/* Unix SMB/Netbios implementation. SPOOLSS Daemon Copyright (C) Simo Sorce 2010-2011 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "includes.h" #include "locking/share_mode_lock.h" #include "smbd/smbd.h" #include "messages.h" #include "include/printing.h" #include "printing/nt_printing_migrate_internal.h" #include "printing/queue_process.h" #include "printing/pcap.h" #include "printing/load.h" #include "printing/spoolssd.h" #include "ntdomain.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winreg_scompat.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_spoolss_scompat.h" #include "rpc_server/rpc_server.h" #include "rpc_server/rpc_service_setup.h" #include "rpc_server/rpc_ep_register.h" #include "rpc_server/rpc_config.h" #include "rpc_server/spoolss/srv_spoolss_nt.h" #include "librpc/rpc/dcerpc_ep.h" #include "librpc/rpc/dcesrv_core.h" #include "lib/server_prefork.h" #include "lib/server_prefork_util.h" #include "lib/global_contexts.h" #undef DBGC_CLASS #define DBGC_CLASS DBGC_RPC_SRV #define DAEMON_NAME "spoolssd" static struct server_id parent_id; static struct prefork_pool *spoolss_pool = NULL; static int spoolss_child_id = 0; static const struct pf_daemon_config default_pf_spoolss_cfg = { .prefork_status = PFH_INIT, .min_children = 5, .max_children = 25, .spawn_rate = 5, .max_allowed_clients = 100, .child_min_life = 60 /* 1 minute minimum life time */ }; static struct pf_daemon_config pf_spoolss_cfg = { 0 }; static void spoolss_reopen_logs(int child_id) { const struct loadparm_substitution *lp_sub = loadparm_s3_global_substitution(); char *lfile = lp_logfile(talloc_tos(), lp_sub); char *ext; int rc; if (child_id) { rc = asprintf(&ext, "%s.%d", DAEMON_NAME, child_id); } else { rc = asprintf(&ext, "%s", DAEMON_NAME); } if (rc == -1) { return; } rc = 0; if (lfile == NULL || lfile[0] == '\0') { rc = asprintf(&lfile, "%s/log.%s", get_dyn_LOGFILEBASE(), ext); } else { if (strstr(lfile, ext) == NULL) { if (child_id) { rc = asprintf(&lfile, "%s.%d", lp_logfile(talloc_tos(), lp_sub), child_id); } else { rc = asprintf(&lfile, "%s.%s", lp_logfile(talloc_tos(), lp_sub), ext); } } } if (rc > 0) { lp_set_logfile(lfile); SAFE_FREE(lfile); } SAFE_FREE(ext); reopen_logs(); } static void update_conf(struct tevent_context *ev, struct messaging_context *msg) { change_to_root_user(); lp_load_global(get_dyn_CONFIGFILE()); load_printers(); spoolss_reopen_logs(spoolss_child_id); if (spoolss_child_id == 0) { pfh_daemon_config(DAEMON_NAME, &pf_spoolss_cfg, &default_pf_spoolss_cfg); pfh_manage_pool(ev, msg, &pf_spoolss_cfg, spoolss_pool); } } static void smb_conf_updated(struct messaging_context *msg, void *private_data, uint32_t msg_type, struct server_id server_id, DATA_BLOB *data) { struct tevent_context *ev_ctx = talloc_get_type_abort(private_data, struct tevent_context); DEBUG(10, ("Got message saying smb.conf was updated. Reloading.\n")); update_conf(ev_ctx, msg); } static void spoolss_sig_term_handler(struct tevent_context *ev, struct tevent_signal *se, int signum, int count, void *siginfo, void *private_data) { exit_server_cleanly("termination signal"); } static void spoolss_setup_sig_term_handler(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx) { struct tevent_signal *se; se = tevent_add_signal(ev_ctx, ev_ctx, SIGTERM, 0, spoolss_sig_term_handler, NULL); if (!se) { exit_server("failed to setup SIGTERM handler"); } } static void spoolss_sig_hup_handler(struct tevent_context *ev, struct tevent_signal *se, int signum, int count, void *siginfo, void *pvt) { struct messaging_context *msg_ctx; msg_ctx = talloc_get_type_abort(pvt, struct messaging_context); DEBUG(1,("Reloading printers after SIGHUP\n")); update_conf(ev, msg_ctx); /* relay to all children */ if (spoolss_pool) { prefork_send_signal_to_all(spoolss_pool, SIGHUP); } } static void spoolss_setup_sig_hup_handler(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx) { struct tevent_signal *se; se = tevent_add_signal(ev_ctx, ev_ctx, SIGHUP, 