

1 Releases of OpenSCADA

  • 1 Work
technical support
technical support
updating 0.8.0 LTS
the releasing task

POLICY: OpenSCADA versions form in the two branches:

1+rNNNN, where "NNNN" — the SVN (SubVersion) revision number.
  • LTS (Long Term Support): formal release of the last "Work" version with support up to the next iteration: "Work" -> "LTS" (zero update number), "Work"++.
0.9.U.S, where:
"U" — regular updating (~4 months) number; at the regular updating, all fixes and improvements from the "Work" version merge to "LTS", and also those that break some API compatibility, but do not break the functionality and data compatibility; and U++;
"S" — service updating number; for any critical fixes, automatically or manually (for specific), creates a service update (S++),
At.png which allowed only for consumers subscribed to the official support — purchased an actual package of the technical support.

2 User documents

2.1 Modules of OpenSCADA

Module Name Version License Source Languages Platforms
Subsystem "DB"
DBGate DB gate 1.0 GPL2 en,uk x86,x86_64,ARM
SQLite DB SQLite 3.0 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
MySQL DB MySQL 3.5 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
PostgreSQL DB PostgreSQL 2.5 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
FireBird DB FireBird 2.5 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
DBF DB DBF 2.4 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
ODBC DB by ODBC 0.2 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
LDAP Directory by LDAP 0.6 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Subsystem "Transports"
Sockets Sockets 4.3 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Serial Serial interfaces 2.6 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
SSL SSL 3.3 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Subsystem "Transport protocols"
SelfSystem Own protocol of OpenSCADA 1.9 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
ModBus ModBus 2.8 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
OPC_UA Server OPC-UA 2.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
UserProtocol User protocol 1.4 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
HTTP HTTP-realization 3.6 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Subsystem "DAQ"
JavaLikeCalc Calculator on the Java-like language 5.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
LogicLev Logical level 2.5 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
BlockCalc Block calculator 1.11 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
DAQGate Gateway of the data sources 2.3 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
System System DA 2.3 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
ModBus ModBus 3.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
DCON DCON client 1.2 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
OPC_UA Client OPC-UA 2.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
MMS MMS(IEC-9506) 1.4 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
SNMP SNMP client 0.8 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
ICP_DAS ICP DAS hardware 1.9 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,ARM
Siemens Siemens DAQ and Beckhoff 3.6 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
DiamondBoards Diamond DAQ boards 2.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86
Comedi DAQ boards by Comedi 1.0 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
SoundCard Sound card 0.8 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
BFN BFN module 0.6 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
SMH2Gi Segnetics SMH2Gi 1.0 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
AMRDevs AMR devices 0.7 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Fastwel Fastwel IO 0.1 GPL2 en,ru x86
FT3 DAQ FT3 0.4 GPL2 en,ru x86,x86_64,ARM
GPIO GPIO 2.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Subsystem "Archives-History"
FSArch Archiver on the file system 3.6 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
DBArch Arhivator on the DB 3.0 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Subsystem "User interfaces"
VCAEngine Visual control area engine 7.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
QTStarter Qt GUI starter 5.9 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
QTCfg Program configurator (Qt) 5.4 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Vision Operation user interface (Qt) 7.13 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
WebCfgD Program configurator (Dynamic WEB) 2.0 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
WebCfg Program configurator (WEB) 1.8 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
WebVision Operation user interface (WEB) 6.2 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
WebUser User WWW-page 1.4 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
Subsystem "Specials"
FLibSYS System functions 1.7 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
SystemTests OpenSCADA and its modules' tests 1.8 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
FLibMath Math functions 0.7 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
FLibComplex1 Complex1 functions 1.2 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM
External libraries of OpenSCADA
OPC_UA Library of implementing OPC-UA into OpenSCADA 2.1 LGPL3 libOPC_UA.{h,cpp} en x86,x86_64,ARM
MMS Library of implementing MMS(IEC-9506) into OpenSCADA 1.0 LGPL3 libMMS.{h,cpp} en x86,x86_64,ARM

2.2 Libraries of OpenSCADA

Name Version License Source Languages
Libraries of the data sources, services and processing
Main library 2.0 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_base en, uk, ru
Industrial devices library 2.5 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_DevLib en, uk, ru
Low level sensors and chips library 1.4 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_LowDevLib en, uk, ru
Service procedures library 1.2 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.servProc en, uk, ru
Regulation elements library 1.0 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.regEl en, uk, ru
Library of models of the technological apparatuses 2.0 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.techApp en, uk, ru
Graphical elements' libraries of the OpenSCADA module UI.VCAEngine
Main elements library of the user interface 2.1 GPLv2 vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_Main en, uk, ru
Mnemonic elements library of the user interface 1.0 GPLv2 vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_mnEls en, uk, ru
Electrical elements library of the user interface 2.0 GPLv2 vcaElectroEls.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_ElectroEls en, uk, ru
Combined libraries
Reports' and documents' library 2.0, 2.1 GPLv2

OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.doc
vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_doc

en, uk, ru
Prescriptions 1.1, 1.1 GPLv2

OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_PrescrTempl
vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_prescr

en, uk, ru

3 Developer documents

3.1 Sub-projects of OpenSCADA nodes, components and different platforms adaptions

Name Founded Status
OpenSCADA adaption to the software platform "Android" February 2017 Implemented in these packages of the irregular building by Roman Savochenko for the branch Work and LTS:
  • OpenSCADA-{N}.apk — Android >= 5 (ABI 21, NDKr13)
  • OpenSCADA-{N}-ABI19.apk — Android 4.4 only (ABI 19, CrystaxNDKr10)
Automatic Builder of OpenSCADA May 2015

Implemented in the building (2) and syncing (1) scripts, building for up to 100 targets by: CHROOTs of the Linux repositories, VPS and different sub-environments. As the result of the Builder work is: the fresh and signed packages repositories of Linux, Live disk images and other binary archives of OpenSCADA.

Server and hosting infrastructure of the OpenSCADA project Jun 2014 Implemented and exploiting now to store and present those and many other resources of the OpenSCADA project.
Automation Linux distributive of the project OpenSCADA Mar 2012 Implemented in these repositories of the Automation Linux distributive and these Live builds are provided now for the branch Work and LTS:
OpenSCADA generic embedding and programmable logical controllers (PLC). OpenSCADA adaption to the hardware platform ARM. October 2008 Implemented in many embedded solutions and continued to be implement in new ones, is appended for:
Generic conception of the Visual Control Area (VCA) 2006 Implemented into: UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision
Archiving of the values of continuous processes of OpenSCADA 2006 Implemented in the module FSArch and DBArch.
Logical level of parameters of OpenSCADA 2006 Implemented in templates of the subsystem DAQ, the module LogicLev, Siemens, ModBus.
Programming environment of the project OpenSCADA 2006 Implemented in the module JavaLikeCalc, BlockCalc and the OpenSCADA object API of user programming.
Diploma project of developing of a programming environment of the project OpenSCADA for chemical-technological processes Dec 2005 Done. Sub-laid in the base of the sub-project "Programming environment of the project OpenSCADA".
Diploma project of developing of the visualization subsystem for the control system of technological processes OpenSCADA Dec 2005 Done
Materials of the OpenSCADA project of it implementation official starting 2003 Was used in the project implementation
Initial technical task of the OpenSCADA project, DIYA Ltd 2002 Was used in the project implementation
Documents/en - GFDLJuly 2021OpenSCADA 0.9.4