/*- * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * CDB read only statistics backend */ #include "config.h" #include "stat_internal.h" #include "contrib/cdb/cdb.h" #include #include #include #include #include "contrib/expected/expected.hpp" #include "contrib/robin-hood/robin_hood.h" #include "fmt/core.h" namespace rspamd::stat::cdb { /* * Utility class to share cdb instances over statfiles instances, as each * cdb has tokens for both ham and spam classes */ class cdb_shared_storage { public: using cdb_element_t = std::shared_ptr; cdb_shared_storage() noexcept = default; auto get_cdb(const char *path) const -> std::optional { auto found = elts.find(path); if (found != elts.end()) { if (!found->second.expired()) { return found->second.lock(); } } return std::nullopt; } /* Create a new smart pointer over POD cdb structure */ static auto new_cdb() -> cdb_element_t { auto ret = cdb_element_t(new struct cdb, cdb_deleter()); memset(ret.get(), 0, sizeof(struct cdb)); return ret; } /* Enclose cdb into storage */ auto push_cdb(const char *path, cdb_element_t cdbp) -> cdb_element_t { auto found = elts.find(path); if (found != elts.end()) { if (found->second.expired()) { /* OK, move in lieu of the expired weak pointer */ found->second = cdbp; return cdbp; } else { /* * Existing and not expired, return the existing one */ return found->second.lock(); } } else { /* Not existing, make a weak ptr and return the original */ elts.emplace(path,std::weak_ptr(cdbp)); return cdbp; } } private: /* * We store weak pointers here to allow owning cdb statfiles to free * expensive cdb before this cache is terminated (e.g. on dynamic cdb reload) */ robin_hood::unordered_flat_map> elts; struct cdb_deleter { void operator()(struct cdb *c) const { cdb_free(c); } }; }; static cdb_shared_storage cdb_shared_storage; class ro_backend final { public: explicit ro_backend(struct rspamd_statfile *_st, cdb_shared_storage::cdb_element_t _db) : st(_st), db(_db) {} ro_backend() = delete; ro_backend(const ro_backend &) = delete; ro_backend(ro_backend &&other) noexcept { *this = std::move(other); } ro_backend& operator=(ro_backend &&other) noexcept { std::swap(st, other.st); std::swap(db, other.db); std::swap(loaded, other.loaded); std::swap(learns_spam, other.learns_spam); std::swap(learns_ham, other.learns_ham); return *this; } ~ro_backend() {} auto load_cdb() -> tl::expected; auto process_token(const rspamd_token_t *tok) const -> std::optional; constexpr auto is_spam() const -> bool { return st->stcf->is_spam; } auto get_learns() const -> std::uint64_t { if (is_spam()) { return learns_spam; } else { return learns_ham; } } auto get_total_learns() const -> std::uint64_t { return learns_spam + learns_ham; } private: struct rspamd_statfile *st; cdb_shared_storage::cdb_element_t db; bool loaded = false; std::uint64_t learns_spam = 0; std::uint64_t learns_ham = 0; }; template static inline auto cdb_get_key_as_int64(struct cdb *cdb, T key) -> std::optional { auto pos = cdb_find(cdb, (void *)&key, sizeof(key)); if (pos > 0) { auto vpos = cdb_datapos(cdb); auto vlen = cdb_datalen(cdb); if (vlen == sizeof(std::int64_t)) { std::int64_t ret; cdb_read(cdb, (void *)&ret, vlen, vpos); return ret; } } return std::nullopt; } template static inline auto cdb_get_key_as_float_pair(struct cdb *cdb, T key) -> std::optional> { auto pos = cdb_find(cdb, (void *)&key, sizeof(key)); if (pos > 0) { auto vpos = cdb_datapos(cdb); auto vlen = cdb_datalen(cdb); if (vlen == sizeof(float) * 2) { union { struct { float v1; float v2; } d; char c[sizeof(float) * 2]; } u; cdb_read(cdb, (void *)u.c, vlen, vpos); return std::make_pair(u.d.v1, u.d.v2); } } return std::nullopt; } auto ro_backend::load_cdb() -> tl::expected { if (!db) { return tl::make_unexpected("no database loaded"); } /* Now get number of learns */ std::int64_t cdb_key; static const char learn_spam_key[9] = "_lrnspam", learn_ham_key[9] = "_lrnham_"; auto check_key = [&](const char *key, std::uint64_t &target) -> tl::expected { memcpy((void *)&cdb_key, key, sizeof(cdb_key)); auto maybe_value = cdb_get_key_as_int64(db.get(), cdb_key); if (!maybe_value) { return tl::make_unexpected(fmt::format("missing {} key", key)); } target = (std::uint64_t)maybe_value.value(); return true; }; auto res = check_key(learn_spam_key, learns_spam); if (!res) { return res; } res = check_key(learn_ham_key, learns_ham); if (!res) { return res; } loaded = true; return true; // expected } auto