#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: filetype=bash: if [ ! -x "$POSTSRSD" ] then for builddir in . build* obj* _build* do if [ -x "${builddir}/postsrsd" ] then POSTSRSD="${builddir}/postsrsd" break fi done fi if [ ! -x "$POSTSRSD" ] then cat>&2 <<- EOF cannot find postsrsd executable (looked in ., build*, obj*, _build*) please build the executable first, or set the POSTSRSD environment variable if it is in a different location. EOF exit 1 fi LANG=C.UTF-8 fillchar() { local count="$1" local char="$2" eval 'printf "'"$char"'%.0s" {1..'"$count"'}' } start_postsrsd_at() { echo 'tops3cr3t' > "$BATS_TMPDIR/postsrsd.secret" local faketime="$1" shift faketime "${faketime}" ${POSTSRSD} -D -t1 -f 10001 -r 10002 -p "$BATS_TMPDIR/postsrsd.pid" -s "$BATS_TMPDIR/postsrsd.secret" -d example.com "$@" } stop_postsrsd() { if [ -r $BATS_TMPDIR/postsrsd.pid ] && kill -0 $(< $BATS_TMPDIR/postsrsd.pid) &>/dev/null then kill -TERM $(< $BATS_TMPDIR/postsrsd.pid) fi rm -f $BATS_TMPDIR/postsrsd.pid } teardown() { stop_postsrsd } @test "SRS forward rewrite" { start_postsrsd_at "2020-01-01 00:01:00 UTC" exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ # email address that needs not be rewritten echo>&9 "get test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" = "200 test@example.com" ]] # regular email address rewrite echo>&9 "get test@otherdomain.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS0=vmyz=2W=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" ]] # invalid email address without domain part echo>&9 "get bla" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 No at sign" ]] # Test double-rewrite echo>&9 "get SRS0=XjO9=2V=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 Already rewritten" ]] # Test rewrite of an SRS0 address from somewhere else echo>&9 "get SRS0=opaque+string@otherdomain.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS1=" ]] # Test rewrite of an SRS1 aaddress echo>&9 "get SRS1=X=thirddomain.com==opaque+string@otherdomain.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS1=JIBX=thirddomain.com==opaque+string@example.com" ]] # rewrite address with URL encoding echo>&9 "get test%40otherdomain.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS0=vmyz=2W=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" ]] } @test "SRS reverse rewrite" { start_postsrsd_at "2020-01-01 00:01:00 UTC" exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ # Test regular SRS reversal echo>&9 "get SRS0=XjO9=2V=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 test@otherdomain.com" ]] # Test SRS1 address echo>&9 "get SRS1=JIBX=thirddomain.com==opaque+string@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS0=opaque+string@thirddomain.com" ]] # Test non-SRS address echo>&9 "get test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 Not an SRS address" ]] # Test valid address with timestamp 6 months in the past echo>&9 "get SRS0=te87=T7=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 Time stamp out of date" ]] # Test valid address with timestamp 6 months in the future echo>&9 "get SRS0=VcIb=7N=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 Time stamp out of date" ]] # Test address with invalid hash echo>&9 "get SRS0=FAKE=2V=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 Hash invalid" ]] # Test valid address with munged case #1 echo>&9 "get srs0=xjo9=2v=otherdomain.com=test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 test@otherdomain.com" ]] # Test valid address with munged case #2 echo>&9 "get SRS0=XJO9=2V=OTHERDOMAIN.COM=TEST@EXAMPLE.COM" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 TEST@OTHERDOMAIN.COM" ]] # Test address without hash echo>&9 "get SRS0=@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 No hash" ]] # Test address without time stamp echo>&9 "get SRS0=XjO9@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 No time" ]] # Test address without host echo>&9 "get SRS0=XjO9=2V@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 No host" ]] # Test address without local part echo>&9 "get SRS0=XjO9=2V=otherdomain.com@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 No user" ]] } @test "SRS always rewrite option" { start_postsrsd_at "2020-01-01 00:01:00 UTC" -A exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ echo>&9 "get test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS0=" ]] } @test "SRS exclude domains" { start_postsrsd_at "2020-01-01 00:01:00 UTC" -X"excluded.com .exclude-subdomains.com" exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ echo>&9 "get test@excluded.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 Domain excluded" ]] echo>&9 "get test@subdomain.of.excluded.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS0=" ]] echo>&9 "get test@exclude-subdomains.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"200 SRS0=" ]] echo>&9 "get test@subdomain.of.exclude-subdomains.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^"500 Domain excluded" ]] } @test "Malformed or invalid requests" { start_postsrsd_at "2020-01-01 00:01:00 UTC" exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ echo>&9 "get" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^500 ]] exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ echo>&9 "test@example.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^500 ]] exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ echo>&9 "get encoding%error@otherdomain.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^500 ]] exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ # Try to overflow the input buffer echo>&9 "get too_long@`fillchar 1024 a`.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^500 ]] } @test "Pipelining multiple requests" { start_postsrsd_at "2020-01-01 00:01:00 UTC" exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ # Send two requests at once and see if PostSRSd answers both echo>&9 -e "get test@domain1.com\nget test@domain2.com" read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^200 ]] read<&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^200 ]] } @test "Session timeout" { start_postsrsd_at "2020-01-01 00:01:00 UTC" exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ # Wait until PostSRSd disconnects due to inactivity sleep 2 echo >&9 "get test@example.com" ! read <&9 line # Just to be sure, check if PostSRSd survived the timeout signal exec 9<>/dev/tcp/ echo>&9 "get test@somedomain.com" read <&9 line [[ "$line" =~ ^200 ]] }