0, spoolss_sig_hup_handler, msg_ctx); if (!se) { exit_server("failed to setup SIGHUP handler"); } } /* Children */ static void spoolss_chld_sig_hup_handler(struct tevent_context *ev, struct tevent_signal *se, int signum, int count, void *siginfo, void *pvt) { change_to_root_user(); DEBUG(1,("Reloading printers after SIGHUP\n")); load_printers(); spoolss_reopen_logs(spoolss_child_id); } static bool spoolss_setup_chld_hup_handler(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, struct pf_worker_data *pf) { struct tevent_signal *se; se = tevent_add_signal(ev_ctx, ev_ctx, SIGHUP, 0, spoolss_chld_sig_hup_handler, msg_ctx); if (!se) { DEBUG(1, ("failed to setup SIGHUP handler")); return false; } return true; } static void parent_ping(struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, void *private_data, uint32_t msg_type, struct server_id server_id, DATA_BLOB *data) { /* The fact we received this message is enough to let make the event * loop if it was idle. spoolss_children_main will cycle through * spoolss_next_client at least once. That function will take whatever * action is necessary */ DEBUG(10, ("Got message that the parent changed status.\n")); return; } static bool spoolss_child_init(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, int child_id, struct pf_worker_data *pf) { NTSTATUS status; struct messaging_context *msg_ctx = global_messaging_context(); bool ok; status = reinit_after_fork(msg_ctx, ev_ctx, true, "spoolssd-child"); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("reinit_after_fork() failed\n")); smb_panic("reinit_after_fork() failed"); } spoolss_child_id = child_id; spoolss_reopen_logs(child_id); ok = spoolss_setup_chld_hup_handler(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, pf); if (!ok) { return false; } if (!locking_init()) { return false; } messaging_register(msg_ctx, ev_ctx, MSG_SMB_CONF_UPDATED, smb_conf_updated); messaging_register(msg_ctx, ev_ctx, MSG_PREFORK_PARENT_EVENT, parent_ping); /* As soon as messaging is up check if pcap has been loaded already. * If so then we probably missed a message and should load_printers() * ourselves. If pcap has not been loaded yet, then ignore, we will get * a message as soon as the bq process completes the reload. */ load_printers(); return true; } struct spoolss_children_data { struct tevent_context *ev_ctx; struct messaging_context *msg_ctx; struct dcesrv_context *dce_ctx; struct pf_worker_data *pf; int listen_fd_size; struct pf_listen_fd *listen_fds; }; static void spoolss_next_client(void *pvt); static int spoolss_children_main(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, struct pf_worker_data *pf, int child_id, int listen_fd_size, struct pf_listen_fd *listen_fds, void *private_data) { struct spoolss_children_data *data; bool ok; int ret = 0; struct dcesrv_context *dce_ctx = NULL; dce_ctx = talloc_get_type_abort(private_data, struct dcesrv_context); ok = spoolss_child_init(ev_ctx, child_id, pf); if (!ok) { return 1; } data = talloc(ev_ctx, struct spoolss_children_data); if (!data) { return 1; } data->pf = pf; data->ev_ctx = ev_ctx; data->msg_ctx = msg_ctx; data->dce_ctx = dce_ctx; data->listen_fd_size = listen_fd_size; data->listen_fds = listen_fds; /* loop until it is time to exit */ while (pf->status != PF_WORKER_EXITING) { /* try to see if it is time to schedule the next client */ spoolss_next_client(data); ret = tevent_loop_once(ev_ctx); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0, ("tevent_loop_once() exited with %d: %s\n", ret, strerror(errno))); pf->status = PF_WORKER_EXITING; } } return ret; } static void spoolss_client_terminated(struct dcesrv_connection *conn, void *pvt) { struct spoolss_children_data *data; data = talloc_get_type_abort(pvt, struct spoolss_children_data); pfh_client_terminated(data->pf); spoolss_next_client(pvt); } struct spoolss_new_client { struct spoolss_children_data *data; }; static void spoolss_handle_client(struct tevent_req *req); static void spoolss_next_client(void *pvt) { struct tevent_req *req; struct spoolss_children_data *data; struct spoolss_new_client *next; data = talloc_get_type_abort(pvt, struct spoolss_children_data); if (!pfh_child_allowed_to_accept(data->pf)) { /* nothing to do for now we are already listening * or we are not allowed to listen further */ return; } next = talloc_zero(data, struct spoolss_new_client); if (!next) { DEBUG(1, ("Out of memory!?