/*- * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #ifndef RSPAMD_CSS_PROPERTY_HXX #define RSPAMD_CSS_PROPERTY_HXX #include #include "css_tokeniser.hxx" #include "parse_error.hxx" #include "contrib/expected/expected.hpp" namespace rspamd::css { /* * To be extended with properties that are interesting from the email * point of view */ enum class css_property_type : std::uint16_t { PROPERTY_FONT = 0, PROPERTY_FONT_COLOR, PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE, PROPERTY_COLOR, PROPERTY_BGCOLOR, PROPERTY_BACKGROUND, PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PROPERTY_WIDTH, PROPERTY_DISPLAY, PROPERTY_VISIBILITY, PROPERTY_OPACITY, PROPERTY_NYI, }; enum class css_property_flag : std::uint16_t { FLAG_NORMAL, FLAG_IMPORTANT, FLAG_NOT_IMPORTANT }; struct alignas(int) css_property { css_property_type type; css_property_flag flag; css_property(css_property_type t, css_property_flag fl = css_property_flag::FLAG_NORMAL) : type(t), flag(fl) {} static tl::expected from_token( const css_parser_token &tok); constexpr auto to_string(void) const -> const char * { const char *ret = "nyi"; switch(type) { case css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT: ret = "font"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_COLOR: ret = "font-color"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE: ret = "font-size"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_COLOR: ret = "color"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_BGCOLOR: ret = "bgcolor"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_BACKGROUND: ret = "background"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_HEIGHT: ret = "height"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_WIDTH: ret = "width"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_DISPLAY: ret = "display"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_VISIBILITY: ret = "visibility"; break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_OPACITY: ret = "opacity"; break; default: break; } return ret; } /* Helpers to define which values are valid for which properties */ auto is_color(void) const -> bool { return type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_COLOR || type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_BACKGROUND || type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_BGCOLOR || type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_COLOR || type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT; } auto is_dimension(void) const -> bool { return type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_HEIGHT || type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_WIDTH || type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE || type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT; } auto is_normal_number(void) const -> bool { return type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_OPACITY; } auto is_display(void) const -> bool { return type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_DISPLAY; } auto is_visibility(void) const -> bool { return type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_VISIBILITY; } auto operator==(const css_property &other) const { return type == other.type; } }; } /* Make properties hashable */ namespace std { template<> class hash { public: /* Mix bits to provide slightly better distribution but being constexpr */ constexpr size_t operator() (const rspamd::css::css_property &prop) const { std::size_t key = 0xdeadbeef ^static_cast(prop.type); key = (~key) + (key << 21); key = key ^ (key >> 24); key = (key + (key << 3)) + (key << 8); key = key ^ (key >> 14); key = (key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4); key = key ^ (key >> 28); key = key + (key << 31); return key; } }; } #endif //RSPAMD_CSS_PROPERTY_HXX