/*- * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "css_selector.hxx" #include "css.hxx" #include "libserver/html/html.hxx" #include "fmt/core.h" #define DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENTATION_IN_DLL #include "doctest/doctest.h" namespace rspamd::css { auto process_selector_tokens(rspamd_mempool_t *pool, blocks_gen_functor &&next_token_functor) -> selectors_vec { selectors_vec ret; bool can_continue = true; enum class selector_process_state { selector_parse_start = 0, selector_expect_ident, selector_ident_consumed, selector_ignore_attribute, selector_ignore_function, selector_ignore_combination } state = selector_process_state::selector_parse_start; std::unique_ptr cur_selector; while (can_continue) { const auto &next_tok = next_token_functor(); if (next_tok.tag == css_consumed_block::parser_tag_type::css_component) { const auto &parser_tok = next_tok.get_token_or_empty(); if (state == selector_process_state::selector_parse_start) { /* * At the beginning of the parsing we can expect either * delim or an ident, everything else is discarded for now */ msg_debug_css("start consume selector"); switch (parser_tok.type) { case css_parser_token::token_type::delim_token: { auto delim_c = parser_tok.get_delim(); if (delim_c == '.') { cur_selector = std::make_unique( css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_CLASS); state = selector_process_state::selector_expect_ident; } else if (delim_c == '#') { cur_selector = std::make_unique( css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_ID); state = selector_process_state::selector_expect_ident; } else if (delim_c == '*') { cur_selector = std::make_unique( css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_ALL); state = selector_process_state::selector_ident_consumed; } break; } case css_parser_token::token_type::ident_token: { auto tag_id = html::html_tag_by_name(parser_tok.get_string_or_default("")); if (tag_id) { cur_selector = std::make_unique(tag_id.value()); } state = selector_process_state::selector_ident_consumed; break; } case css_parser_token::token_type::hash_token: cur_selector = std::make_unique( css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_ID); cur_selector->value = parser_tok.get_string_or_default(""); state = selector_process_state::selector_ident_consumed; break; default: msg_debug_css("cannot consume more of a selector, invalid parser token: %s; expected start", next_tok.token_type_str()); can_continue = false; break; } } else if (state == selector_process_state::selector_expect_ident) { /* * We got something like a selector start, so we expect * a plain ident */ if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::ident_token && cur_selector) { cur_selector->value = parser_tok.get_string_or_default(""); state = selector_process_state::selector_ident_consumed; } else { msg_debug_css("cannot consume more of a selector, invalid parser token: %s; expected ident", next_tok.token_type_str()); can_continue = false; } } else if (state == selector_process_state::selector_ident_consumed) { if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::comma_token && cur_selector) { /* Got full selector, attach it to the vector and go further */ msg_debug_css("attached selector: %s", cur_selector->debug_str().c_str()); ret.push_back(std::move(cur_selector)); state = selector_process_state::selector_parse_start; } else if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::semicolon_token) { /* TODO: implement adjustments */ state = selector_process_state::selector_ignore_function; } else if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::osqbrace_token) { /* TODO: implement attributes checks */ state = selector_process_state::selector_ignore_attribute; } else { /* TODO: implement selectors combinations */ state = selector_process_state::selector_ignore_combination; } } else { /* Ignore state; ignore all till ',' token or eof token */ if (parser_tok.type == css_parser_token::token_type::comma_token && cur_selector) { /* Got full selector, attach it to the vector and go further */ ret.push_back(std::move(cur_selector)); state = selector_process_state::selector_parse_start; } else { auto debug_str = parser_tok.get_string_or_default(""); msg_debug_css("ignore token %*s", (int)debug_str.size(), debug_str.data()); } } } else { /* End of parsing */ if (state == selector_process_state::selector_ident_consumed && cur_selector) { msg_debug_css("attached selector: %s", cur_selector->debug_str().c_str()); ret.push_back(std::move(cur_selector)); } else { msg_debug_css("not attached selector, state: %d", static_cast(state)); } can_continue = false; } } return ret; /* copy elision */ } auto css_selector::debug_str() const -> std::string { std::string ret; if (type == selector_type::SELECTOR_ID) { ret += "#"; } else if (type == selector_type::SELECTOR_CLASS) { ret += "."; } else if (type == selector_type::SELECTOR_ALL) { ret = "*"; return ret; } std::visit([&](auto arg) -> void { using T = std::decay_t; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { ret += fmt::format("tag: {}", static_cast(arg)); } else { ret += arg; } }, value); return ret; } TEST_SUITE("css") { TEST_CASE("simple css selectors") { const std::vector>> cases{ {"em", {css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_TAG}}, {"*", {css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_ALL}}, {".class", {css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_CLASS}}, {"#id", {css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_ID}}, {"em,.class,#id", {css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_TAG, css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_CLASS, css_selector::selector_type::SELECTOR_ID}}, }; auto *pool = rspamd_mempool_new(rspamd_mempool_suggest_size(), "css", 0); for (const auto &c : cases) { auto res = process_selector_tokens(pool, get_selectors_parser_functor(pool, c.first)); CHECK(c.second.size() == res.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < c.second.size(); i ++) { CHECK(res[i]->type == c.second[i]); } } rspamd_mempool_delete(pool); } } }