#!/usr/bin/bash shopt -s expand_aliases if [ -n "$(which gettext 2> /dev/null)" ]; then alias GETTEXT=gettext else alias GETTEXT=echo fi export TEXTDOMAIN=openscada export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale if [ -n "$(which tput)" ]; then tput init; TERM_REZ=$?; elif [ "x$TERM" = "xxterm" ]; then TERM_REZ=0; else TERM_REZ=1; fi tmpfile=`mktemp -t oscada_XXXXXX` StartOrigCfgPref=/etc StartOrigCfgFile=$StartOrigCfgPref/oscada_start.xml StartWorkDir=/usr/share/openscada WorkDir=$StartWorkDir DESKTOP_DIR= if [ -n "$(which xdg-user-dir)" ] && [ -n "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)" ]; then DESKTOP_DIR="$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)"; fi # Get the project name from first argument ProjName=`echo $1 | sed -n "/--ProjName=\(.*\)/s//\1/p"` # Get the project name from filename openscada_{ProjName} if test "x$ProjName" = "x"; then ProjName=`echo $0 | sed -n "/.*openscada_\(.*\)/s//\1/p"`; else shift; fi # Get the project name from variable "OSCADA_ProjName" if test "x$ProjName" = "x" -o "$ProjName" = "start"; then ProjName=$OSCADA_ProjName; fi # Set the project name to default "start" if test "x$ProjName" = "x" -o "$ProjName" = "start"; then if test $TERM_REZ = 0 -a -n "$(which dialog)" || test -n "$DISPLAY" -a -n "$(which kdialog || which zenity || which Xdialog)"; then prjList=("start" "<$(GETTEXT "Default")>" "" "<$(GETTEXT "New project")>") if test ! -w $WorkDir/$ProjName; then prjList=("${prjList[@]}" "<*>" "=== $(GETTEXT "User directory copy projects") ===") for fit in `ls ~/.openscada`; do if test -d ~/.openscada/$fit && test -f ~/.openscada/$fit/oscada.xml; then prjList=("${prjList[@]}" "$fit" "$fit"); fi done prjList=("${prjList[@]}" "<*>" "=== $(GETTEXT "Pre-installed projects") ===") fi # Projects list obtaine from preinstalled projects for fit in `ls $StartWorkDir`; do if test -d $StartWorkDir/$fit && test -f $StartOrigCfgPref/oscada_$fit.xml -o -f $StartWorkDir/$fit/oscada.xml; then prjList=("${prjList[@]}" "$fit" "$fit"); fi done rez= if test $TERM_REZ = 0 -a -n "$(which dialog)"; then dialog --menu "$(GETTEXT "Select project for start.")" 20 60 20 "${prjList[@]}" 2> $tmpfile; rez=`cat $tmpfile`; elif test -n "$(which kdialog)"; then rez=`kdialog --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --menu "$(GETTEXT "Select project for start.")" "${prjList[@]}"`; elif test -n "$(which zenity)"; then rez=`zenity --height=400 --width=300 --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --list --text="$(GETTEXT "Select project for start.")" --column="Tag" --column="Project" --hide-column=1 "${prjList[@]}" | cut -d"|" -f1`; elif test -n "$(which Xdialog)"; then Xdialog --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --no-tags --menubox "$(GETTEXT "Select project for start.")" 20 50 20 "${prjList[@]}" 2> $tmpfile; rez=`cat $tmpfile`; fi ProjName=$rez if test "x$ProjName" = "x" -o "x$ProjName" = "x<*>"; then ProjName=; # New project create elif test "x$ProjName" = "x"; then rez= if test $TERM_REZ = 0 -a -n "$(which dialog)"; then dialog --inputbox "$(GETTEXT "Enter new project ID. Do not use spaces!")" 10 50 2> $tmpfile; rez=`cat $tmpfile`; elif test -n "$(which kdialog)"; then rez=`kdialog --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --inputbox "$(GETTEXT "Enter new project ID. Do not use spaces!")" 'NewProject'`; elif test -n "$(which zenity)"; then rez=`zenity --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --entry --text "$(GETTEXT "Enter new project ID. Do not use spaces!")" --entry-text="NewProject"`; elif test -n "$(which Xdialog)"; then Xdialog --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --inputbox "$(GETTEXT "Enter new project ID. Do not use spaces!")" 10 50 2> $tmpfile; rez=`cat $tmpfile`; fi ProjName=$rez if test "x$ProjName" = "x"; then ProjName=; # Move and prepare start ico to desktop elif [ -n "$DESKTOP_DIR" ] && [ ! -f "$DESKTOP_DIR/openscada_$ProjName.desktop" ]; then cp /usr/share/applications/openscada.desktop "$DESKTOP_DIR/openscada_$ProjName.desktop"; sed -i "s/Exec=/Exec=env OSCADA_ProjName=$ProjName /" "$DESKTOP_DIR/openscada_$ProjName.desktop" sed -i "s/\(^\(Generic\|\)Name\(=\|\\[.*\\]=\).*\)/\1: $ProjName/" "$DESKTOP_DIR/openscada_$ProjName.desktop" fi fi else ProjName=start; fi fi rm -f $tmpfile if [ -z "$ProjName" ]; then echo "$(GETTEXT "No a project set!")"; exit 1; fi echo "$(GETTEXT "Set the project name to:") \"$ProjName\"" # Work directory check and prepare StartCfgFile=$StartOrigCfgPref/oscada_$ProjName.xml CfgFile=$StartCfgFile ## Check for work directory moving to user's home directory "~/.openscada" needs if test -w $WorkDir -a ! -d $WorkDir/$ProjName; then mkdir -p $WorkDir/$ProjName; fi if test ! -w $WorkDir/$ProjName; then WorkDir=~/.openscada if test ! -d $WorkDir/$ProjName; then mkdir -pm 700 $WorkDir/$ProjName; if test -d $StartWorkDir/$ProjName; then cp -R $StartWorkDir/$ProjName/* $WorkDir/$ProjName; fi fi CfgFile=$WorkDir/$ProjName/oscada.xml if test ! -e $CfgFile -a -f $StartCfgFile; then cp $StartCfgFile $CfgFile; fi fi if test -f $WorkDir/$ProjName/oscada.xml; then CfgFile=$WorkDir/$ProjName/oscada.xml; fi if test ! -e $CfgFile -a -f $StartOrigCfgFile; then cp $StartOrigCfgFile $CfgFile; fi ## Check for local copy need for libraries DBs directory if test -d $StartWorkDir/LibsDB -a ! -d $WorkDir/LibsDB; then cp -R $StartWorkDir/LibsDB $WorkDir; fi if test ! -d $WorkDir/$ProjName/LibsDB -a ! -L $WorkDir/$ProjName/LibsDB; then ln -s ../LibsDB $WorkDir/$ProjName/LibsDB; fi ## Check for typical archives directory creation need if test ! -d $WorkDir/$ProjName/ARCHIVES/MESS; then mkdir -pm 700 $WorkDir/$ProjName/ARCHIVES/MESS; fi if test ! -d $WorkDir/$ProjName/ARCHIVES/VAL; then mkdir -pm 700 $WorkDir/$ProjName/ARCHIVES/VAL; fi cd $WorkDir/$ProjName # Programm command and lock file pCmd="/usr/bin/openscada --CoreDumpAllow --Config=$CfgFile --StatName=$ProjName" #pLock=".openscada.lock" # Possible need using "flock" for race condition prevent # Check for already started programm present started=0 if ps -C $TEXTDOMAIN -o command | grep "^${pCmd}" > /dev/null; then started=1; fi if test -f lock; then pid=`cat lock | sed -r 's/^0*([0-9]+).*/\1/'` if ps -A -o "pid cmd" | grep "^ *$pid.*openscada" > /dev/null; then started=1; fi fi if test $started = 1; then echo "OpenSCADA station \"$ProjName\" already started!"; if test $TERM_REZ = 0 -a -n "$(which dialog)"; then dialog --msgbox "\"$ProjName\" $(GETTEXT "already started.")" 10 30; elif test -n "$(which kdialog)"; then kdialog --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --msgbox "\"$ProjName\" $(GETTEXT "already started.")"; elif test -n "$(which zenity)"; then zenity --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --info --text="\"$ProjName\" $(GETTEXT "already started.")"; elif test -n "$(which Xdialog)"; then Xdialog --title "$(GETTEXT "OpenSCADA start")" --msgbox "\"$ProjName\" $(GETTEXT "already started.")" 10 30; fi exit 1; fi # Call programm $pCmd $@ & pPid=$! # Create lock file #echo $pPid > $pLock # Wait for programm stop wait $pPid echo "Program rezult: $?" # Core dump files "core[.*]" into work directory process if [ -n "$(which gdb 2> /dev/null)" ]; then cd $WorkDir/$ProjName for fit in `ls core* 2> /dev/null`; do echo "Core dump process for back trace purchase to file ${ProjName}_${fit}_$(date +%F_%H.%M).crash" gdb /usr/bin/openscada --core ${fit} --batch --quiet -ex "thread apply all bt full" -ex "quit" > ${ProjName}_${fit}_$(date +%F_%H.%M).crash rm -f ${fit} done fi # Remove lock file #rm -f $pLock