ro_backend::process_token(const rspamd_token_t *tok) const -> std::optional { if (!loaded) { return std::nullopt; } auto maybe_value = cdb_get_key_as_float_pair(db.get(), tok->data); if (maybe_value) { auto [spam_count, ham_count] = maybe_value.value(); if (is_spam()) { return spam_count; } else { return ham_count; } } return std::nullopt; } auto open_cdb(struct rspamd_statfile *st) -> tl::expected { const char *path = nullptr; const auto *stf = st->stcf; auto get_filename = [](const ucl_object_t *obj) -> const char * { const auto *filename = ucl_object_lookup_any(obj, "filename", "path", "cdb", nullptr); if (filename && ucl_object_type(filename) == UCL_STRING) { return ucl_object_tostring(filename); } return nullptr; }; /* First search in backend configuration */ const auto *obj = ucl_object_lookup (st->classifier->cfg->opts, "backend"); if (obj != NULL && ucl_object_type (obj) == UCL_OBJECT) { path = get_filename(obj); } /* Now try statfiles config */ if (!path && stf->opts) { path = get_filename(stf->opts); } /* Now try classifier config */ if (!path && st->classifier->cfg->opts) { path = get_filename(st->classifier->cfg->opts); } if (!path) { return tl::make_unexpected("missing/malformed filename attribute"); } auto cached_cdb_maybe = cdb_shared_storage.get_cdb(path); cdb_shared_storage::cdb_element_t cdbp; if (!cached_cdb_maybe) { auto fd = rspamd_file_xopen(path, O_RDONLY, 0, true); if (fd == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(fmt::format("cannot open {}: {}", path, strerror(errno))); } cdbp = cdb_shared_storage::new_cdb(); if (cdb_init(cdbp.get(), fd) == -1) { close(fd); return tl::make_unexpected(fmt::format("cannot init cdb in {}: {}", path, strerror(errno))); } cdbp = cdb_shared_storage.push_cdb(path, cdbp); close(fd); } else { cdbp = cached_cdb_maybe.value(); } if (!cdbp) { return tl::make_unexpected(fmt::format("cannot init cdb in {}: internal error", path)); } ro_backend bk{st, cdbp}; auto res = bk.load_cdb(); if (!res) { return tl::make_unexpected(res.error()); } return bk; } } #define CDB_FROM_RAW(p) (reinterpret_cast(p)) /* C exports */ gpointer rspamd_cdb_init(struct rspamd_stat_ctx* ctx, struct rspamd_config* cfg, struct rspamd_statfile* st) { auto maybe_backend = rspamd::stat::cdb::open_cdb(st); if (maybe_backend) { /* Move into a new pointer */ auto *result = new rspamd::stat::cdb::ro_backend(std::move(maybe_backend.value())); return result; } else { msg_err_config("cannot load cdb backend: %s", maybe_backend.error().c_str()); } return nullptr; } gpointer rspamd_cdb_runtime(struct rspamd_task* task, struct rspamd_statfile_config* stcf, gboolean learn, gpointer ctx) { /* In CDB we don't have any dynamic stuff */ return ctx; } gboolean rspamd_cdb_process_tokens(struct rspamd_task* task, GPtrArray* tokens, gint id, gpointer ctx) { auto *cdbp = CDB_FROM_RAW(ctx); bool seen_values = false; for (auto i = 0u; i < tokens->len; i++) { rspamd_token_t *tok; tok = reinterpret_cast(g_ptr_array_index(tokens, i)); auto res = cdbp->process_token(tok); if (res) { tok->values[id] = res.value(); seen_values = true; } else { tok->values[id] = 0; } } if (seen_values) { if (cdbp->is_spam()) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_HAS_SPAM_TOKENS; } else { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_HAS_HAM_TOKENS; } } return true; } gboolean rspamd_cdb_finalize_process(struct rspamd_task* task, gpointer runtime, gpointer ctx) { return true; } gboolean rspamd_cdb_learn_tokens(struct rspamd_task* task, GPtrArray* tokens, gint id, gpointer ctx) { return false; } gboolean rspamd_cdb_finalize_learn(struct rspamd_task* task, gpointer runtime, gpointer ctx, GError** err) { return false; } gulong rspamd_cdb_total_learns(struct rspamd_task* task, gpointer runtime, gpointer ctx) { auto *cdbp = CDB_FROM_RAW(ctx); return cdbp->get_total_learns(); } gulong rspamd_cdb_inc_learns(struct rspamd_task* task, gpointer runtime, gpointer ctx) { return (gulong)-1; } gulong rspamd_cdb_dec_learns(struct rspamd_task* task, gpointer runtime, gpointer ctx) { return (gulong)-1; } gulong rspamd_cdb_learns(struct rspamd_task* task, gpointer runtime, gpointer ctx) { auto *cdbp = CDB_FROM_RAW(ctx); return cdbp->get_learns(); } ucl_object_t* rspamd_cdb_get_stat(gpointer runtime, gpointer ctx) { return nullptr; } gpointer rspamd_cdb_load_tokenizer_config(gpointer runtime, gsize* len) { return nullptr; } void rspamd_cdb_close(gpointer ctx) { auto *cdbp = CDB_FROM_RAW(ctx); delete cdbp; }