\n")); return; } next->data = data; req = prefork_listen_send(next, data->ev_ctx, data->pf, data->listen_fd_size, data->listen_fds); if (!req) { DEBUG(1, ("Failed to make listening request!?\n")); talloc_free(next); return; } tevent_req_set_callback(req, spoolss_handle_client, next); } static void spoolss_handle_client(struct tevent_req *req) { struct spoolss_children_data *data; struct spoolss_new_client *client; const DATA_BLOB ping = data_blob_null; int ret; int sd; struct tsocket_address *srv_addr = NULL; struct tsocket_address *cli_addr = NULL; void *listen_fd_data = NULL; struct dcesrv_endpoint *ep = NULL; client = tevent_req_callback_data(req, struct spoolss_new_client); data = client->data; ret = prefork_listen_recv(req, data, &sd, &listen_fd_data, &srv_addr, &cli_addr); /* this will free the request too */ talloc_free(client); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(6, ("No client connection was available after all!\n")); return; } ep = talloc_get_type_abort(listen_fd_data, struct dcesrv_endpoint); /* Warn parent that our status changed */ messaging_send(data->msg_ctx, parent_id, MSG_PREFORK_CHILD_EVENT, &ping); DEBUG(2, ("Spoolss preforked child %d got client connection!\n", (int)(data->pf->pid))); dcerpc_ncacn_accept(data->ev_ctx, data->msg_ctx, data->dce_ctx, ep, &cli_addr, &srv_addr, sd, spoolss_client_terminated, data); } /* ==== Main Process Functions ==== */ extern pid_t background_lpq_updater_pid; static char *bq_logfile; static void check_updater_child(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx) { int status; pid_t pid; if (background_lpq_updater_pid == -1) { return; } pid = waitpid(background_lpq_updater_pid, &status, WNOHANG); if (pid > 0) { DEBUG(2, ("The background queue child died... Restarting!\n")); pid = start_background_queue(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, bq_logfile); background_lpq_updater_pid = pid; } } static void child_ping(struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, void *private_data, uint32_t msg_type, struct server_id server_id, DATA_BLOB *data) { struct tevent_context *ev_ctx; ev_ctx = talloc_get_type_abort(private_data, struct tevent_context); DEBUG(10, ("Got message that a child changed status.\n")); pfh_manage_pool(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, &pf_spoolss_cfg, spoolss_pool); } static bool spoolssd_schedule_check(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, struct timeval current_time); static void spoolssd_check_children(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct tevent_timer *te, struct timeval current_time, void *pvt); static void spoolssd_sigchld_handler(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct prefork_pool *pfp, void *pvt) { struct messaging_context *msg_ctx; msg_ctx = talloc_get_type_abort(pvt, struct messaging_context); /* run pool management so we can fork/retire or increase * the allowed connections per child based on load */ pfh_manage_pool(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, &pf_spoolss_cfg, spoolss_pool); /* also check if the updater child is alive and well */ check_updater_child(ev_ctx, msg_ctx); } static bool spoolssd_setup_children_monitor(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx) { bool ok; /* add our oun sigchld callback */ prefork_set_sigchld_callback(spoolss_pool, spoolssd_sigchld_handler, msg_ctx); ok = spoolssd_schedule_check(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, tevent_timeval_current()); return ok; } static bool spoolssd_schedule_check(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, struct timeval current_time) { struct tevent_timer *te; struct timeval next_event; /* check situation again in 10 seconds */ next_event = tevent_timeval_current_ofs(10, 0); /* TODO: check when the socket becomes readable, so that children * are checked only when there is some activity ? */ te = tevent_add_timer(ev_ctx, spoolss_pool, next_event, spoolssd_check_children, msg_ctx); if (!te) { DEBUG(2, ("Failed to set up children monitoring!