/* * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2007 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* $Id$ */ #ifndef __HDB_H__ #define __HDB_H__ #include #include #include #include struct hdb_dbinfo; enum hdb_lockop{ HDB_RLOCK, HDB_WLOCK }; /* flags for various functions */ #define HDB_F_DECRYPT 1 /* decrypt keys */ #define HDB_F_REPLACE 2 /* replace entry */ #define HDB_F_GET_CLIENT 4 /* fetch client */ #define HDB_F_GET_SERVER 8 /* fetch server */ #define HDB_F_GET_KRBTGT 16 /* fetch krbtgt */ #define HDB_F_GET_ANY 28 /* fetch any of client,server,krbtgt */ #define HDB_F_CANON 32 /* want canonicalition */ #define HDB_F_ADMIN_DATA 64 /* want data that kdc don't use */ #define HDB_F_KVNO_SPECIFIED 128 /* we want a particular KVNO */ #define HDB_F_CURRENT_KVNO 256 /* we want the current KVNO */ #define HDB_F_LIVE_CLNT_KVNOS 512 /* we want all live keys for pre-auth */ #define HDB_F_LIVE_SVC_KVNOS 1024 /* we want all live keys for tix */ #define HDB_F_ALL_KVNOS 2048 /* we want all the keys, live or not */ #define HDB_F_FOR_AS_REQ 4096 /* fetch is for a AS REQ */ #define HDB_F_FOR_TGS_REQ 8192 /* fetch is for a TGS REQ */ #define HDB_F_FORCE_CANON 16384 /* force canonicalition */ /* hdb_capability_flags */ #define HDB_CAP_F_HANDLE_ENTERPRISE_PRINCIPAL 1 #define HDB_CAP_F_HANDLE_PASSWORDS 2 #define HDB_CAP_F_PASSWORD_UPDATE_KEYS 4 /* auth status values */ #define HDB_AUTHZ_SUCCESS 0 #define HDB_AUTH_WRONG_PASSWORD 1 #define HDB_AUTH_INVALID_SIGNATURE 2 #define HDB_AUTH_CORRECT_PASSWORD 3 #define HDB_AUTH_PKINIT_SUCCESS 4 #define HDB_AUTH_CLIENT_UNKNOWN 5 /* key usage for master key */ #define HDB_KU_MKEY 0x484442 typedef struct hdb_master_key_data *hdb_master_key; /** * hdb_entry_ex is a wrapper structure around the hdb_entry structure * that allows backends to keep a pointer to the backing store, ie in * ->hdb_fetch_kvno(), so that we the kadmin/kpasswd backend gets around to * ->hdb_store(), the backend doesn't need to lookup the entry again. */ typedef struct hdb_entry_ex { void *ctx; hdb_entry entry; void (*free_entry)(krb5_context, struct hdb_entry_ex *); } hdb_entry_ex; /** * HDB backend function pointer structure * * The HDB structure is what the KDC and kadmind framework uses to * query the backend database when talking about principals. */ typedef struct HDB{ void *hdb_db; void *hdb_dbc; /** don't use, only for DB3 */ char *hdb_name; int hdb_master_key_set; hdb_master_key hdb_master_key; int hdb_openp; int hdb_capability_flags; int lock_count; int lock_type; /** * Open (or create) the a Kerberos database. * * Open (or create) the a Kerberos database that was resolved with * hdb_create(). The third and fourth flag to the function are the * same as open(), thus passing O_CREAT will create the data base * if it doesn't exists. * * Then done the caller should call hdb_close(), and to release * all resources hdb_destroy(). */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_open)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, int, mode_t); /** * Close the database for transaction * * Closes the database for further transactions, wont release any * permanant resources. the database can be ->hdb_open-ed again. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_close)(krb5_context, struct HDB*); /** * Free an entry after use. */ void (*hdb_free)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, hdb_entry_ex*); /** * Fetch an entry from the backend * * Fetch an entry from the backend, flags are what type of entry * should be fetch: client, server, krbtgt. * knvo (if specified and flags HDB_F_KVNO_SPECIFIED set) is the kvno to get */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_fetch_kvno)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, krb5_const_principal, unsigned, krb5_kvno, hdb_entry_ex*); /** * Store an entry to database */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_store)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, unsigned, hdb_entry_ex*); /** * Remove an entry from the database. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_remove)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, krb5_const_principal); /** * As part of iteration, fetch one entry */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_firstkey)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, unsigned, hdb_entry_ex*); /** * As part of iteration, fetch next entry */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_nextkey)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, unsigned, hdb_entry_ex*); /** * Lock database * * A lock can only be held by one consumers. Transaction can still * happen on the database while the lock is held, so the entry is * only useful for syncroning creation of the database and renaming of the database. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_lock)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, int); /** * Unlock database */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_unlock)(krb5_context, struct HDB*); /** * Rename the data base. * * Assume that the database is not hdb_open'ed and not locked. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_rename)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, const char*); /** * Get an hdb_entry from a classical DB backend * * If the database is a classical DB (ie BDB, NDBM, GDBM, etc) * backend, this function will take a principal key (krb5_data) * and return all data related to principal in the return * krb5_data. The returned encoded entry is of type hdb_entry or * hdb_entry_alias. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb__get)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, krb5_data, krb5_data*); /** * Store an hdb_entry from a classical DB backend * * Same discussion as in @ref HDB::hdb__get */ krb5_error_code (*hdb__put)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, int, krb5_data, krb5_data); /** * Delete and hdb_entry from a classical DB backend * * Same discussion as in @ref HDB::hdb__get */ krb5_error_code (*hdb__del)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, krb5_data); /** * Destroy the handle to the database. * * Destroy the handle to the database, deallocate all memory and * related resources. Does not remove any permanent data. Its the * logical reverse of hdb_create() function that is the entry * point for the module. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_destroy)(krb5_context, struct HDB*); /** * Get the list of realms this backend handles. * This call is optional to support. The returned realms are used * for announcing the realms over bonjour. Free returned array * with krb5_free_host_realm(). */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_get_realms)(krb5_context, struct HDB *, krb5_realm **); /** * Change password. * * Will update keys for the entry when given password. The new * keys must be written into the entry and will then later be * ->hdb_store() into the database. The backend will still perform * all other operations, increasing the kvno, and update * modification timestamp. * * The backend needs to call _kadm5_set_keys() and perform password * quality checks. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_password)(krb5_context, struct HDB*, hdb_entry_ex*, const char *, int); /** * Auth feedback * * This is a feedback call that allows backends that provides * lockout functionality to register failure and/or successes. * * In case the entry is locked out, the backend should set the * hdb_entry.flags.locked-out flag. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_auth_status)(krb5_context, struct HDB *, hdb_entry_ex *, struct sockaddr *from_addr, struct timeval *start_time, const char *original_client_name, const char *auth_type, int); /** * Check if delegation is allowed. */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_check_constrained_delegation)(krb5_context, struct HDB *, hdb_entry_ex *, krb5_const_principal); /** * Check if this name is an alias for the supplied client for PKINIT userPrinicpalName logins */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_check_pkinit_ms_upn_match)(krb5_context, struct HDB *, hdb_entry_ex *, krb5_const_principal); /** * Check if s4u2self is allowed from this client to this server */ krb5_error_code (*hdb_check_s4u2self)(krb5_context, struct HDB *, hdb_entry_ex *, krb5_const_principal); }HDB; #define HDB_INTERFACE_VERSION 7 struct hdb_so_method { int version; const char *prefix; krb5_error_code (*create)(krb5_context, HDB **, const char *filename); }; typedef krb5_error_code (*hdb_foreach_func_t)(krb5_context, HDB*, hdb_entry_ex*, void*); extern krb5_kt_ops hdb_kt_ops; struct hdb_method { int interface_version; const char *prefix; krb5_error_code (*create)(krb5_context, HDB **, const char *filename); }; extern const int hdb_interface_version; #include #endif /* __HDB_H__ */