/*- * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "css_rule.hxx" #include "css.hxx" #include "libserver/html/html_block.hxx" #include #define DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENTATION_IN_DLL #include "doctest/doctest.h" namespace rspamd::css { /* Class methods */ void css_rule::override_values(const css_rule &other) { int bits = 0; /* Ensure that our bitset is large enough */ static_assert(1 << std::variant_size_v < std::numeric_limits::max()); for (const auto &v : values) { bits |= static_cast(1 << v.value.index()); } for (const auto &ov : other.values) { if (isset(&bits, static_cast(1 << ov.value.index()))) { /* We need to override the existing value */ /* * The algorithm is not very efficient, * so we need to sort the values first and have a O(N) algorithm * On the other hand, values vectors are usually limited to the * number of elements about less then 10, so this O(N^2) algorithm * is probably ok here */ for (auto &v : values) { if (v.value.index() == ov.value.index()) { v = ov; } } } } /* Copy only not set values */ std::copy_if(other.values.begin(), other.values.end(), std::back_inserter(values), [&bits](const auto &elt) -> bool { return (bits & (1 << static_cast(elt.value.index()))) == 0; }); } void css_rule::merge_values(const css_rule &other) { unsigned int bits = 0; for (const auto &v : values) { bits |= 1 << v.value.index(); } /* Copy only not set values */ std::copy_if(other.values.begin(), other.values.end(), std::back_inserter(values), [&bits](const auto &elt) -> bool { return (bits & (1 << elt.value.index())) == 0; }); } auto css_declarations_block::add_rule(rule_shared_ptr rule) -> bool { auto it = rules.find(rule); auto &&remote_prop = rule->get_prop(); auto ret = true; if (rule->get_values().size() == 0) { /* Ignore rules with no values */ return false; } if (it != rules.end()) { auto &&local_rule = *it; auto &&local_prop = local_rule->get_prop(); if (local_prop.flag == css_property_flag::FLAG_IMPORTANT) { if (remote_prop.flag == css_property_flag::FLAG_IMPORTANT) { local_rule->override_values(*rule); } else { /* Override remote not important over local important */ local_rule->merge_values(*rule); } } else if (local_prop.flag == css_property_flag::FLAG_NOT_IMPORTANT) { if (remote_prop.flag == css_property_flag::FLAG_NOT_IMPORTANT) { local_rule->override_values(*rule); } else { /* Override local not important over important */ local_rule->merge_values(*rule); } } else { if (remote_prop.flag == css_property_flag::FLAG_IMPORTANT) { /* Override with remote */ local_rule->override_values(*rule); } else if (remote_prop.flag == css_property_flag::FLAG_NOT_IMPORTANT) { /* Ignore remote not important over local normal */ ret = false; } else { /* Merge both */ local_rule->merge_values(*rule); } } } else { rules.insert(std::move(rule)); } return ret; } } namespace rspamd::css { /* Static functions */ static auto allowed_property_value(const css_property &prop, const css_consumed_block &parser_block) -> std::optional { if (prop.is_color()) { if (parser_block.is_token()) { /* A single token */ const auto &tok = parser_block.get_token_or_empty(); if (tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::hash_token) { return css_value::maybe_color_from_hex(tok.get_string_or_default("")); } else if (tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::ident_token) { auto &&ret = css_value::maybe_color_from_string(tok.get_string_or_default("")); return ret; } } else if (parser_block.is_function()) { const auto &func = parser_block.get_function_or_invalid(); auto &&ret = css_value::maybe_color_from_function(func); return ret; } } if (prop.is_dimension()) { if (parser_block.is_token()) { /* A single token */ const auto &tok = parser_block.get_token_or_empty(); if (tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::number_token) { return css_value::maybe_dimension_from_number(tok); } } } if (prop.is_display()) { if (parser_block.is_token()) { /* A single token */ const auto &tok = parser_block.get_token_or_empty(); if (tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::ident_token) { return css_value::maybe_display_from_string(tok.get_string_or_default("")); } } } if (prop.is_visibility()) { if (parser_block.is_token()) { /* A single token */ const auto &tok = parser_block.get_token_or_empty(); if (tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::ident_token) { return css_value::maybe_display_from_string(tok.get_string_or_default("")); } } } if (prop.is_normal_number()) { if (parser_block.is_token()) { /* A single token */ const auto &tok = parser_block.get_token_or_empty(); if (tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::number_token) { return css_value{tok.get_normal_number_or_default(0)}; } } } return std::nullopt; } auto process_declaration_tokens(rspamd_mempool_t *pool, blocks_gen_functor &&next_block_functor) -> css_declarations_block_ptr { css_declarations_block_ptr ret; bool can_continue = true; css_property cur_property{css_property_type::PROPERTY_NYI, css_property_flag::FLAG_NORMAL}; static const css_property bad_property{css_property_type::PROPERTY_NYI, css_property_flag::FLAG_NORMAL}; std::shared_ptr cur_rule; enum { parse_property, parse_value, ignore_value, /* For unknown properties */ } state = parse_property; auto seen_not = false; ret = std::make_shared(); while (can_continue) { const auto &next_tok = next_block_functor(); switch (next_tok.tag) { case css_consumed_block::parser_tag_type::css_component: /* Component can be a property or a compound list of values */ if (state == parse_property) { cur_property = css_property::from_token(next_tok.get_token_or_empty()) .value_or(bad_property); if (cur_property.type == css_property_type::PROPERTY_NYI) { state = ignore_value; /* Ignore everything till ; */ continue; } msg_debug_css("got css property: %s", cur_property.to_string()); /* We now expect colon block */ const auto &expect_colon_block = next_block_functor(); if (expect_colon_block.tag != css_consumed_block::parser_tag_type::css_component) { state = ignore_value; /* Ignore up to the next rule */ } else { const auto &expect_colon_tok = expect_colon_block.get_token_or_empty(); if (expect_colon_tok.type != css_parser_token::token_type::colon_token) { msg_debug_css("invalid rule, no colon after property"); state = ignore_value; /* Ignore up to the next rule */ } else { state = parse_value; cur_rule = std::make_shared(cur_property); } } } else if (state == parse_value) { /* Check semicolon */ if (next_tok.is_token()) { const auto &parser_tok = next_tok.get_token_or_empty(); if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::semicolon_token && cur_rule) { ret->add_rule(std::move(cur_rule)); state = parse_property; seen_not = false; continue; } else if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::delim_token) { if (parser_tok.get_string_or_default("") == "!") { /* Probably something like !important */ seen_not = true; } } else if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::ident_token) { if (parser_tok.get_string_or_default("") == "important") { if (seen_not) { msg_debug_css("add !important flag to property %s", cur_property.to_string()); cur_property.flag = css_property_flag::FLAG_NOT_IMPORTANT; } else { msg_debug_css("add important flag to property %s", cur_property.to_string()); cur_property.flag = css_property_flag::FLAG_IMPORTANT; } seen_not = false; continue; } else { seen_not = false; } } } auto maybe_value = allowed_property_value(cur_property, next_tok); if (maybe_value) { msg_debug_css("added value %s to the property %s", maybe_value.value().debug_str().c_str(), cur_property.to_string()); cur_rule->add_value(maybe_value.value()); } } else { /* Ignore all till ; */ if (next_tok.is_token()) { const auto &parser_tok = next_tok.get_token_or_empty(); if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::semicolon_token) { state = parse_property; } } } break; case css_consumed_block::parser_tag_type::css_function: if (state == parse_value) { auto maybe_value = allowed_property_value(cur_property, next_tok); if (maybe_value && cur_rule) { msg_debug_css("added value %s to the property %s", maybe_value.value().debug_str().c_str(), cur_property.to_string()); cur_rule->add_value(maybe_value.value()); } } break; case css_consumed_block::parser_tag_type::css_eof_block: if (state == parse_value) { ret->add_rule(std::move(cur_rule)); } can_continue = false; break; default: can_continue = false; break; } } return ret; /* copy elision */ } auto css_declarations_block::merge_block(const css_declarations_block &other, merge_type how) -> void { const auto &other_rules = other.get_rules(); for (auto &rule : other_rules) { auto &&found_it = rules.find(rule); if (found_it != rules.end()) { /* Duplicate, need to merge */ switch (how) { case merge_type::merge_override: /* Override */ (*found_it)->override_values(*rule); break; case merge_type::merge_duplicate: /* Merge values */ add_rule(rule); break; case merge_type::merge_parent: /* Do not merge parent rule if more specific local one is presented */ break; } } else { /* New property, just insert */ rules.insert(rule); } } } auto css_declarations_block::compile_to_block(rspamd_mempool_t *pool) const -> rspamd::html::html_block * { auto *block = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_type(pool, rspamd::html::html_block); auto opacity = -1; const css_rule *font_rule = nullptr, *background_rule = nullptr; for (const auto &rule : rules) { auto prop = rule->get_prop().type; const auto &vals = rule->get_values(); if (vals.empty()) { continue; } switch (prop) { case css_property_type::PROPERTY_VISIBILITY: case css_property_type::PROPERTY_DISPLAY: { auto disp = vals.back().to_display().value_or(css_display_value::DISPLAY_INLINE); block->set_display(disp); break; } case css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE: { auto fs = vals.back().to_dimension(); if (fs) { block->set_font_size(fs.value().dim, fs.value().is_percent); } } case css_property_type::PROPERTY_OPACITY: { opacity = vals.back().to_number().value_or(opacity); break; } case css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_COLOR: case css_property_type::PROPERTY_COLOR: { auto color = vals.back().to_color(); if (color) { block->set_fgcolor(color.value()); } break; } case css_property_type::PROPERTY_BGCOLOR: { auto color = vals.back().to_color(); if (color) { block->set_bgcolor(color.value()); } break; } case css_property_type::PROPERTY_HEIGHT: { auto w = vals.back().to_dimension(); if (w) { block->set_width(w.value().dim, w.value().is_percent); } break; } case css_property_type::PROPERTY_WIDTH: { auto h = vals.back().to_dimension(); if (h) { block->set_width(h.value().dim, h.value().is_percent); } break; } /* Optional attributes */ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT: font_rule = rule.get(); break; case css_property_type::PROPERTY_BACKGROUND: background_rule = rule.get(); break; default: /* Do nothing for now */ break; } } /* Optional properties */ if (!(block->fg_color_mask) && font_rule) { auto &vals = font_rule->get_values(); for (const auto &val : vals) { auto maybe_color = val.to_color(); if (maybe_color) { block->set_fgcolor(maybe_color.value()); } } } if (!(block->font_mask) && font_rule) { auto &vals = font_rule->get_values(); for (const auto &val : vals) { auto maybe_dim = val.to_dimension(); if (maybe_dim) { block->set_font_size(maybe_dim.value().dim, maybe_dim.value().is_percent); } } } if (!(block->bg_color_mask) && background_rule) { auto &vals = background_rule->get_values(); for (const auto &val : vals) { auto maybe_color = val.to_color(); if (maybe_color) { block->set_bgcolor(maybe_color.value()); } } } return block; } void css_rule::add_value(const css_value &value) { values.push_back(value); } TEST_SUITE("css") { TEST_CASE("simple css rules") { const std::vector>> cases{ { "font-size:12.0pt;line-height:115%", {css_property(css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE)} }, { "font-size:12.0pt;display:none", {css_property(css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE), css_property(css_property_type::PROPERTY_DISPLAY)} } }; auto *pool = rspamd_mempool_new(rspamd_mempool_suggest_size(), "css", 0); for (const auto &c : cases) { auto res = process_declaration_tokens(pool, get_rules_parser_functor(pool, c.first)); CHECK(res.get() != nullptr); for (auto i = 0; i < c.second.size(); i ++) { CHECK(res->has_property(c.second[i])); } } } } } // namespace rspamd::css