\n")); return false; } return true; } static void spoolssd_check_children(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct tevent_timer *te, struct timeval current_time, void *pvt) { struct messaging_context *msg_ctx; msg_ctx = talloc_get_type_abort(pvt, struct messaging_context); pfh_manage_pool(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, &pf_spoolss_cfg, spoolss_pool); spoolssd_schedule_check(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, current_time); } static void print_queue_forward(struct messaging_context *msg, void *private_data, uint32_t msg_type, struct server_id server_id, DATA_BLOB *data) { messaging_send_buf(msg, pid_to_procid(background_lpq_updater_pid), MSG_PRINTER_UPDATE, data->data, data->length); } static char *get_bq_logfile(void) { const struct loadparm_substitution *lp_sub = loadparm_s3_global_substitution(); char *lfile = lp_logfile(talloc_tos(), lp_sub); int rc; if (lfile == NULL || lfile[0] == '\0') { rc = asprintf(&lfile, "%s/log.%s.bq", get_dyn_LOGFILEBASE(), DAEMON_NAME); } else { rc = asprintf(&lfile, "%s.bq", lp_logfile(talloc_tos(), lp_sub)); } if (rc == -1) { lfile = NULL; } return lfile; } static NTSTATUS spoolssd_create_sockets(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, struct dcesrv_context *dce_ctx, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct pf_listen_fd **plisten_fds, size_t *pnum_listen_fds) { NTSTATUS status; int rc; enum rpc_service_mode_e epm_mode = rpc_epmapper_mode(); size_t i, num_fds; struct pf_listen_fd *fds = NULL; struct dcesrv_endpoint *e = dce_ctx->endpoint_list; DBG_INFO("Initializing DCE/RPC connection endpoints\n"); status = dcesrv_create_endpoint_list_pf_listen_fds( ev_ctx, msg_ctx, dce_ctx, e, mem_ctx, &num_fds, &fds); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { return status; } for (i = 0; i < num_fds; i++) { rc = listen(fds[i].fd, pf_spoolss_cfg.max_allowed_clients); if (rc == -1) { char *ep_string = NULL; e = fds[i].fd_data; ep_string = dcerpc_binding_string(dce_ctx, e->ep_description); DBG_ERR("Failed to listen on endpoint '%s': %s\n", ep_string, strerror(errno)); status = map_nt_error_from_unix(errno); TALLOC_FREE(ep_string); goto done; } } if (epm_mode != RPC_SERVICE_MODE_DISABLED && (lp_parm_bool(-1, "rpc_server", "register_embedded_np", false))) { for (e = dce_ctx->endpoint_list; e; e = e->next) { struct dcesrv_if_list *ifl = NULL; for (ifl = e->interface_list; ifl; ifl = ifl->next) { status = rpc_ep_register(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, dce_ctx, ifl->iface); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DBG_ERR("Failed to register interface" " in endpoint mapper: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)); goto done; } } } } *plisten_fds = fds; *pnum_listen_fds = num_fds; status = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return status; } pid_t start_spoolssd(struct tevent_context *ev_ctx, struct messaging_context *msg_ctx, struct dcesrv_context *dce_ctx) { pid_t pid; NTSTATUS status; struct pf_listen_fd *listen_fds = NULL; size_t listen_fds_size = 0; int ret; bool ok; const struct dcesrv_endpoint_server *ep_server = NULL; const char *ep_servers[] = { "winreg", "spoolss", NULL }; DEBUG(1, ("Forking SPOOLSS Daemon\n")); /* * Block signals before forking child as it will have to * set its own handlers. Child will re-enable SIGHUP as * soon as the handlers are set up. */ BlockSignals(true, SIGTERM); BlockSignals(true, SIGHUP); pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to fork SPOOLSS [%s]\n", strerror(errno))); exit(1); } /* parent or error */ if (pid != 0) { /* Re-enable SIGHUP before returnig */ BlockSignals(false, SIGTERM); BlockSignals(false, SIGHUP); return pid; } status = smbd_reinit_after_fork(msg_ctx, ev_ctx, true, "spoolssd-master"); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("reinit_after_fork() failed\n")); smb_panic("reinit_after_fork() failed"); } /* save the parent process id so the children can use it later */ parent_id = messaging_server_id(msg_ctx); spoolss_reopen_logs(0); pfh_daemon_config(DAEMON_NAME, &pf_spoolss_cfg, &default_pf_spoolss_cfg); spoolss_setup_sig_term_handler(ev_ctx); spoolss_setup_sig_hup_handler(ev_ctx, msg_ctx); BlockSignals(false, SIGTERM); BlockSignals(false, SIGHUP); /* always start the backgroundqueue listner in spoolssd */ bq_logfile = get_bq_logfile(); pid = start_background_queue(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, bq_logfile); if (pid > 0) { background_lpq_updater_pid = pid; } DBG_INFO("Registering DCE/RPC endpoint servers\n"); ep_server = winreg_get_ep_server(); if (ep_server == NULL) { DBG_ERR("Failed to get 'winreg' endpoint server\n"); exit(1); } status = dcerpc_register_ep_server(ep_server); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && !NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION)) { DBG_ERR("Failed to register 'winreg' endpoint server: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)); exit(1); } ep_server = spoolss_get_ep_server(); if (ep_server == NULL) { DBG_ERR("Failed to get 'spoolss' endpoint server\n"); exit(1); } status = dcerpc_register_ep_server(ep_server); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DBG_ERR("Failed to register 'spoolss' endpoint server: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)); exit(1); } DBG_INFO("Reinitializing DCE/RPC server context\n"); status = dcesrv_reinit_context(dce_ctx); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DBG_ERR("Failed to reinit DCE/RPC context: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)); exit(1); } DBG_INFO("Initializing DCE/RPC registered endpoint servers\n"); /* Init ep servers */ status = dcesrv_init_ep_servers(dce_ctx, ep_servers); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DBG_ERR("Failed to init DCE/RPC endpoint server: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)); exit(1); } /* the listening fd must be created before the children are actually * forked out. */ status = spoolssd_create_sockets(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, dce_ctx, dce_ctx, &listen_fds, &listen_fds_size); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DBG_ERR("Failed to create sockets: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)); exit(1); } /* start children before any more initialization is done */ ok = prefork_create_pool(ev_ctx, /* mem_ctx */ ev_ctx, msg_ctx, listen_fds_size, listen_fds, pf_spoolss_cfg.min_children, pf_spoolss_cfg.max_children, &spoolss_children_main, dce_ctx, &spoolss_pool); TALLOC_FREE(listen_fds); if (!ok) { exit(1); } if (!locking_init()) { exit(1); } messaging_register(msg_ctx, ev_ctx, MSG_SMB_CONF_UPDATED, smb_conf_updated); messaging_register(msg_ctx, NULL, MSG_PRINTER_UPDATE, print_queue_forward); messaging_register(msg_ctx, ev_ctx, MSG_PREFORK_CHILD_EVENT, child_ping); /* * As soon as messaging is up check if pcap has been loaded already. * If pcap has not been loaded yet, then ignore, as we will reload on * client enumeration anyway. */ load_printers(); ok = spoolssd_setup_children_monitor(ev_ctx, msg_ctx); if (!ok) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to setup children monitoring!\n")); exit(1); } DEBUG(1, ("SPOOLSS Daemon Started (%u)\n", (unsigned int)getpid())); pfh_manage_pool(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, &pf_spoolss_cfg, spoolss_pool); /* loop forever */ ret = tevent_loop_wait(ev_ctx); /* should not be reached */ DEBUG(0,("spoolssd tevent_loop_wait() exited with %d - %s\n", ret, (ret == 0) ? "out of events" : strerror(errno))); exit(1); }