//OpenSCADA file: tbds.h /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 by Roman Savochenko, * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef TBDS_H #define TBDS_H #define SDB_VER 14 //BDS type modules version #define SDB_ID "BD" #include #include #include #include #include "resalloc.h" #include "tsubsys.h" #include "tvariant.h" #include "tconfig.h" using std::string; using std::vector; using std::deque; namespace OSCADA { //************************************************* //* TTable * //************************************************* class TBD; class TTable : public TCntrNode { public: //Public methods TTable( const string &name ); virtual ~TTable( ); TCntrNode &operator=( const TCntrNode &node ); string name( ) { return mName.c_str(); } string fullDBName( ); time_t lstUse( ) { return mLstUse; } virtual void fieldStruct( TConfig &cfg ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"fieldStruct"); } virtual bool fieldSeek( int row, TConfig &cfg, const string &cacheKey = "" ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"fieldSeek"); } virtual void fieldGet( TConfig &cfg ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"fieldGet"); } virtual void fieldSet( TConfig &cfg ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"fieldSet"); } virtual void fieldDel( TConfig &cfg ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"fieldDel"); } TBD &owner( ) const; protected: //Protected methods void cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ); //Control interface command process TVariant objFuncCall( const string &id, vector &prms, const string &user ); //Protected attributes time_t mLstUse; private: //Private methods const char *nodeName( ) const { return mName.c_str(); } //Private attributes const string mName; bool notFullShow; int tblOff, tblSz; }; //************************************************ //* TBD * //************************************************ class TTypeBD; class TBD : public TCntrNode, public TConfig { public: //Public methods TBD( const string &iid, TElem *cf_el ); virtual ~TBD( ); TCntrNode &operator=( const TCntrNode &node ); string id( ) { return mId; } string fullDBName( ); string name( ); string dscr( ) { return cfg("DESCR").getS(); } string addr( ) const { return cfg("ADDR").getS(); } string codePage( ) { return cfg("CODEPAGE").getS(); } double trTm_ClsOnOpen( ) { return mTrTm_ClsOnOpen; } double trTm_ClsOnReq( ) { return mTrTm_ClsOnReq; } int trPr_ClsTask( ) { return mTrPr_ClsTask; } bool enableStat( ) const { return mEn; } bool toEnable( ) { return mToEn; } bool disabledByUser( ) { return mDisByUser; } void setName( const string &inm ) { cfg("NAME").setS(inm); } void setDscr( const string &idscr ) { cfg("DESCR").setS(idscr); } void setAddr( const string &iaddr ) { cfg("ADDR").setS(iaddr); } void setCodePage( const string &icp ) { cfg("CODEPAGE").setS(icp); } void setToEnable( bool ivl ) { mToEn = ivl; modif(); } virtual void enable( ); virtual void disable( ); // Opened DB tables virtual void allowList( vector &list ) const { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"allowList"); } void list( vector &list ) const { chldList(mTbl, list); } bool openStat( const string &table ) const { return chldPresent(mTbl, table); } virtual void open( const string &table, bool create ); virtual void close( const string &table, bool del = false, long tm = -1 ) { chldDel(mTbl, table, tm, del); } AutoHD at( const string &name ) const { return chldAt(mTbl, name); } // SQL request interface virtual void sqlReq( const string &req, vector< vector > *tbl = NULL, char intoTrans = EVAL_BOOL ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"sqlReq"); } virtual void transCloseCheck( ) { } TTypeBD &owner( ) const; //Public attributes ResMtx resTbls; protected: //Protected methods virtual TTable *openTable( const string &table, bool create ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"openTable"); } void postEnable( int flag ); void preDisable( int flag ); void postDisable( int flag ); bool cfgChange( TCfg &co, const TVariant &pc ); void load_( TConfig *cfg ); void save_( ); void cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ); //Control interface command process TVariant objFuncCall( const string &id, vector &prms, const string &user ); AutoHD chldAt( int8_t igr, const string &name, const string &user = "" ) const; //Protected attributes bool mEn; private: //Private methods const char *nodeName( ) const { return mId.getSd(); } static void *Task( void * ); //Private attributes // Base options TCfg &mId; //ID char &mToEn; double &mTrTm_ClsOnOpen, &mTrTm_ClsOnReq; int64_t &mTrPr_ClsTask; // Special options int mTbl; string userSQLReq; vector< vector > userSQLResTbl; char userSQLTrans; bool mDisByUser; //Disabled by user to prevent of restoring the enabling }; //************************************************ //* TTypeBD * //************************************************ class TBDS; class TTypeBD : public TModule { public: //Public methods TTypeBD( const string &id ); virtual ~TTypeBD( ); bool fullDeleteDB( ) { return fullDBDel; } // Opened DB void list( vector &list ) const { chldList(mDB, list); } bool openStat( const string &idb ) const { return chldPresent(mDB, idb); } string open( const string &id ); void close( const string &id, bool erase = false ) { chldDel(mDB, id, -1, erase); } AutoHD at( const string &id ) const { return chldAt(mDB, id); } TBDS &owner( ) const; private: //Private methods void cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ); //Control interface command process virtual TBD *openBD( const string &id ) { throw TError(nodePath().c_str(),_("Function '%s' is not supported!"),"openBD"); } //Private attributes bool fullDBDel; int mDB; }; //************************************************ //* TBDS * //************************************************ class TSYS; class TBDS : public TSubSYS, public TElem { public: //Data enum ReqGen { OnlyCfg = 0x01, //Only from cinfig request UseTranslate= 0x02 //Use translation for request }; //Public methods TBDS( ); ~TBDS( ); int subVer( ) { return SDB_VER; } static string realDBName( const string &bdn ); void dbList( vector &ls, bool checkSel = false ); int tblLifeTime( ) { return mTblLifeTime; } void setTblLifeTime( int vl ) { mTblLifeTime = vmax(10, vmin(1000,vl)); modif(); } void perSYSCall( unsigned int cnt ); // Open/close table. AutoHD open( const string &bdn, bool create = false ); void close( const string &bdn, bool del = false ); // Get Data from DB or config file. If cleaned then load from config-file bool dataSeek( const string &bdn, const string &path, int lev, TConfig &cfg, bool forceCfg = false, bool useCache = false, XMLNode *localCfgCtx = NULL ); bool dataGet( const string &bdn, const string &path, TConfig &cfg, bool forceCfg = false, bool noEx = false, XMLNode *localCfgCtx = NULL ); bool dataSet( const string &bdn, const string &path, TConfig &cfg, bool forceCfg = false, bool noEx = false, XMLNode *localCfgCtx = NULL ); bool dataDel( const string &bdn, const string &path, TConfig &cfg, bool useKeyAll = false, bool forceCfg = false, bool noEx = false ); //Next test for noEx=false // Generic DB table static string genDBGet( const string &path, const string &oval = "", const string &user = "root", char rFlg = 0 ); static void genDBSet( const string &path, const string &val, const string &user = "root", char rFlg = 0 ); string fullDBSYS( ); string fullDB( ); TElem &openDB_E( ) { return elDB; } AutoHD at( const string &iid ) const { return modAt(iid); } string optDescr( ); protected: void load_( ); void save_( ); private: //Private methods void cntrCmdProc( XMLNode *opt ); //Control interface command process //Private attributes TElem elDB; bool mSYSStPref; int mTblLifeTime; //Tables lifetime }; } #endif // TBDS_H