/*- * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef RSPAMD_HTML_BLOCK_HXX #define RSPAMD_HTML_BLOCK_HXX #pragma once #include "libserver/css/css_value.hxx" #include namespace rspamd::html { /* * Block tag definition */ struct html_block { rspamd::css::css_color fg_color; rspamd::css::css_color bg_color; std::int16_t height; std::int16_t width; rspamd::css::css_display_value display; std::int8_t font_size; unsigned fg_color_mask : 2; unsigned bg_color_mask : 2; unsigned height_mask : 2; unsigned width_mask : 2; unsigned font_mask : 2; unsigned display_mask : 2; unsigned visibility_mask : 2; constexpr static const auto unset = 0; constexpr static const auto inherited = 1; constexpr static const auto implicit = 1; constexpr static const auto set = 3; constexpr static const auto invisible_flag = 1; constexpr static const auto transparent_flag = 2; /* Helpers to set mask when setting the elements */ auto set_fgcolor(const rspamd::css::css_color &c, int how = html_block::set) -> void { fg_color = c; fg_color_mask = how; } auto set_bgcolor(const rspamd::css::css_color &c, int how = html_block::set) -> void { bg_color = c; bg_color_mask = how; } auto set_height(float h, bool is_percent = false, int how = html_block::set) -> void { h = is_percent ? (-h) : h; if (h < INT16_MIN) { /* Negative numbers encode percents... */ height = -100; } else if (h > INT16_MAX) { height = INT16_MAX; } else { height = h; } height_mask = how; } auto set_width(float w, bool is_percent = false, int how = html_block::set) -> void { w = is_percent ? (-w) : w; if (w < INT16_MIN) { width = INT16_MIN; } else if (w > INT16_MAX) { width = INT16_MAX; } else { width = w; } width_mask = how; } auto set_display(bool v, int how = html_block::set) -> void { if (v) { display = rspamd::css::css_display_value::DISPLAY_INLINE; } else { display = rspamd::css::css_display_value::DISPLAY_HIDDEN; } display_mask = how; } auto set_display(rspamd::css::css_display_value v, int how = html_block::set) -> void { display = v; display_mask = how; } auto set_font_size(float fs, bool is_percent = false, int how = html_block::set) -> void { fs = is_percent ? (-fs) : fs; if (fs < INT8_MIN) { font_size = -100; } else if (fs > INT8_MAX) { font_size = INT8_MAX; } else { font_size = fs; } font_mask = how; } /** * Propagate values from the block if they are not defined by the current block * @param other * @return */ auto propagate_block(const html_block &other) -> void { auto simple_prop = [](auto mask_val, auto other_mask, auto &our_val, auto other_val) constexpr -> int { if (other_mask && other_mask > mask_val) { our_val = other_val; mask_val = html_block::inherited; } return mask_val; }; fg_color_mask = simple_prop(fg_color_mask, other.fg_color_mask, fg_color, other.fg_color); bg_color_mask = simple_prop(bg_color_mask, other.bg_color_mask, bg_color, other.bg_color); display_mask = simple_prop(display_mask, other.display_mask, display, other.display); /* Sizes are very different * We can have multiple cases: * 1) Our size is > 0 and we can use it as is * 2) Parent size is > 0 and our size is undefined, so propagate parent * 3) Parent size is < 0 and our size is undefined - propagate parent * 4) Parent size is > 0 and our size is < 0 - multiply parent by abs(ours) * 5) Parent size is undefined and our size is < 0 - tricky stuff, assume some defaults */ auto size_prop = [](auto mask_val, auto other_mask, auto &our_val, auto other_val, auto default_val) constexpr -> int { if (mask_val) { /* We have our value */ if (our_val < 0) { if (other_mask > 0) { if (other_val >= 0) { our_val = other_val * (-our_val / 100.0); } else { our_val *= (-other_val / 100.0); } } else { /* Parent value is not defined and our value is relative */ our_val = default_val * (-our_val / 100.0); } } else if (other_mask && other_mask > mask_val) { our_val = other_val; mask_val = html_block::inherited; } } else { /* We propagate parent if defined */ if (other_mask && other_mask > mask_val) { our_val = other_val; mask_val = html_block::inherited; } /* Otherwise do nothing */ } return mask_val; }; height_mask = size_prop(height_mask, other.height_mask, height, other.height, 800); width_mask = size_prop(width_mask, other.width_mask, width, other.width, 1024); font_mask = size_prop(font_mask, other.font_mask, font_size, other.font_size, 1024); } /* * Set block overriding all inherited values */ auto set_block(const html_block &other) -> void { constexpr auto set_value = [](auto mask_val, auto other_mask, auto &our_val, auto other_val) constexpr -> int { if (other_mask && mask_val != html_block::set) { our_val = other_val; mask_val = other_mask; } return mask_val; }; fg_color_mask = set_value(fg_color_mask, other.fg_color_mask, fg_color, other.fg_color); bg_color_mask = set_value(bg_color_mask, other.bg_color_mask, bg_color, other.bg_color); display_mask = set_value(display_mask, other.display_mask, display, other.display); height_mask = set_value(height_mask, other.height_mask, height, other.height); width_mask = set_value(width_mask, other.width_mask, width, other.width); font_mask = set_value(font_mask, other.font_mask, font_size, other.font_size); } auto compute_visibility(void) -> void { if (display_mask) { if (display == css::css_display_value::DISPLAY_HIDDEN) { visibility_mask = html_block::invisible_flag; return; } } if (font_mask) { if (font_size == 0) { visibility_mask = html_block::invisible_flag; return; } } auto is_similar_colors = [](const rspamd::css::css_color &fg, const rspamd::css::css_color &bg) -> bool { constexpr const auto min_visible_diff = 0.1f; auto diff_r = ((float)fg.r - bg.r); auto diff_g = ((float)fg.g - bg.g); auto diff_b = ((float)fg.b - bg.b); auto ravg = ((float)fg.r + bg.r) / 2.0f; /* Square diffs */ diff_r *= diff_r; diff_g *= diff_g; diff_b *= diff_b; auto diff = std::sqrt(2.0f * diff_r + 4.0f * diff_g + 3.0f * diff_b + (ravg * (diff_r - diff_b) / 256.0f)) / 256.0f; return diff < min_visible_diff; }; /* Check if we have both bg/fg colors */ if (fg_color_mask && bg_color_mask) { if (fg_color.alpha < 10) { /* Too transparent */ visibility_mask = html_block::transparent_flag; return; } if (bg_color.alpha > 10) { if (is_similar_colors(fg_color, bg_color)) { visibility_mask = html_block::transparent_flag; return; } } } else if (fg_color_mask) { /* Merely fg color */ if (fg_color.alpha < 10) { /* Too transparent */ visibility_mask = html_block::transparent_flag; return; } /* Implicit fg color */ if (is_similar_colors(fg_color, rspamd::css::css_color::white())) { visibility_mask = html_block::transparent_flag; return; } } else if (bg_color_mask) { if (bg_color.alpha > 10) { if (is_similar_colors(rspamd::css::css_color::black(), bg_color)) { visibility_mask = html_block::transparent_flag; return; } } } visibility_mask = html_block::unset; } constexpr auto is_visible(void) const -> bool { return visibility_mask == html_block::unset; } constexpr auto is_transparent(void) const -> bool { return visibility_mask == html_block::transparent_flag; } constexpr auto has_display(int how = html_block::set) const -> bool { return display_mask >= how; } /** * Returns a default html block for root HTML element * @return */ static auto default_html_block(void) -> html_block { return html_block{.fg_color = rspamd::css::css_color::black(), .bg_color = rspamd::css::css_color::white(), .height = 0, .width = 0, .display = rspamd::css::css_display_value::DISPLAY_INLINE, .font_size = 12, .fg_color_mask = html_block::inherited, .bg_color_mask = html_block::inherited, .height_mask = html_block::unset, .width_mask = html_block::unset, .font_mask = html_block::unset, .display_mask = html_block::inherited, .visibility_mask = html_block::unset}; } /** * Produces html block with no defined values allocated from the pool * @param pool * @return */ static auto undefined_html_block_pool(rspamd_mempool_t *pool) -> html_block* { auto *bl = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_type(pool, html_block); return bl; } }; } #endif //RSPAMD_HTML_BLOCK_HXX