don't stop the main * daemon process from restarting */ for (i = 0; i < socket_count; ++i) close(sockets[i]); /* create separate input/output streams */ fp_read = fdopen(conn, "r"); if (fp_read == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; fp_write = fdopen(dup(conn), "w"); if (fp_write == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; errno = 0; alarm(timeout); if (errno != 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; while ((line = fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fp_read))) { char *token; alarm(0); if (strlen(line) >= sizeof(linebuf) - 1) { fprintf(fp_write, "500 Invalid request\n"); fflush(fp_write); return EXIT_FAILURE; } token = strtok(line, " \r\n"); if (token == NULL || strcmp(token, "get") != 0) { fprintf(fp_write, "500 Invalid request\n"); fflush(fp_write); return EXIT_FAILURE; } token = strtok(NULL, "\r\n"); if (!token) { fprintf(fp_write, "500 Invalid request\n"); fflush(fp_write); return EXIT_FAILURE; } key = url_decode(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), token); if (!key) { fprintf(fp_write, "500 Invalid request\n"); fflush(fp_write); return EXIT_FAILURE; } handler[sc](srs, fp_write, key, domain, excludes); fflush(fp_write); errno = 0; alarm(timeout); if (errno != 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; } fclose(fp_write); fclose(fp_read); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } close(conn); } } waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }